Create a Character.

Below you will find a detailed template om how to present your character, only people using the template will be added to the story, this is so I can simply copy and paste the template into a document I have with all of the current characters in it. Questions marked with * are vital and need to be answered even if it simply, up to you as the answer. Note that characters that are submitted will be added when it makes the most sense to do so story wise, I look forward to seeing any potential characters that people make :)

What is their Gender?*

What Race are they? (Demon, Werewolf, Angel, Archangel,Vampire, Half-Breed Etc) *

What is their eye colour?*

What is their hair style?*

What is their build?*

Do they have any distinguishing features (tattoos, scars, birthmarks)?*

What's their preferred outfit?

Do they have any distinguishing "tics" and mannerisms?*

What's their health like? Do they suffer from chronic illnesses?*

How do they walk? (E.g Confident, powerful strides Lazy stroll,Fast, walks at a clip

Distracted, eyes on the ground)*

How do they talk (rapid, slow, measured, drawl, etc.)?*

What's the style of their speech (elevated, educated, peppered with slang, etc.)?*

How much eye contact that they like to make (direct, shifty, etc.)?*

What's their preferred curse word?

What's their catchphrase?

What's their laugh like? What do they tend to find funny?*

How emotive are they? Do they wear their emotions on their sleeve? How easily can others to read them?*

What's the name of their hometown?

What type of childhood did they have (sheltered, neglected, etc.)?*

Describe their education?

Jobs (if applicable)?

What's their greatest regret?*

What were their hobbies growing up?

Favourite place to be as a child?

What's their saddest memory?*

What's their happiest memory?*

What are their skeletons in the closet?*

If they could change one thing from their past, what would it be? Why? *

Do they have any Family?*

Do they have any Enemies?*

How are they perceived by:

strangers in the street?*

authority figures?*

the opposite sex?

What do they want from a relationship?

How many people would attend their funeral?

What do they do on rainy days?

What secrets do they keep? What are they most afraid of people finding out?*

What do they want the most? *

What's their biggest flaw?*

What's their biggest strength?*

What's their biggest fear?*

What is their idea of perfect happiness?*

Do they want to be remembered? What for?*

How do they approach:





What is the one object or possession that they would rescue from their burning home?

What (or who) bores them?

What makes them angry? *

What do they look for in a person?

How strong is their moral compass? When, specifically, are they willing to compromise their morals?*