Another from Tamaran?-8

The League members left one by one but before Cyborg could go back to the Titan Tower, Kara tapped his shoulder.

"What's up Kara?"

"Well... there's one thing about this Raxdos that I didn't tell the League." She whispered after her cousin already teleported back to Earth.

"I think that he might be from Tamaran since, when he flew, his body glowed green exactly like Starfire." Her words made Cyborg widen his eyes.

"What?! If that is even a possibility... Starfire is going to go nuts over this info!" He shouted in whispers. "I need to go back and tell her, ASAP." He ran to the teleportation pad with a stupid grin on his face.

"What did you tell him to make him so happy?" Asked Martian Manhunter behind her.

"Oh nothing, just a joke." She answered with a sweat drop.

"Can you tell me the joke as well?" His words make her cough slightly.

"It's a human joke J'onn, you won't get it." She felt bad for saying that but she couldn't think of a joke so fast.

"I understand." J'onn said with a sigh and went back to the Space Station terminal to continue his work.

-The Titan Tower at 2 in the afternoon-

Beastboy was lying on couch completely bored since his best friend had to attend a meeting with the Justice League, and everyone else in the Tower was busy doing other things.

Raven was inside her room meditating, Robin in the gym training and Starfire was doing some work for uni.


Cyborg appeared out of thin air, startling Beastboy as he fell off the couch.

"You're back bro! I've already ordered some pizza so let's-" Cyborg completely ignores Beastboy and ran out of the living room.

*What is up with him?* thought the green boy who transformed into a hawk and followed his friend.

"Starfire! You're not gonna believe what news I got!" Cyborg opened the door of Starfire's room so hard that he nearly pulled it out of its hinges.

"Easy Cyborg, calm down. Did that girl you were talking about say yes to a date?" Asked Starfire with her usual warm smile.

"What?! No, no... it's more important than that!

I got news from Supergirl about this guy she encountered, who had powers similar to yours. He might be Tamaranian!"

Starfire went through a series of facial expressions; disbelief, denial and then hope.

"Wh-What? That can't be possible... are you sure? How does she know?..." Starfire continued to ask a barrage of questions.

"Calm down Star, we don't much about him. I think we got his name though, if I remember correctly it was Raxdos." Cyborg said with his hands up in in a surrender gesture.

"Raxdos?! That's a Tamaranian name! What else did Kara say?" Starfire floated and lifted Cyborg up with her in excitement.

"She only said that he glowed green just like you when he flew, I got nothing else." This extra information was the cherry on top, as Starfire let go of Cyborg and flew circles in her room.

"I have to meet him Cyborg! What if he's like me, thinking that's he's the last one from Tamaran? Please tell me that you can find him Cyborg?" Asked Starfire with puppy eyes.

"Umm... we're not really supposed to approach him until the Justice League deem him safe." Cyborg said trying not to look in her eyes.

"Come on Cyyy, I just wanna talk to him! You guys thought that I was dangerous... am I dangerous?" She asked again this time her face even more persuasive.

"I'll try Star, if I get anything I'll tell you first alright?" He eventually gave in.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She hugged Cyborg so tightly he nearly passed out.

"Phew...It's nothing, but I ain't making any promises." Cyborg said trying to re-gain his breath.

"What's going on here? Did cyborg finally get a girlfriend or something?" Raven came out of the room and saw Starfire and Cyborg extremely happy.

"No.... why did the both of you think... nevermind. It's not about me, it's actually about Star." Cyborg left with Beastboy to let Starfire explain what happened.

"Sooo... what happened Star?" Raven asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Raven, I might not be the only Tamaranian left! Well, let me tell you story from the beginning...

...and so this guy actually might be Tamaranian!" Raven tried to share her happiness by smiling but it came out quite forced so she eventually gave up.

"That's great Star, but how are you even going to approach him?" Raven asked a question that made Starfire silent immediately.

"You're right... I need a plan don't I? How about you help me make one?" Starfire didn't even got Raven to answer before she pulled her inside and closed the door.