The day out

Izuku's Pov:

Tomorrow is training can't fucking wait seems so fun I wonder what I will train in anything seems fine but I don't want to go can't wait to go undercover I get away from here these damn asshole teachers that and rapeing every night, kacchan that asshole, and everyone asking if I'm alright it's fucking annoying! Ok izuku came down deep breath in and out put on a smile, grab your wallet, and walk down stairs like you didn't just get raped as walk out of my room and head down stairs I slip my wallet in my pocket everyone stared at me "Yes" I said going to the kitchen grabbing a water bottle "Are you ok deku-kun" uraraka asked worried "I'm fine" I say smiling taking sip of my water bottle "Why you ask?" I said put the lid back on when I look down at the water bottle because it felt lighter it was empty 'damn I must have been thirsty' I mumbled out by accident they all looked shocked at that I throw the bottle to the recycling bin from where I was standing laughing a little rubbing the back of my neck they looked impressed by that "WOAH BRO! do you play basketball or something" kaminari said happily "No never" I said smiling at him looks like everyone forgot great I going to sneak outside now as I walked to the door Iida stopped me "Where are you going" he asked "Don't know" I said walking out I walk to the gate and as I got to the gate I'm stopped by aizawa "Where you going? Are you packed for the trip" he said with a smirk which is covered in his scarf "Yeah I'm packed and I don't know where I'm going probably just for a walk and get coffee" I say walking past him "Ok, don't be out to late" he said walking away as I walk to a small cafe I go up to the cashier with a non-emotional face "What can I get for you sir?" She says with a blush "Black coffee please I'll take it here" I said in a calm voice "That will be 2.99 please" I take out my money from my wallet handing it to the lady "Be right back sir" she said blushing I walk up to the counter at the shop and take a seat the lady came back with my coffee in one of those to go cups. Drinking my coffee I see a number on it so I look up at the lady and she winks at me oh great I hear this weird gasp and a whole bunch of no ways to my right as I look I see no one there probably following me I smirk I well have fun with them and take them on an avenger, the lady looks at me I smirk making her blush I wink at her making her red and leave the shop hearing 'no fucking way' and 'dekuu-kuun' then leaving quick wow I wonder they know they are being loud this is great time to go to the arcade and winning a whole bunch of shit I fist bump and ran then I hear 'oh shit quick he's running' as I arrive there I walk in got coins and play the most painful game ever to play 'pump prime' a dance game I Insert my coin in the machine "I'm going to do you sweet heart" I say to the machine then laughed a little because of what I said I step on "Insert your name" I do what the machine says and put in izuku "Choice your song and dance" it said I choice the hardest one I heard gasps but ignored it as it started I moved my feet with the pattern it was fun and easy I got top of all of the people gasped, gosh that was fun I smile "You rocked" the machine said I got lots of tickets and then went to play pac-man, pin-ball, mario cart's, and a driving game after getting lots of tickets I got lots of little stuffys and I heard 'why does he need so many' and 'I don't know' I just shook my head I put them in a bag and walk out I went to the hospital and went to the kid section handed the stuffys to a nurse and whispered to her to give these to the kids I keeped one which was green and walked out holding it I walked over to this woman outside of the hospital she had white hair and brown eyes she looks sad she probably lost someone or is staying here, either one is sad so I walked up to her "Hello are you okay?" I asked with a sweet smile "I'm fine thank you" she said smiling at me "Sorry you just looked sad" I said standing beside her "Oh dear did I worry you? I'm sorry I was just thinking about my past it wasn't that great" she said with a smile smile "It's okay I have a bad past to and right now but hey it will get better right? Want to talk about it" I said smiling she shook her head yes "Ok" I said with a small smile "I had an abuse of husband and he would hurt the kids to train with him one day I snapped and hurt my littlest son I really didn't mean to hurt him when he found out he sent me here away my kids" she said crying a little I hug the poor woman "Hey it will get better okay" I said rubbing her back "thank you" she said as she gets out of my grip "here" I said handing here the green stuffy she giggled a bit and took it "thank you" she said "My name is izuku yours" I say with a friendly smile "Rei" she said with a smile "Nice to meet you rei" I say with a smile "May I ask why are you at the hospital" she asks a little worried "Oh don't worry I'm not hurt I was giving stuffys to the sick kids in the hospital I won them so I decided why not" I say with a smile "That's very nice to you" I smile "Oh I got to tell you something just don't tell anyone else ok" she nods and sticks her pinky out I giggle and hook my pinky on hers so I got to her ear and whisper so quietly so even jiro or shoji couldn't hear only her I told her if you see me on the news for being a villian I'm on a mission because I'm a hero so don't worry ok I whispered she nodded with a smile saying promise won't tell I smile then nob "Well gotta go rei I will visit when I can and hopefully don't get caught" I smile she hugs me "Can't wait see you soon izuku" she says I kiss her on the cheek "bye"I say with a big smile which made her smile I walked off to the school but I heard them say 'go go go we can't get caught for watching him' I chuckle a little to myself that was funny so they got their before me because I pretend to be on phone and they zoomed past my as I made it throw the gate I was meet with a unreadable aizawa he came up to me using his quirk "See you upstairs darling" he purred it made me scared a little I went back into the dorm to tired teens trying to act like nothing happened which made sweat drop "You guys are terrible at hiding your selfs and loud" I said they all looked at me "WHAT HOW DID YOU KNOW" they all said in sink I laugh while going up stairs to my room as I get there I take a deep breath I open the door only to get pulled in and door shutting, me getting slammed to the wall by aizawa "Sorry sweet heart mic could not come looks like it is only me~" he said in my ear great the worst one out of both of them he kissed me on the lips forcing his tongue in, while grabbing my butt he pulls away he rips my shirt off into shreds and tore my pants and underwear off he starts biting me until I bleed everywhere and slaps me he pulls his cock out shoving it in hard making me cry he thrust in me fast and hard it hurt like hell blood starts flowing down my leg from my butt. I bite down on myself to shut the screaming up and moans the muffled cries. I was have a get day too. After that I had a shower. After that I put bandages on my bite marks that are bleeding still and went bed crying from the pain I whispered "I'm disgusting" and went to bed.