
Raven, Starfire and Robin have no idea what just happened, so they are currently standing frozen in the hallway confused. Beastboy and Cyborg on the other hand followed Raxdos in the living room, who didn't seem to mind at all.

"Fluffy is on?!" Beastboy and Cyborg said in unison. "Do you mind if we watch as well?" They asked with pleading expressions.

Raxdos shrugged his shoulders and when the two sat down he even offered them some of the food off the table, all of which was cooked by him.

He didn't offer them any liquor though, since the expensive 'space' alcohol is so strong he doesn't know how it will react with their bodies. Also, he himself decided not to drink if he would the only one to do so.

-1 hour later-

"He's just too funny man!"

"I know right?! Especially the joke with the cop, when him and his friend were pulled over..."

As the show finished Raxdos, Cyborg, Beastboy, Raven and Starfire were talking freely with little to no ice between them.

Robin was the only one who refused to join them and stood in the hallway the entire time, being the usual killjoy he always is.

"*Ahem*" Robin cleared cleared his throat loudly, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Looks like we forgot what we came here for so I'll be crystal clear- are you going to join the Justice League or not?" Robin asked with an impatient tone.

"You guys seem friendly and all but my answer is a no. I'm just not one to do charity- *Ahem* help people for free." Raxdos


The Titans except for Robin were feeling a bit disappointed at his reply, surprisingly even Raven. Raxdos seemed like a pretty cool guy, since all the other members of the League were either too stiff or too loose.

There was another thing that the Titans could agree on- Raxdos seemed like the type of guy to say something to your face rather than behind your back. A quality that other than maybe Batman and Wonder Woman none of the League members had.

"You guys don't seem like bad people though, so if you want to hang out or something you can give me a call." Raxdos added as he led them to the door, giving Cyborg and Beastboy his number.

"That will be quite nice, if you don't mind us!" Starfire said with a smile.

"How about we come over same time next week?" Asked Beastboy.

"Sure, why not?" Raxdos replied but before he closed the door he paused. "One last thing... Starfire right?"

"Yep that's me." She answered.

"When you guys come over again... can you tell me some things about Tamaran? Anything will do... if you don't mind that is." Raxdos asked while scratching the back of his head.

Her face lit up at his request before answering. "Of course!"

Starfire's excitement was immediately noticed by Robin of course, who gave Raxdos the stink eye more so than before.

After shaking hands with Cyborg one last time Raxdos closed the door and stood in silence.

*I guess this could count as friends... right?* He thought to himself with a hand on his chin. *I don't know what Lobo would say if he saw me right now...*

He walked to the living room in thoughts and started cleaning up the table as a momentary distraction.

The Titans didn't talk much about him since they were aware that he possesses super-hearing, so after a few hundred metres away from his house they voiced their opinions.

"I honestly don't think he fits in with a hero title, just saying." Robin commented.

"You're just jealous because of he spoke to Starfire, aren't you?" Beastboy said in a teasing voice.

"NO I'M NOT!" He instantly retorted, the other Titans laughing at his reaction.

"Robin, I thought it is already clear that we don't work out. We tried and failed." Starfire tried saying it as best as she could but didn't spare him the damage.

"Ouch dude, that-" Beastboy shouted but got smacked over the head by Cyborg and so he shut up.

The following couple of minutes were spent in silence to let the awkwardness pass.

"One thing that still bothers me though is Raven's change in attitude." Beastboy pointed out to ease the atmosphere.

"Hold up, you're right BB! Do tell us why you had a change of heart all of a sudden Raven, I mean when we left the tower you didn't seem so glad about meeting this guy." Said Cyborg.

Raven raised an eyebrow at her friends' outburst before she answered. "I kind of... 'accidentally' read his thoughts while you guys were speaking to him. I just wanted to see if he had any bad intentions towards us or the Justice League.

What I found out is that he considers Cyborg and Beastboy as funny, charismatic people which he can easily get along with. For you Starfire he seems to have the same thoughts, along with his curiosity about you being Tamaranian

Surprisingly he doesn't have any negative thoughts about you Robin... other than you being a bit uptight and having to loosen up. For me he thought I'm the shy type since I stayed so silent, and after that his curiosity pretty much died." She said with her usual calm voice.

The other four Titans looked at each other and took Ravens' words as a positive sign- it doesn't seem as if Raxdos was faking his reactions or behaviour. Robin even seemed a little surprised at her words.