
"Do you think he was telling the truth about figuring out our identities?" Batgirl asked Batman with 10 minutes left until the deal between Two-Face and Penguin will go down.

"Let's worry about that later, we have to concentrate on stopping this meeting right now." Batman said that but at the back of his mind Raxdos's words worried him.

An unpredictable variable appeared that knows his identity, and can always use that fact against him.

"Right... lets do that. But are you sure we don't need any backup?"

"Cassandra, Dick and Tim are busy with another mission leaving us the only ones available. I agree that we would need more people, but we don't have any manpower available." Bruce said while checking the intercom on his wrist.

"Then... why not ask for assistance from the Justice League? I mean-" Bruce gave Barbara a look that made her shut up before she could continue.

"Oh right, Gotham is your city, I forgot." She said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

"Quiet! I see Two-face going inside." Batman whispered and they proceeded by entering the casino through the air vents.

After five minutes of crawling through the vents they arrived above the room where Two-Face was talking to Penguin, from what they are hearing the deal isn't going so great.

"The guns are worth 150,000 at their maximum price, don't try bullshitting me little man." Two-Face spoke with his notorious croaked voice.

"The fuck did you just call me? At least my face doesn't look like half a ballsack!" Retaliated Penguin.


"Say that again, I dare you!" Two Face got out a revolver and aimed it at the short man's head, causing everyone present to also take out a weapon.

"That's our cue." Batman said and he kicked open the air vent, followed by a few smoke grenades.

"It's Batman!"

"Kill him!"

Penguin and Two face didn't remain inside the room however and left, leaving their henchmen to deal with the duo.

It didn't take long for Batman and Batgirl to knock out the henchmen, but for some reason the crime lords didn't leave from the door.

"It was too easy... why didn't we just do this from the beginning?" Penguin said through maniacal laughs.

"For once I agree with you." Replied Two-Face while he was lighting a cigarette.

Batman and Batgirl didn't understand what they meant until they tried kicking the door open, and it didn't budge one bit.

"That won't work Batman, unless you're name is also Superman. Let's get straight to the point however- in less than 30 seconds the room is going to fill with Scarecrow's latest gas.

Even if you have a gas mask it won't help one bit- the new formula has a touch of corrosive just from yours truly. Enjoy your last moments, Batman." Penguin explained through hysterical laughter, his words making Barbara pretty panicked.


The sound of gas entering the room came from the air vents, cutting off one of their only escapes.

Batman and Batgirl put on their gas masks but cracks soon started to appear, along with rashes slowly forming on their limbs as the gas are through their suits.

"Are you enjoying yourself Batgirl? Your face tells me everything!"

Batgirl wished that at least in the last moments of her life she wouldn't have to listen to that annoying voice, helplessly looking at Batman who was slamming his body against the door.

"I told you Batman,it's use-... who the fuck are you?"





The Penguin and Two-Face could no longer be seen through the small glass window of the door.


The solid steel door was ripped from its hinges, but it wasn't Superman or Supergirl standing in the doorway.

"You helped me in the alleyway so I help you here."

Standing in the doorway with the door above his head was none other than Raxdos, in his suit and sunglasses.

Batman and Batgirl rushed out the door not before also dragging out all the other henchmen with them and once outside Raxdos places the door back in place and takes off his glasses.

This is so he could use the heat beam in his left eye to weld the door back so the gas wouldn't escape the room.

*Heat vision?* The two thought, reminding them of another alien they knew.

"You're lucky my hearing is quite sensitive, and I could hear this ugly things voice all the way from the casino."Raxdos lifted and unconscious Penguin from the floor.

"Do keep what you've witnessed to yourselves, and I will keep your identities a secret. Please don't take it as a threat, I'm on vacation you see and I want to enjoy myself without any trouble."

He said it with a smile and handed Two-Face and Penguin over to them, the two villains looking like they both got run over by a truck.

A few minutes after he left Batman and Batgirl were in an awkward silence, still in disbelief at what happened.

"You know what, Kara was right." Barbara broke the silence.

"Right about what?" Asked Bruce.

"His eyes are actually so pretty... they look like a ruby and an emerald." She said remembering the short glimpse she got.