
The waters ceased to glow as the moon descended over the horizon, the sun rose illuminating the marshlands. It's warmth oozing over all life, shining down upon the village that was now being constructed as a fort. The floors have been expanded upon giving the soldiers more ground to tread upon, the huts of the previous inhabitants have been repurposed for barracks, storage of food and the fire pit made into a forge for repair and construction of weapons. The main force of Greyjoy had reached the small village, now called Wetpoint by the commander of the battalion of over three hundred men.

Sabrina walked past some men who stained the floors with spilled ale, floors once stained with the blood of innocent people who were just positioned too fruitfully for their cause. It saddened her, the dravians perhaps weren't as united as the other races, but there was a nobleness to them, an animal beauty like how dragons were spoken of in legends.

Sabrina's yellow hood was over her head covering the girl's black hair, she wore it to shield herself from the breeze that coursed through the lands. They may be far south from the chaos wastes but the weather would soon be the snowy all across the lands.

Sabrina reached the old chief's hut where she was summoned by Issac and the commander, he stood there by the wall along with two other captains. Jason and Vergil. They were prodigal brothers, about the age of twenty-eight who had served under the Lord of Greyjoy since they the age of eighteen. They stood about six feet high, even a few inches taller than Issac. Having sun kissed skin; each carried large weapons only fit for men of their size. Vergil carried a large claymore while Jason a battle ax.

The three men were standing at attention, only Issac turned to her, and he gave her an apologetic smile. Just past them near the back of the hut hung a veil that cut off the room about a quarter from the back, it separated the commander's desk from the rest of the room. Sabrina could hear shuffling from it, she kept her honey brown eyes staring, her body coming to attention slowly of its own accord.

A single golden plated boot emerged from between the curtains, followed by a yellow leather pants that tucked into it. A golden chain mail skirt, armored gloves where the tips of the fingers seemed to have been sharpened to act like claws. A heavy golden breast place around tough leather armor with a hood like all the others, it was a woman that emerged from the commander's office. She had pale gold eyes, a beauty that seemed almost inhuman, like an elven and perfect appearance that perhaps not even age would destroy. She had wavey blond hair that rested on her shoulders, her skin wasn't pale, simply fair and flawless. She looked at Sabrina with a sparkle of amusement. The mage Sabrina, felt heavy. She could feel a power coming from the woman, it shook her, she's never felt such an energy. It was overbearing, making it hard to breath.

Sabrina was sweating in place, why did she feel such fear towards her commander. Why didn't the other captains seemed to be affected by her presence, was it because she was sensitive to magic? The girls honey eyes averted from looking at the golden hair dame.

"Sabrina Crespy, correct?" The voice calmed her somehow, it filled her with a sense of courage, and she used it to look the commander in her eyes.

"Yes commander." She replied, nervous, her voice sounded shaken.

"No need for all that, call me Lancelot while we are within these walls." The commander said with a soft laugh, it sounded angelic.

"Alright Lancelot." Sabrina said unsure if it was correct to.

Lancelot gestured towards Issac, keep a sweet smile upon her face. "He tells me you were essential in defeating a chief dravian" She said inquisitively.

"Aye, we both did it together." Sabrina responded trying not to discredit her captain.

"Indeed, a chief is usually very old, no younger than three hundred years. I'm amazed it took only two instead of ten or more." She said without a change of expression.

"It was only a village chief, I hear city dravians are much stronger." Sabrina said softly, she felt awkward with the praise.

"That may be true, however if there are twenty of us and only ten of them. It would be a difficult battle if it took five of us for each of them, future battles would go much more smoothly if I had more men like you and the fellow captains." Lancelot said with a soft sigh, looking over at the captains.

"Greyjoy doesn't have many great soldiers or mages, the other half of the army is being led by Phillips." Lancelot seemed to say his name with distaste. "Who means to prove me a weak leader, so I must prove the opposite which means improving my assets. Which means maximizing my better troops potentials."

Sabrina nodded, she could understand competition between commanders. It was already surprising to see a woman in charge of so many men, even if she was skilled it was not a position so easily given.

"So I mean to train a handful of you, I mean to try a new strategy and I need competent leaders. You and all those I choose will lead small groups through the siege." Lancelot smiled, awaiting her response.

"You mean to pick me to lead?" She was shocked.

"Aye, do you object?" She raised a brow, her voice still serene and calm.

"No, but, I, I don't believe I'm ready?" She said almost like a whisper.

"Issac believes you are, and I trust his judgement and my own. So you'll be doing this, it's an eight days until we attack Ignis" Lancelot stated before waving her hand. "I'll see you at noon before nightfall. Captains gather the others."

Issac, Vergil and Jason all went out the tent however Issac stayed at the door holding it open for Sabrina, she could barely move, her courage was fleeting in the presence of Lancelot. As soon as her smooth voice ceased the fear returned, she took a deep breath before turning and heading out towards the door passing Issac in a rush.


"You okay Sabrina?" Issac said once they were back in one of the barracks for higher ranked soldiers.

"Aye, she just feels overbearing." She said shivering at the thought of Lancelot.

"It's hard to get use to her, she simply has a powerful presence." He said sighing softly.

"It's almost unnatural." She said with a fearful tone.

Issac nodded a bit "But she's been pretty good in battle, Vergil and Jason say she's about untouchable."

"Perhaps she can get me to that point then." She whined throwing her head back on the bed, she wore loose clothes. A white shirt and some long wool pants, they were all issued the same sleeping garments.

"Not in a week, but you'll be better for sure." Issac responded, laying in his own bed as well.

She slowly closed her eyes. "I'll find out later for now I'll nap"