That night Yu and his Partner cuddling and go to sleep and wake up the next morning feeling refreshing that he finally finish the war that takes ten days.
After Yu wake up and take a bath Medea coming toward him and say
"Yu, there is a person outside our Bounded Field 'Knocking' it," Medea said
"Do you know who is it?"
"He is the supervisor of this war."
"I see, look like he coming here for our Prize."
They then went outside and greeted the Supervisor of the holy grail war, and he is bringing a Red Box in his hand.
"Welcome to our base Father Risei," Yu said with a smile
"Its good to see you, my boy, I'm here to deliver the Lesser Grail and connect it to the Greater Grail and for you to take your prize," Father Risei said to Yu with a smile
"Greater Grail?"
"Yes, there is a Lesser Grail which is in this box, and there is a Greater Grail."
"What difference?"
"The lesser grail is the key to open the way to the Greater Grail that will open the Hole to the Akashic Records/Swirl of the root that will grant you the wish you want."
"I see."
Yu invited Father Risei to their base and having tea for 15 minutes.
After that Father Risei then let them to the secret tunnel that lead them to a cave that has many Rune that is protecting it from outside Attack and prevent the intruder that was successfully coming inside of the cave.
After walking for 5 minutes, they arrive at a massive 'Tree' inside the cave that excluding an enormous amount of mana.
"Here we are," Father Risei said while gesturing at the tree
"What is this tree Father Risei?"
"This 'Tree' is the greater grail or should I say its cover that protecting the Grail itself."
"I see."
Father Risei then approaches the Tree and Take the Lesser Grail from the box and hold it in front of the 'Tree'.
As Father Risei holding Lesser Grail in front of the tree that has a Golden portal appear in front of the Lesser Grail.
"Here we are, You can now go inside, my boy, I will waiting for you on the outside."
Father risei then walked toward the exit while Yu and Medea stay inside the cave, but before they were able to go inside the Portal, another portal appear near them, but this one has a rainbow colour that indicates it is Zelretch Portal.
Just like Yu suspected, Zelretch appear from the portal.
"What you want, Zelretch?"
"I just want to warn you that this Grail will get Corrupted in the future."
"What? How?" Yu asked shocked
"Because the Avenger that killed before, and you don't purify him before he gets absorbed into the Grail" Zelretch explain to Yu
"Then I cant use this Grail to grant my wish?"
"For now it still can, but in the future, it will get Corrupted like the other grail in the Alternate Universe."
"Then what should we do?" Yu asked Zelretch
"After you have done, you must purify it with you Holy Spear and let your Mate destroy all of the Greater Grail and done with it."
"Wait wait, cant I just Purified it? Not Destroy it? you know for the future use."
"Nope, I don't want to get more work because of this sh*t... I mean this war, did you know that this Grail War can cause half of the world population get annihilated?"
"Really?" Yu asked shocked with Zelretch Statement
"YES, Do you know how many paperwork I will get because of this sh*t?"
Zelretch continues to rambling about paperwork and Tortoring his apprentice because of it.
After rambling for a few second Zelretch come to his sense and said.
"Sorry about that, now like I said you could make a wish first or purify it first and let your Mate destroy it."
"Sure I will Purify it, but what about Father Risei that just outside of this Cave? he will sense the divine energy from this cave and investigate it."
"Don't worry I will handle it" Zelretch assure him
"Very well then, why don't you call Ophis here so she can destroy the Greater Grail."
Zelretch then walks toward the portal and come back after a few seconds with Ophis that have Albion on top of her head sleeping.
"Now we all here, go ahead and have your wish while I fill the remaining mana Greater Grail need for the wish"
Yu then walked toward the portal, but he senses that Medea was not coming with him, so he asked her.
Medea shook her head and say
"I don't have any wish, my wish already come true," Medea said with a smile.
Yu nodded at her and walked inside the portal.
After Yu walked inside the Portal, he greeted by a void space before a bright light blinded him, after the light disappear he see a Swirl of Blood Red vortex and around it is many stars that shine so brightly that will blind an average person.
Yu then started to fly toward the centre of the Swirl and reach it before creating a path to a path he wants to create that is the Third Magic, after he reaches the centre of the swirl he greeted by 5 Star that circling a pitch-black hole.
Yu who feel a calling toward the third star grab it and blinded by a bright light and after a few seconds he opens his eye and see a woman wearing a white dress like a princess, have a Red pupil like rubies that shine brightly, a long white hair and have a doll-like face.
Before Yu able to process what happened, he got shocked by a piece of information that coming toward his brain.
Then he got a weird feeling coming from inside his body like his soul has been modified.
After going through it for 10 seconds, Yu brain began to procced what happens. He got information about all Soul inside the Throne of Heroes and an ability to Merge his soul with a copy of the heroes he chooses with a maximum of three souls.
Not only able to merge his soul with three copies of heroes he chooses he able to summon a heroic spirit to do his bidding for a certain amount of time.
Lastly, he becomes genuinely immortal even though his enemy destroys his body, his soul will survive and regenerate a new Body for him.
He then sees a portal appear before him the same entrance that he came, so he walked towards the portal and Greeted by his companion who was playing with Albion who happy with the attention and Zelretch who was playing with his Smartphone?
As Yu come out the portal, his companion sees him and walked toward him then asking about what happened inside the portal.
Yu then explains that he was outside the swirl of Root and travel to it then meeting with a white-haired woman before he got the Third True Magic.
"Ahh that White haired woman is a personification of Third True Magic, all of the sorcerers always meet someone or something that symbolise the True Magic. Like me, I see many kinds of Planet with many different of colour" Zelretch said to Yu.
"I see."
Yu then look at Ophis then said
"Ophis can you Destroy this Grail?"
Ophis nodded her head
Ophis then walked in front of the grail and summoned her Magic Circle and come of it is a Destructive Beam that destroys everything its touch.
After a few seconds, a tree that should be in front of him is gone with nothing left behind.
"Well now I must create an illusion of Tree now," Zelretch said while scratching his head before look at Yu.
"Hey, can you create a Tree with the same size as before?" Zelretch asked Yu
Yu activated his Shaper power and used it to Grow some Tree with the exact colour and size out of nothing.
"Is it good?" Yu asked Zelretch
Zelretch then walked toward it and Pointed his Jewel sword toward the tree and coated the tree with his magic.
"and Done."
"So what happens to the Lesser Grail?"
"It just becomes a normal Cup without any magic inside it," Zelretch said shrugging his shoulder
"Then let us go outside."
"Okay, I will wait inside your home," Zelretch said before he Created a portal and went through it.
They walked outside the cave and Greeted Father Risei, who closed the Cave entrance and saying his goodbye to Yu and his companion.
They are then going inside their home and see Zelretch playing with his Smartphone.
"So, what you need Zelretch?" Yu asked Zelrecth
"Ahh, I want to give you this."
Zelretch handed him a smartphone, the same smartphone Zleretch use.
"What is this?" Yu asked while look at the phone Zelretch give him
"This is a Smartphone that able to chat anyone that has this phone ignoring the distance and space."
"How you get this?"
"I stole it from other people... I mean, I create it with my power of course."
Yu looked at Zelretch with a deadpan look.
"Really, Zelretch? Really?"