New world

Yu open the Portal to Nasuverse and walked toward it while holding Ophis hand.

What greets us is woods with the sun high up above us

"Look like we arrive Ophis," Yu said to Ophis while still holding her hand

"Where are we?" Ophis asked while looking at her surrounding

"This is what I called Nasuverse."


"Yes, in this universe the Age of Gods already passing and the current time is Age of Humanity" Yu explained to Ophis.

"They died?"

"No Ophis, they went to another side of the world or as they called it the 'Reverse Side of the World' where all Divine Spirit reside" Yu explained to Ophis

"This universe has another world in the same world?"

"I guess you could say that it is like in our world where there is the human world, Underworld, Heaven, and the world where other gods choose themselves in" Yu said

"Then, in this world? It's the same right?" Ophis tilts her head

"Almost the same as our world, but there is a difference in this world. They have four different worlds that are; The world the human where all human reside, the Reverse Side of the world where the gods reside, Mental World and lastly Underworld."

"Mental World?"

"Mental World or Reality Marble is one that centres around the materialisation and projection of one's inner world onto reality following the Thaumaturgical Theory World Egg. The created worlds are completely cut off from normal reality, projecting their internal landscape and sealing off the regular World." Yu said


As they talked to each other, we arrive at Fuyuki Station

"Look like we arrive at our destination Ophis" Yu Said.

"En, I want cake."

"Alright alright I will buy some cake, but we must exchange some gold to money first."

Yu then command his Power to create a 100 gram of pure gold bar and combine his other power to create Yu and Ophis Identity.

"I already got the gold come on Ophis we should Exchange this to the bank."

They walk toward Fuyuki Civic Centre where there will be a Bank in there.

After walking around 10 minutes, they meet a massive building and Go in there and meet the receptionist.

"Excuse me, ma'am" Yu said to Women that behind the desk

"Yes? How can I help you?" the Women answer with a smile

"Can I Sell this gold please?" Yu said as he picks the gold from his pocket and places it on the desk

"Mhmm, If you want to Sell this gold you will need to meet the manager, just hold a moment please."

We wait for 1 minute then out the backroom comes a man with a suit and says to us.

"Are you the one that wants to Sell the Gold?"

"Yes, sir."

"Alright then Follow me."

Yu and Ophis follow the man to his office and sit on the chair he provides them.

"First of all we will check this gold authentic or not then we will give you the price, while you are waiting why not you eat the cookies on top the table."

The man said that then leaving us alone with cookies and tea. While waiting for them, Yu began to feed Ophis with Cookies while he drinks some tea.

After 5 minutes the man come back with our gold

"This 100 Gram Pure Gold, We will buy this Gold for 520.000 Yen how about that?" The man offered Yu the price

"Its okay sir we just want some money while our Father goes to War."

"I see your father is a soldier, huh?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then I will give you the money."

The man then writes some document and hand them to Yu.

"Give this to Teller outside, and they will give you the money."

"Thank you, sir."

They then go to teller outside and give the Document for the money.

"Would you want to use our service to store your money?"

"Yes, I will take 10.000 the rest of it can place in your bank."

"Then can you show me your identification?"

"Here you go."

Yu showed his Fake identity.

"Here your money and here your Saving Book, Have a nice day."

Yu smiled at her and then take Ophis to the nearest Cakeshop and buy her some cheesecake.

After they finish all of it, they began walking toward Fuyuki Hyatt Hotel the place where Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald make his base in Fourth Grail War.

After check-in and going inside their room Ophis asked Yu something

"What do you want to do in here?"

"I want to participate in the Holy Grail war, but I don't know to become a master."

"Holy Grail War?" Ophis tilts her head

"Yes, the Holy Grail War is a ritual where seven masters will be selected to participate in Death Competition, and the winner will have his/her wishes fulfiled"

"Then what wish you want? You can create anything you want, right?"

"I guess you are right about that, but I don't want to waste my power to create something that I

can obtain my self" Yu explains his reasoning to Ophis

"En" Ophis nodded her head and ate her cake

Yu then got an idea

"Hey Ophis" Yu called Ophis


"Can you give me a Magical core with your snake?"

"En, You want?" Ophis asked as the two snakes began to slither from her sleeve

"is it safe?"


"Then please give me Magic Core."

After he said that, Ophis Snakes began to merge into his skin.

In the beginning, he doesn't feel anything, but a second later, he began to feel burning sensation from his chest, and after 1 minute, he doesn't feel that burning sensation again.

He then looks at Ophis to thank here but saw Ophis tilts her head

"What?" Yu asked her

"Why not screaming? The other scream because of the pain."

"I'm more durable than I look, you know."

Yu then tested his new magic with creating tiny magi circle that let out a small fire from it.

He then grinned because now he able to used magic.

After a few minutes, He is testing his Magic.

Yu began to feel another present coming to their room. Yu then looked to the side and surprised to see three portal opened right inside their bedroom.

The first portal is coloured green, the second portal is coloured blue, and the last has a rainbow colour.

A second later, a few individuals come from that portals.

The first one is Little Girl with Green Hair, Green Eyes and Dressed in Green Robe on top of her is Mouse looking creature with white fur all over its body. The animal tries to hide inside the girl's hair without any success.

The second came out the portal is Tall women with a lean body and big Bossom with Purple Hair, Blue iris and white pupil in her eyes. Beside here is four individual the first one is a Tall man with 187 cm in height and lean body. He has white hair and wearing a black body armour made from a particular material and a red coat covering his body. The second one is a man with height around 175 cm he covers all his lower face and tops his head have a red hood covering his eyes while in his body he wears Black body armour to his left hand is a knife while to his right hand is Pistol. The third is a woman with long white hair, tied back at either side with red tassels. She wears a red and black dress bearing similarity to a short kimono, and extended European style coat, complete with high collar held closed by a rope tassel. She appears to wear long stockings. In her right hand is Blood Red Sword with bloodlust aura around it. The last one is a woman with black hair with a red strip and tied to twin-tail, she wears glasses and wears revealing clothes, a stocking and high heels.

The last want that comes out of the portal is an Old Man wearing a suit and a coat around his shoulder, a white glove, and black shoes. In his right hand is a Sword but the sword made of jewel and have massive power in it.

Yu was only able to say one thing.
