~~~Issei Hyoudo~~~
"That Bastard has a Child?!?" Ddraig shouted
Issei doesn't know what the problem with that, while he little bit Jealous with Albion that he have been getting laid, while he stuck with Ddraig that must be a virgin and envy Albion who getting laid before him.
'Why am I stuck with a partner that Virgin? how can I be Harem King if even my partner is Virgin Dragon' Issei though feeling Disappointed
Issei who feel that Ddraig is still angry because of Albion child then asked him.
"Ddraig why are you angry about Albion child?"
"Of course I'm angry, that bastard and I have a promise that while we still fighting and not one of us lose we will not have any Relationship, especially a child."
"Ahhh, I thought for a second you just jealous about Albion getting laid while you are not."
"What?!? Of course not, I'm angry because that bastard dares to break our promise and get himself a child."
While Issei and Ddraig have a conversation, the Leader of Three factions finished with repairing the school that has been destroyed by the Old Satan Faction and Evil Dragon. Issei then hears the little dragon that Eidolon hold speak.
"Pi Pi Pi" Albion Child chirped toward Eidolon
"Ahh, the one that you feel inside issei gauntlet is Y Ddraig Goch or Ddraig for short, I guess you could say that he is your uncle."
"Yeah he is your uncle, come on give him a greeting."
"Pi~ Pi~."
Albion child waving his with energetic, but Ddraig not in the right mood and shouted at Little Albion.
"WHO IS YOUR UNCLE" Ddraig shouted
"Pi... Pi..."
Little Albion hides on the back of Eidolon because of Ddraig sounds, Issei wants to say to Ddraig that he should not something like that to a child, but he was too late as he feels a heavy presence pressing him to the ground.
"Oi, what was that?"
Eidolon said while looking down on issei who on the ground and can't move because of the pressure.
"I... I'm sorry Eidolon-san Ddraig don't mean it" Issei said with a difficulty
After a few seconds of silent Ddraig then started to apologise toward Eidolon.
"I'm sorry for raising my voice to the Little One."
"It is not me you must apologise for."
Issei then looks at Little Albion who peeking from the back of Eidolon shoulder.
"I'm sorry Little One for Raising my voice, I just upset that Albion broke our promise."
Little Albion then started to climb to Eidolon head and said.
"Pi Pi"
"Heh, thank you."
Just like that the weight that was pressing issei on the ground disappear, as issei get back on his feet the rest of his friend walked toward him with Sirzech, Michael, Serafall and Azazael.
"I'm sorry issei-Kun, but the spell took a long time to repair all of the school, because of all the energy around it."
Issei nodded as he wants to say something to Rias a loud growl sounds coming from Ophis.
Ophis said while the rest of her companion chuckle and then telling their goodbye toward them.
"Look like Ophis want to eat, and this is already late so See you later."
As he said that, a magic circle appear underneath them and they disappear a second later.
After seeing that Eidolon is already gone, Sirzech-sama requests them to go inside the meeting room once more.
After they arrived in the meeting room, the leader of Three factions sit in the chair as before and start discussing the last Event.
"Now first thing first, Is Gasper-Kun Alright?" Sirzech asked Rias
"Yes Oni-sama Gasper is alright, and right now he is with Koneko and Asia who were healing him," Rias said to her brother
Sirzech nodded and looked toward his fellow Leader then asked Azazel.
"Azazel, did you know anything about that group Vali join, Khaos Brigade?"
"Then can you share anything to us about this group?
Azazel silent for a second thinking something before answering Sirzech question.
"Right now, I don't have any information except that in the Group has Human Magician and Sacred Gear User, Fallen Angel and Devil but look like they have an Evil Dragons among them, but there is something I don't understand, and I thought Niðhöggr and Grendel already Death," Azazel said
"Yes, Niðhöggr and Grendel should be dead long time ago," Michael said agreeing with Azazel
"Isn't Niðhöggr get killed by Ddraig?" Sirzech said
After Sirzech say that all of the people inside the meeting room look toward issei, who quickly activated his Sacred Gear so Ddraig can answer them.
"Yes, I kill Niðhöggr before and almost kill Grendel, but Grendel gets killed by Beowolf, not me."
Sirzech nodded his head before looked toward Azazel.
"Did you have any information about it, Azazel?"
"No, my information is a bit misleading."
"I have information that Khaos Brigade Leader is Ophis."
"But, Ophis and her Mate fighting both Old Satan Faction and Evil Dragon that appears" Michael finished Azazel word
The three Leader continue to discuss the topic about Khaos Bridgade before they signed the Peace Treaty of all Bible Faction.
After they signed the Peace Treaty, Issei walked toward Michael, who ready to go back to Heaven and said.
"Thank you for granting my wish for Asia and Xenovia, Michael-Sama" Issei bowed toward Michael.
Michael smiles at issei before saying.
"It was nothing Issei-Kun, I can't let a pure soul not to be able to pray to our Father," Michael said
"Once more, Thank you."
"Your Welcome Issei-Kun, Now excuse me I must return to Heaven."
Michael then started to reveal his six pairs of Golden Wings in his back before floating and teleported to Heaven.
After Michael Disappear Issei look toward Asia and smile
"I'm glad you able to pray to God again, Asia."
Asia who hears him say that began to cry and run toward issei then hug him.
"Issei, I love you."
Asia then Kissed Issei in the cheek.
Issei has a dumb smile on his face while his friend laugh.
The next morning Issei and his Friend walk inside the club room but surprised when they see Azazel sit on Rias chair behind the table.
"Therefore, from here on, I will Occult Research Club Advisor."
Issei only able to say one thing
~~~Rizevim Lucifer~~~
In Romania, there is a castle that is the castle of Tepes Faction and inside of it is Marius Tepes the 2nd son of the 4th King of Tepes Clan and next to him is Rizevim Lucifer and his right-hand man Euclid Lucifuge.
"Rizevim-Sama" Euclid said while bowing toward Rizevim
"What is it, Euclid?"
Rizevim said while caresses one of the two cups in the table, while to the ordinary people the cup on the table look like a regular cup that used in medieval time but with a gold colour, but to the supernatural people they able to feel a massive amount of Holy Energy from it.
Sephiroth Graal is a Holy Grail from the Last Supper that Christ used in his last moment.
Sephiroth Graal is Sacred Gear that gives the possessor ability to make contact with a principal of life, where the possessor is forcefully told about how the life and soul are made.
The possessor also takes in mind and the concept of the dead, the living, and various other things as they use the Holy Grail which would result in the possessor being broken by the abundance of thoughts that enters their heart and soul when overusing the Sephiroth Graal.
From its power to control the principle of life, the Sephiroth Graal can bring the dead back to life, that is the reason why Rizevim able to Resurrect Niðhöggr and Grendel.
"Rizevim-Sama I got the news that Keterea and her Evil Dragon has been killed," Euclid said
"I see, no matter I will resurrect them myself."
Rizevim then activated Sephiroth Graal and called Keterea souls who answer back, but he can't find Niðhöggr and Grendel souls everywhere, he continues to search for Niðhöggr and Grendel souls, but he can't find it.
"How?" Rizevim asked in confusion
"What happen Rizevim-sama?"
"I can't feel Niðhöggr and Grendel souls as if their souls have been destroyed."
"Will it be hindering our plan?"
"No, it will not."
He then sees the room they are in and sees a hundred of Vampire inside The egg that pulsating and releasing a dark aura around it.
Rizevim then gives a smile while saying.
"It will not."