
~~~Xenophilius Lovegood~~~

Xenophilius Lovegood The most eccentric-looking wizard, Slightly cross-eyed, with shoulder-length white hair the texture of candyfloss. He wore a white cap whose tassel dangled in front of his nose and robes of an eye-watering shade of egg-yolk yellow. An odd symbol, rather like a triangular eye, glistened from a golden chain around his neck.

Xenophilius is currently busy writing a boring Article about Mr.Black and King Arthur while his Daughter was writing about Malfoy Family Ancestor, which is House Elf.

His work gets interrupted by his Daughter calling him.

"Father, I'm finished with this week's news," Luna said with a dreamy expression

"Good job Kumquat, now go back to your room and don't come out until I have a chance to perform all ritual to Ward Nargel's."

"I can't do that father because I will travel the world with my friend."

"No, You will have wrackspurts invade your head if you go with them, now go to your room."

"I'm sure I can get them to join me there."

"The house has wards."

"I'm sure they can pass it."

"Well, then go to my room while I'm impersonating you with polyjuice."

"No," Luna said while stuck out her tongue toward her father then said

"You go to your room while I do whatever I want."



While Luna Lovegood and Xenophilius Lovegood bickering each other and forgetting about the newspaper for tomorrow issue

"Mr.Black and King Arthur"

"I recently have a privilege to witness King Arthur open his Vault inside the Gringott and witness the proud race of Goblin kneel on the ground to King Arthur...."

"... King Arthur then gives the Goblin Teller whose name is Gornuk an Ore, but I was not an ordinary Ore, the Ore King Arthur give Gornuk is Mithril the mythical Ore that has the power to Deflect, Ignore and Absorb magic depends how you use it..."

"...Hopefully coming soon from Lovegood press 'Is Crumple-Horned Snorkack the one hiding King Arthur or is it Nargles?' until next time Xenophilius Lovegood."

~~~Amelia Bones~~~

Amelia Bones was described as being a square-jawed witch with close-cropped grey hair and a monocle. This gave her the appearance of being a serious person, which matched her personality perfectly. She also had a loud, booming voice.

That appearance that people give to her will not matter to Amelia Bones because she needs a serious and stern aura if you have to deal with people in the Ministry until recently. When Mr.Black appears, now she able to relax a little because of all the corrupt personnel of ministry already death with a questionable death. Like Former Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge died because of 'suicide,' but what makes it suspicious is that he suicide when Mr.Black land his foot in the UK.

Currently, Amelia bones in a small room with Grivner, the current head of Unspeakable, they sitting on the chair inside a room without any windows and only have one source of light that is an Orb in the back fo the room.

"Grivner, Do you get any information about King Arthur?"

"No much, but if there one I think I able to tell you is that he is the REAL King Arthur."

"How can you tell?"

"The first clue is that from the Goblin. Goblin is a proud race; they will not bow or even kneel to anyone except their king, or other people they have respect, and the one that they have respect is King Arthur. When other Race hunting Gobling down, King Arthur welcomes them with open arms, you know about Goblin Rebellion, right?"

"Of course."

"Well, if my source right, the first Goblin rebellion happen is because when King Arthur Disappear after repelling the Saxon, some Group of wizard dares to claim King Arthur Wealth from Goblin who entrusted for safekeeping the Wealth of King Arthur."

"I see and another clue?"

"The other clue is his sword, the real Excalibur is the one that created by Fae the race that extinct long time ago, the characteristic of it, is that when you summon Excalibur there is a mote of light that surrounded the sword or hand of the wielder and I have a memories from my agents that all of the characteristics are accurate with the one they see inside Gringott"

"I see, that is shocking that King Arthur is coming back."


Amelia bones then raised a glass that filled with Firewhiskey that they prepared from the beginning and said.

"Long live the King."

"Long live the King."


Mr.Black is currently busy reading the book that Yu give him.

The foundation of Magecraft, written by Salomon The king of Magic, is eye-opening in the book he able to learn about basic magecraft, even though he can't use all of it because of his Origin and Affinity.

The first he able to use is Structural Analysis, a very useful magecraft to see the structure of Object as if it was a blueprint and able to see if there something wrong with it.

The second one is Runes, even though Mr.Black didn't study Runes when he was in Hogwart, but he fascinating to runes inside the books. Inside the books are many Runes with its use and how to make them.

The one he able to learn in a short amount of time is Ehwaz The fire rune and Ansuz The 'Ancestral Sovereign God' Runes with those two runes he able to make a devastating effect like burning a castle to the ground. If he uses Ehwaz alone, he will not be able to do that, but if he enchants Ehwaz with Ansuz, then the fire will become more powerful.

Mr.Black, though, gets interrupted by Director Asim, the Archeologist from Egypt that always visits him from time to time and offering him a contract to work with him once more even though just for one day.

"Mr.Black, how are you?" Director Asim asked politely

"I'm fine, thank you, what can I do for you?"

"Ahh, first thing first, let me introduce you to Mister David the respective of Egypt Minister of Magic."

"Nice to meet you, so What can I help you?"

"We want to make a contract with you, Mr.Black, for a treasure Discovery and Recovery from the tomb in Egypt."

"Oh, How much do you want?" Mr.Black asked

"We think half of your share is a fine price."

"Oh, Then no."

"What?" David said shocked because in his lifetime he never been in a negotiation like this

Their conversation gets interrupted by The Professor and Henchgirl, who are walking toward them and said.

"Mr.Black the room you asked us to prepare is finished" The professor said

"What do you need it for Mr.Black?"

"I want to test something that highly destructive."

"I see."

"Then excuse me."

Mr.Black then walked toward the room that The Professor and Henchgirl prepared to test his Runes Magic and to make sure that he doesn't have to write it down manually.


The next morning The Student that wants to learn from Mr.Black able to see him with a staff instead of his scythe that makes them confused.

Mr.Black walked to in front of his Student before saying.

"I hear you guys want to learn about magic?"

"Yes, Sir!" The student said at the same time

"Then, I will teach you the theory."

he then points his Staff toward the blackboard as a word appear on it that says 'The True Magic'

"The True Magic is the most powerful form of Magic that all magic-user are hoping to gain.

The one that able to gain the True Magic is only a few People the person I know personally is Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg, the User of Second True Magic Kaleidoscope."

Mr.Black said to his student and stay silent for a moment to give them a chance to ask a question.

One of his students raised his hand and asked him.

"Mr.Black, how much True Magic?"

"Currently there is 5 True magic, the first one is Denial of Nothingness, the second is Kaleidoscope, The third one is Heaven Feels, the Fourth is currently unknowns, and The Fifth is Magic Blue."

"And it uses?"

"Well, the first one is like its name implies it deny Nothingness to be able to create something the user desire from nothing; the user just needs its imagination to create the one he wants."

Mr.Black pause a little before saying.

"The second one is Kaleidoscope 'Operation of Parallel Worlds' as the name implies it gives the user the ability to travel between alternate Universe, The third one is Heaven Feels the Materialization of the soul. An ability to enchant your souls to be Immortal and materialize souls to do your bidding."

"And the Fourth and Fifth?"

"Well the forth true Magic is still unknows, but I do know i exists and lastly Fifth Magic, Magic Blue has a domain related to Time Travel."

After explaining the True magic, Mr.Black cast tempus and see that he already teaching for 30 minutes.

"Well look like the time is up, Next time we will be learning about Swirl of Root."