Uninvited Guests


Yu confused about why Kunou able to smell his aura even though he doesn't try to conceal them, but his Presence Concealment should have passive ability to make feel like a human.

"Ehmm, Kunou why you able to smell my aura?"

"Should I not to?" Kunou said while tilted her head

"Well not really, I'm just curious how you able to do that."

"Well, Mother teach me Senjutsu the other day, so while I was practising Senjutsu, I smell your aura, so I coming here."

Yu nodded finally understand why she able to smell him even though his ability makes him like a human.

Senjutsu users can sense ki and aura of others, thus letting them to tracking their target from a distance away.

While Kunou Senjutsu is not perfect, she gains some positive trait of Senjutsu user that ability to sense aura or in this case smelling them.

"Well Kunou, to answer your first question I smell like a dragon because I am a mate to a dragon and for Nature smell, you could say that I have some ability in Nature base power."

While Yu doesn't know which of his power that has Nature effect, but he is guessing that his Shaper is the one that Kunou smell.

"I see."

After answering the question, Yu asked Kunou if she wants to come with them, At first, she hesitated but nodded at him in the end, so they continue to explore the city and to eat the food it provides.

As time slowly go away and the sun started to setting Yu, and his companion says their goodbye to Kunou.

"Well it was fun Kunou but its time to go home."

"Aww," Kunou said in a sad expression

"Don't worry Kunou we will meet again tomorrow."

"Really?" Kunou fox ear twitching in excitement

"Sure if you want, What about we meet in Tofuku-Ji Temple like before?"

"Yes! I will bring my mother this time, so don't be late okay?!?"

Kunou said while running toward her home, and Yu only smile at her childish behaviour, He and his companion then walked toward their Resort and have a dinner and spent the rest of the day in the resort.


The next morning after they finished taking a bath and have breakfast, Yu, Ophis and Medea began to walked toward Tofuku-Ji Temple, as they arrived they greeted by a bunch of Karasu-Tengu that guarding the temple but still letting them in.

As they walked inside the Temple, Yu got tackle by a Blonde Girl that hugging his leg and smile at him.

"Hello there, Kunou."

"Hello, Nii-Chan!"

After Yu answer her question and take her to have fun in Kyoto, Kunou started calling him Nii-Chan and calling his Companion Ophis-chan and Medea Nee-Sama.

"So where your mother, Kunou? or you come alone again this time?" Yu said with a smile.

Yu already know that Yasaka is inside the Temple because he can feel a massive amount of Chakra inside the building in front of him.

"Mother is inside, come on let us meet her."

Kunou drags Yu and his companion toward the building and opens the door, as they are coming in, Yu greeted by a young woman with a voluptuous figure and very long blonde hair with matching eyes. She is a woman with delicate facial features, and her eyebrows are cut very short and round.

Her hair is tied in a loose ponytail, reaching down to her legs that end in a spiral, with tight bandages to keep it in place. She wears a traditional shrine maiden attire, and over that, she wore a white coat held closed by a red ribbon and a golden crown.

"Ahh, Good Morning, My name is Yasaka, the Leader of Youkai Faction in Japan, nice to meet you."

Yasaka introduced herself and bowed a little toward Yu and his Companion, as she finished her introduction Yu then introduces himself.

"Greeting Yasaka-Sama, My name is Yu shimada, to my left is Ophis the Dragon God and to my Right is Medea the Princess of Colchis."

As Yu introduces his companion, Medea complains a little about her tittle.

"Former Yu Former Princess" Medea said

"Sorry about that, let me repeat it, to my right is Medea Former Princess of Colchis."

While Yu and Medea are joking about her title, they don't saw the surprised expression on her face.

"Ano, Yu-Sama" Yasaka call Yu

"Ahh Yes Yasaka-Sama?"

"Ummm, Is she Ophis? The 'Ophis'?"

"Yes, she is Ophis. Why?"

"I thought she should not have a gender."

"Ahhh, She able to choose her Gender when she chooses her mate, like this time, she will be Woman for the rest of her life because she chooses me as her Mate."

"I see."

After they said that Yasaka invites them to the Dining room where Yu able to see a variety of food has been served for them.

As they eat the Food that Yasaka has been prepared, Yu sense that massive amount of people teleported near them and will be reported by Karasu-Tengu that patrolling outside, Just like Yu predicting Karasu-Tengu coming inside the Dining room.

"Yasaka-Sama there is a lot of Human with Sacred Gear outside the Temple."

Yasaka then walked toward the exit while leaving Yu and his companion with her daughter, seeing that the situation Yu and Medea ready to help Yasaka and said to Ophis and Kunou.

"Ophis can you stay here and protect Kunou for me?"

"En" Ophis nodded while eating the food

"And Kunou, please stay with Ophis alright, Medea, and I will help your Mother."

"Don't let them hurt my mother, please?" Kunou said pleading to Yu

"Don't worry, Kunou. I will not let them."


"I promise."

After promising Kunou that he will not let them hurt Yasaka, Yu and Medea walked toward the outside and Greeted by Hero Faction with Cao Cao, Leonardo, Georg and Siegfried leading the rest of the group.

"Yasaka Leader of Youkai Faction, come with us Peacefully and we will not use Violence and leave your home intact, but if you refuse will drag you with us even though we must use Violence."

"No, I refuse."

"So be it."

Cao Cao ordered his group to attack Yasaka and her Karasu-Tengu Bodyguard, but as they started to charge with their Sacred Gear, they got blown away by a gust of wind that comes from Behind Yasaka.

Cao Cao then sees two people coming out from the Temple, one is a male wearing casual clothes holding a Silver Bow with Golden motive around it and in his right hand is an Arrow that looks like a drill.

Next to him is a woman with blue hair and Purple eye, in her hand is staff that cast the spell to his group.

"Who are you?" Cao Cao asked them

"We are a friend of Yasaka."

"Che, No matter, we will take Yasaka even if we kill you, Leonardo!"

Leonardo nodded toward Cao Cao and extended his hand and said

"Come to me Bandersnatch and Jabberwocky!!" Leonardo said that while slamming his hand to the ground

Coming out from the ground is a ten monster with a body around 100 Meter in height and a Black Western Dragon with 200 Meter tall.

After Casting his Balance Breaker Leonardo fall to the ground, so Cao Cao ordered Georg to take Leonardo to their base, Georg nodded and raised his hand and coming from it is a purple mist that engulfs Leonardo and teleports him.

"And lastly," Cao Cao said and raised his hand to the sky

"Come, Yamata no Orochi."

As he said that, in the sky appear a massive Magic Circle and from it was coming out a black Eastern Dragon with Eight Head and have a Tear of Blood coming out from his eyes.

"Now Yasaka I will give you one more chance, coming with us or we will destroy your home."