Chapter 5

After draining out my stomach , I felt my head clearing up.

My body lightened and I felt somehow weak.

Right now moving would take too much of a toll on me as I felt my knees weakened.

"Arghh..... haaa~~ haaa~~~~"

I took a few deep breaths to stabilize myself.

"This is real..."

'I thought to myself , once again'

That this is reality , a world where death is just a second away everytime.

Nowhere is safe.

Even being inside a room would not guarantee safety.

I'm alive for now ....

"Yesterday is the only easy day...I guess? today is harder than I thought it would be.."

I just realized , that I took things too lightly.

Being aware of the situation doesn't make it easier , without the ability to do what it takes to survive.

Plans won't be able to do anything if I myself...

is weak.

I might have a clever brain....

But with only this much I would only become tonic to these man-eating monsters.

"I'm fucked up"

I sighed in agony.

Then I proceeded on my journey.

Walking out of the alley , is an empty street.

Cars were either destroyed by bullets or filled with dead bodies.

Shops with thrashed windows are everywhere.

Grasses filled the plots of land.

The air smelt like iron , and rotten flesh.

Blood could be seen sprayed everywhere , the walls , road , cars were no exception.

Even with my apathetic personality , I couldn't help but pale from the sight of gore in front of me.

'What in the fucking hell happened here?'

"Fuck ! search for the 2 girls , we already let them escape last time! the boss will have our heads flying if we don't find those bitches this time!"

An angry voice resounded as I hid beside a car.

The voice came from other side of the street.

Our distance from each other was around 50 meters.

As I peeked through their location.

I found 5 armed individuals , who wore tattered clothes.

"I'm fucked....this time it's bigger than earlier."

I nervously crawled hoping that they won't notice me.

Thereafter simultaneously reminding myself.

'In a zombie apocalyptic scenario... Humans remained the most dangerous being aside from zombies ...'

You might be able to trick zombies but .. the same might not work on people... as long as they have a bit of brain they would take advantage of any situation..

'That's a common sense in my previous world.'

And this still applies here.

'Leonora still took advantage of me after all... haa~~ fuck it.. although I never trusted her ... I wouldn't have thought that they would take my stuff and leave..'

"Hey boss something is moving over there!"

*Cluck* *Ching* *Shiiiing*

*Tak* *Tak* *Tak*

My heart skipped.

"Am I compromised this?"

'Shit am I really that unlucky?!'