Chapter 3

I woke up in a dark room , my arms and feet were bound by something , based on the feeling as it was tightly secured , I could tell that this is a rope.

Flashing back a few hours ago.


I approached the crying child.

"Little lady ... uhmm.. what are you doing here?" I asked gently.

" *Sob* *Hic* ... please ..hel..p me. "

The girl replied in pauses as she spoke in the midst of her tears.

I squatted to look at her on her face.

Thereafter I asked.

"Help you from wha-?"

I felt something being smashed to my skull.

Thus I blacked out and lost conciousness.

Then waking up , I found myself somewhere in this place full of darkness.

I could still feel a relatively deep cut on the top of my head.

"HEY! WHAT'S GOING ON!" I shouted as , I felt my parched throat.

A door opened up and the room I was in brightened up , just as it fully opened a figure approached hastily.


A cold blade stopped a few millimeters before my neck.

I couldn't even react.

A whisper entered my ear.

"Shut up! if not I would slice your throat!"

For the first time in my life.

I Julian Edelritch felt... that my life is truly in danger.

"Now that you are awake... I'll just ask you a few questions .. thereafter I'll send you on your way to hell."

The cold voice entered my ears , this time I confirmed that the other person is a female.

"Wai-wait ! what the.. I didn't even do anything to you ! why would you kill me?"

I nervously asked , even though I am somewhat apathetic ... when my life is at risk I couldn't help but get scared you see.

"I'm the one asking questions here! who sent you? is it Freighter or Luis?"

"W-who the fuck is Freighter and Luis? that's the first time I heard those names!"

I spoke desperately as I stated the facts my face contorted in a strange manner.

"You don't know them? Lieutenant General Freighter , the Leader of Resurrection faction! and Luis Cordero of the Remnants!"

The woman asked in doubt whilst holding the blade near my neck.

"To hell with them! I just entered the city! how am I supposed to know those people! the first person I encountered is the child and you!"

I spoke some truth and some lies.

As if telling that I came from another world would be able to convince her.

"....." The girl sunk into silence.

30 seconds passed , I'm already soaked in cold sweat just as she lowered her knife.

"Then what were you about to do to Sarah earlier?" the woman asked.

"What else? I just asked what is she doing crying in the corridor! what if zombies approached her! it's unsafe to leave a child unattended you know! and y-you! why the hell would you suddenly smash someone in the head without assessing the situation! what if I lost my dear life!"

The woman stared on my face for a while.


The knife cut through the ropes then the lady backed off on reflex.

I massaged my wrists then untied my ankle.

"Such a bad luck...haaa~" I sighed and stood.

I could only see her silhouette because of the light but her figure is that of a coke , the curves are perfect.

"Fine my bad.. I reacted on the basis that you are an enemy .. you are already lucky enough that I didn't kill you back there..."

Chills ran through my spine , and I gulped a mouthful of saliva on her cold words.

"But that doesn't mean you're on the clear yet ... you hear?" she said coldly.

"Okay okay I don't want to get involve with you ... it seems that you are being chased after all... that's why I'm leaving now.. "


I walked out of the dark room.

I was greeted by a nice place and a girl which is around 13 years old.

It's the crying girl earlier.

The girl slept on the sofa in a curled up position.

Behind me is ... well.

A woman around her late teens or early twenties , she wore a grey tank tops and jeans , her black hair is tied up to a ponytail while her face is... well I couldn't clearly describe it as mud and dirt covered most of it... but just looking at her body , I could tell that this woman is ....

Haaa~~ there's no use in thinking about that.

For now I need to leave this place alive.

I walked and tried to approach the door , but as I passed through the sofa.

I saw the 13 yearish old girl shivering.

Therefore I pulled up quilt and covered her tiny frame with it as I passed.

When I did so , I felt that I almost lost my life for a second there.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! I forgot! that bitch is behind me! oh god! how could you! Julian!!!!!!

"You seem to be rather timid.. how could you survive in this hell with that personality of yours?"

The woman asked.

Then I answered.

"The apocalypse ...huh maybe I could kill zombies and people .. all the same... maybe we are suffering... but letting an innocent child alone crying in a corner as she asked for help.. has nothing to do with the apocalypse.. it just means that there's something wrong with you as a person."

Although I am not a good person , I could in fact say that I'm not evil either.

".....Leonora Canlas..... that's my name... the child there is Sarah my little sister."

Leonora lowered her knife but she still held it on her left hand.

I turned around and spoke.

"Julian Edelritch , 18 years old from Valenzuela City."

"So ... Julian haa~~ the sun is setting .. you should stay for the night... it's too dangerous to roam around at night after all."

"...Then thanks I guess? sorry for intruding."

Thereafter I went to the door , leaned against it , then slept in a sitting position.