Chapter 1

'I , Julian Edelritch , 18 years old 5 feet 4 inches tall approximately 65 kilograms with a quite lean frame , with an average asian characteristics of a raven black colored hair and eyes , stands before a window .... as for why I am standing before a window well I'd like to know about that as well... I may look or acting calm about this but deep inside I am confused.. terribly so if I may add .. because as I look outside the window.. all I could see is..'

"A scene of carnage." I blurted all of a sudden.

Dilapitated buildings could be seen as far as my eyes could reach , 'Buildings'? is a scene of carnage? no it's not just that ... down below the streets were full of dead bodies laying around with the parts that should be inside scattered around , some people ... or supposedly people before were munching and tearing apart their kin ... no well I'm a human as well so I should say they were eating my kin .. yes humans are eating humans too... and without any reserve too , thinking about it.

My blood went cold , this is cannibalism isn't it? well it should be but those things might resemble humans but they are wounded or rotting all over their bodies.

They are zombies aren't they?

Stuffs like those were often seen in movies ... but it .. feels so different when you see it in reality.

Now if you were wondering why I am still acting like a retarded person...

Well I might looked normal and an average university student but... I always felt that everything is way too boring .. as such when I was suddenly brought here I was only confused but I was never scared or anything.

I found everything .. "Amusing" perhaps? , No perhaps this is the result of my overwhelming boredom as I had no family to return to , no lovers nor friends to be with.

In my past 18 years of life .. I only obeyed the rules and did what I was told.. to be a good functional person for the sake of convinience of the people around me ..

and as long as I obey , I would be fed and treated kindly.

In short , be useful to them and the society.

Obey the rules and you would be able to live normally.

but in this place.

no let me correct that.

"In this world where rules are non-existent , a place where law does not restrict anyone.. A world that survival of the fittest is the only rule... What should I become? the Good? or the Evil?"