
Yu watch as Rias and her peerage coming to the meeting room. They then started with Azazael, who apologized for Kokabiel betrayal and explained to them that he didn't give an order to start another war.

Sirzech and Michael's respective leaders of their faction agree that Azazel was not the one that responsible for Kokabiel betrayal.

While the summit continues, Yu busy counting how many Magician that appear inside and outside the building.

'200 people, huh?'

Fifty people already got Gasper from the Occult Research Club room and bring her outside.

Just like Yu anticipated a moment later, the time began to stop while only selected few people that still able to move.

What makes Yu surprise is the only people that able to move in Rias Peerage are Xenovia, Yuuto, and Issei but not Rias.

Yu then remember that Rias was able to move because she touches Issei's arm as the time stop.

He then senses a lot of people trying to destroy the Bounded field that the Gremory clan created, but even though they have the number, they can't destroy the barrier that Sirzech Lucifer himself created.

A second later, a Magic Circle growing inside the meeting room and coming from it is Keterea Leviathan, the descendant of the Orginal Leviathan and Co-Leader of Old Satan Faction.

Knowing where is this going activated his Gate of Babylon and ordered it to take out Kavacha and Kundala from it then wear it, he then takes out a mask that Prince of Lanling or know as Gao Changgong wear to conceal his beautiful face.

While taking out Kavacha and Kundala a bit too much, Yu doesn't want to take a risk because the information he got from Medea that they will send along an Evil Dragon with Keterea.

Just like Yu anticipated, Keterea began casting her spell that makes her surrounding to explode.

The three leaders of Bible Faction create a barrier to protect the children behind them.

Keterea, who was seeing three Leaders protecting the children laugh before getting interrupted by Azazel, who was saying that he will handle Keterea alone.

Keterea who is hearing it snarled at Azazel before calling Niðhöggr and Grendel who appear on the sky, Niðhöggr an eastern black dragon that have four legs and four wings and Grendel a black Western that stand with his two feet like a human.

Niðhöggr then starts talking about how he will eat both Albion and Ddraig host to make himself more powerful, but he said something that makes Yu angry at him something that makes him snap.

"... I will able to Fight Ophis and kill her and make myself a New Dragon God Kahahahaha."

That sentence makes his blood boil.

'This lizard thinks he can beat Ophis?'

He was then released a massive amount of mana that makes him look like burned by Blue Flame and then slowly releasing his presence concealment and asked toward the Lizard that wants to kill Ophis.

"What did you said about Ophis?"

He asked Niðhöggr with a dangerous voice.

"I will kill Ophis and take her place as Dragon God. What are you gonna do about it, Human?"

"Kill me? Kahahaha...."

Niðhöggr laughed at him but stopped as he got thrown off to the ground by Yu who are now flying in Niðhöggr place.

~~~Issei Hyoudou~~~

Issei and his friend finally able to stand up because of the pressure already gone, so iseei asked Rias Brother what is happening.

"I don't know Issei-Kun, but look like someone furious about Niðhöggr killing Ophis."

Before issei able to say anything, Ddraig says something through his Sacred Gear.

"Of course, he will get angry."

"Hmm? Why is that Ddraig?"

"That man is Ophis Mate."


That statement revelation shocked them.

"Yes, He is Ophis Mate"

"How do you know that Ddraig?" Issei asked his sacred Gear

"Look at his backhand. He has Ophis symbol, and his aura is almost the same as Ophis."

"I see."

Issei looks at the man that punches Niðhöggr to the ground as he looks at the man and thinking who is this man, a roar coming from the Dragon that got knocked.


Niðhöggr started to fly from the ground and charged at the man with a speed that should be impossible to something as big as Niðhöggr.

"I will help that man," Sirzech said, prepared to help the man that fighting Niðhöggr.

"Then I will fight Keterea," Azazel said while looking at Keterea.

Sirzech then started to fly toward Niðhöggr and Masked man, but before he was able to reach them, Grendel Block his way from reaching them.

"You will be fighting with me."

After Grendel said that He is releasing a torrent of fire toward Sirzech, but the fire not able to reach Sirzech because it already been freeze mid-air.

"I will help you Sirzech-chan," Serafall said in a cheerful manner

"Thank you, Serafall."

As for Azazel, he was flying toward Keterea but stopped by Vali that already in his Balance Breaker form.

"Vali?" Azazel asked vali

"I'm sorry, Azazel, but I can't let you fight her."

"Oh, did you betray me too?"


"I see, you joined with that group, right? Khaos Brigade?"


"I see, the last question, is it true that group leader is Ophis?"


That statement shocked them if ophis is the leader of that Group why Niðhöggr want to kill her? Why is her mate Fighting that group member?

That question is all in Issei's mind.

Issei snap of his mind, when he hears an explosion coming from Niðhöggr and the Masked Man place.

As the dust disappears, he able to see that Niðhöggr got knocked to the ground again by the Masked Man, who is floating on top of him.

From behind the Masked Man appear a Golden Portal and from the golden portal emerge a Golden Sword with a silver edge and has a blue hilt. He then grabbed it and said to Niðhöggr.

"Prepared yourself, Niðhöggr."

The masked man raised his sword and said

"Oath to my King!"

As he said the first sentences, the sword shine with a blue light.

"Reaching the very end, beyond the boundaries. King, on the other side, look at this light!"

He then flies toward Niðhöggr who is on the ground, and after arriving at Niðhöggr, he swings his sword toward Niðhöggr chest.

"Arondight - Overload!!

After the sword hit Niðhöggr, the blue light coming from him and explode.


After a few second the dust disappears and issei able to see Niðhöggr head but not the rest of his body, what makes him surprised is that Niðhöggr still alive even though just barely.

"Kahahaha, you can't kill me. Human, I will resurrect once more and become more powerful, Kahahaha."

Niðhöggr laughs at the Masked Man, who stays silent for a few seconds before saying.

"No, you will not."

As He said that, issei able to see that the masked man's eyes become Blue and shine through the mask. Masked Man then slices a thin air three times before letting his sword disappear.


Niðhöggr said a panicked voice.

"I 'Cut' your souls, your soul will be 'Death' soon."

Niðhöggr stares at the Masked Man before say in a weak voice.

"Who are you?"

The Masked Man silent a few seconds before saying.
