Yasaka Feeling

The next morning after their sleep get interrupted by Kunou, They get breakfast after taking a bath, as they are eating Kunou who still curious about her possibly a new Papa, so she asked her mother about it.

"Mother is Yu-Sama will be my Father?"

Kunou asked her mother with a hopeful expression.

Seeing her daughter look at her with hopeful expression Yasaka doesn't know what to say, She wants to become Yu mate, but he already has two mates, and she doesn't want to become a woman that looks like stealing their Mate. Still, her thought gets interrupted by Medea, who is smiling at Kunou.

"Of course he is Kunou, Yu is your Papa from now on, right, Yu?"

Medea looks at Yu after saying that, Yu, who finished eating smile at Kunou and nodded his head while speaking.

"Yes, Kunou-Chan I will be your father."

After saying that, Yu see Kunou face lit up and have a giant smile on her.

"YES! Kunou now has Papa."

Kunou said in happiness, Yasaka smile seeing her daughter happy getting a Father to make Yasaka happy, but in her heart, she feels a little bit guilty that she must take other people mate.

After the breakfast, Yu and his companion take Yasaka to their room for a little chat after they arrive at their place, Yu said to Yasaka.

"Yasaka, is there something that makes you uncomfortable?" Yu Asked her

"No, Yu I'm fi..."

Before Yasaka able to said that she is fine, Yu interrupted her.

"No, Yasaka I know there is something that bothering you, tell us please we will help you solve it?"

Yasaka stay silent for a second before

"I...i was afraid of losing this..." Yasaka said with small embarrassment

"I know it's sound silly, but You, Medea and Ophis mean so much to me, even though we only just meet, but the feeling in my heart keeps telling me that you guys are someone important to me."

Yasaka to cry a little as she tells Yu and his companion about her feeling.

"I was afraid of being alone again. After so many years, I had something I wanted for so long, I... I never felt so...Loved, Me... A broken Youkai."

"Yasaka you're not..." Yu who want to say that Yasaka is not broken youkai get interrupted

"No... I'm but a broken Youkai Yu..."

Yasaka replied sadly and look at the window with a faraway expression.

"My life is one of near-solitude. I was chosen to inherit the throne at a young age by the Goddess because of my power. It separates me, kept me away from the rest. I lived for centuries without knowing or remember the warmth of such inmate interaction."

Yasaka tears now free-falling from her eyes as she continues to express her feeling.

"My breaking point came when my first mate, someone who I thought would be with me forever, betrayed me."

Yasaka then looks at Yu.

"I later learned a month later that I was pregnant with Kunou... I've kept myself ever since. Afraid of being hurt again. But then... I hear that my daughter meet a stranger who takes Kunou to have fun, and Kunou invites me to meet you, at first I don't know what person will I meet, but as you coming inside the Temple, I feel a warmth of the sun and the soohting feeling of Nature."

Yasaka smiled a little remembering her first meeting.

"That is the first time I have a warmth feeling after a long time, and when you were helping me even though you don't have to, That feeling becomes stronger and stronger so when Kunou asked you if you are her Father.

I want to say Yes, but at the same time I don't want to cause you and your partner trouble, am I a bad Woman Yu? is a selfish of me to feel loved again?"

Yu seeing Yasaka now crying hug her tightly and let her crying in his chest for a minute, as Yasaka stopped cry and ready to apologise, Yu said to Yasaka.

"No you are not bad Woman Yasaka, and no you are selfish if you want to be loved again, as I said to Kunou I will be her Father then I will say the same thing you Yasaka, will you become my mate Yasaka?"

Yasaka cried once more and nodded.

"Yes... I want it."

Yasaka then hugs Yu while Ophis and Medea join in a group hug.


After that Heart to Heart conversation, Yasaka becomes more and more active in the bed and even make Yu, Medea and Ophis move to her main room.

They stay at Kyoto or in Yasaka Palace for the correct word for a week already.

While they stay there Yu and his Mates help Yasaka with her duty as the Queen of Yokai, Like make a better Bounded field around the Palace, Make a new Forest for another Yokai with Yu power and lastly playing with Kunou then teach her Swordsmanship and Teaching Magecraft.

At first, Kunou don't have any Magic Circuit but with Yu Shaper ability he able to make a permanent Magic Circuit that safe to be used by Kunou, after checked her Origin is like Tohsaka Rin that is Imaginary Element, and her Elemental Affinity is Average One Magus that able to use all Five great elements. Still, she has a stronger fire affinity than the rest because of her species.

While they are teaching Kunou how to become Magecraft, Ophis is eating an ice cream that been prepared by Yasaka servant with Albion who is sleeping soundly on top of her lap.

Yu who finished teaching Kunou swordsmanship look at Yasaka who is walking toward them, with a thoughtful expression.

"What is it, Yasaka?" You asked her

"Ahh, there is a Letter that inviting me to discuss a peace treaty for Youkai and the Three Factions."

"I see, and where this peace treaty will be held?"

"In the Underworld, at the same time with Norse and The Three Faction sign their peace treaty."

"I see, so they want to show you that they already have other faction that signed it, huh?"


"Well, I think you should go for it, but I will come with you."


"Yeah, I will come with you as Bodyguard while Medea and Ophis will stay with you Daugther in here, is it okay Medea?"

Yu asked Medea, who is still teaching Kunou how to make a potion.

"It's okay by me, and I need to watch Kunou for her study in Potion Making, so I'm okay with that."

As Medea agrees to it, Yasaka informs Yu that the Peace Treaty will be held a week from now.

As Yasaka is going back to her office for another meeting, Yu called her for something.


"Yes, Yu?"

"When we go to the meeting please wear kimono that cover all your body, okay?"

After Yu saying that Yasaka has a mischievous smile on her face

"Ara, Is Yu jealous with other people staring at me?"

"Yes I'm, but more importantly there is this pervert in there that I don't want to kill by accident."

After saying his word, Yasaka nodded at him and went back to her office to do her duty.


Another week has passed by, without any significant problem, at first many of Yasaka Court don't accept Yu as their Quenn mate, so many of them try to Duel him. Still, Yu able to defeat them easily, after he shows them that he is stronger than the rest of them, the Court accepts it that Yu is Yasaka Mate that worthy of her.

At the front of Yasaka Palace, Yu and Yasaka prepared to go to Underworld and saying their goodbye to Kunou, Medea and Ophis.

"Kunou you stay here, okay. and listen to Mama Medea."

"I will Mother."

"That's good, then I will get going then."

"En, Bye Father-Mother"

After saying their goodbye, Yasaka creates a portal that goes to Underworld.

"Let's go to the Underworld."