Kaguya Otsutsuki

"Where am I?"

Kaguya looks around the room before look toward Yu and his Companion.

"Who are you?"

Yu then walked forward before saying.

"Hello there, Kaguya Otsutsuki, My name is Yu Shimada, and we are here to rescue you from your kidnapper."


"Yes, you have been held here to be an experiment on by your former partner Isshiki Otsutsuki."

"Isshiki? Is he Dead?"

"Yes, We already kill him."

Kaguya who hear that shake her head and say

"No, He will be back and search for a new Vessel to take over."

"About that, you don't have to worry. I destroyed Isshiki Soul, so he will not be able to search any Vessel any longer."

"I see."

Kaguya then stays silent before Yu asked her another question.

"Kaguya-San, what is the last thing you remember?"

Kaguya looks at Yu for a second and said

"I remember when I eat the Chakra and gain unimaginable power from it, at first, I want to use it to bring peace on Earth, but a little voice in my head keeps telling me how to become a Gods and rule the Earth as I see fit."

Kaguya pauses a little before continuing her story.

"As my sons are born, I feel happy that I have my sons from the man I love, but when I see my sons have Chakra, the voice in my head keeps telling me that I should take MY chakra back, but I keep resisting until one day. When they reach adulthood, there is something in my mind snap as I don't know anymore, and the time I open my eyes, both my sons seal me inside a giant rock."

"I see."

Yu then thought about Kaguya situation, in Naruto Anime Kaguya is portrayed as a power-hungry Celestial being that wants to keep all the chakra for herself and enslaved all humanity. In reality, Kaguya's action is not pure her decision, but he got corrupted by Chakra Fruit that she eat to gain Rinne Sharingan.

"Is the voice still in your head?"

"No, the voice is already gone."

"Then, will you let us check it?"


Yu then look at Medea, who walked toward her and began to cast Detection spell to detect any foreign entity or Energy. After a few seconds, Medea reports her scan.

"There is still foreign entity latching at her like a parasite, and I guess that is the reason she got that suggestion Yu, right know the Entity doesn't have any power that is the reason Kaguya don't hear any voice inside her head."

"I see, Kaguya, I will remove the Parasite, so please don't freak out."

Kaguya nodded at him. Seeing Kaguya nod, Yu then took a knife and activated Death Perception and points it toward the Parasite and the connection it has with Kaguya. Yu then see a 5 line he must cut to destroy the link it has before slice it one by one.

After finish cutting parasite connection to Kaguya. Yu and his companion then see a Black goo coming from Kaguya head. The goo looks around almost like searching for a new host, but before It was able to do anything, Yu shoots Black Key from his gate of Babylon and activated Baptism Rite to Destroy it.

" I will kill. I will let live. I will harm and heal. None will escape me. None will escape my sight.

Be crushed.

I welcome those who have grown old and those who have lost.

Devote yourself to me, learn from me, and obey me.

Rest. Do not forget the song, do not forget prayer, and do not forget me.

I am light and relieve you of all your burdens.

Do not pretend. Retribution for forgiveness, betrayal for trust, despair for hope, darkness for light, dark death for the living.

Relief is in my hands. I will add oil to your sins and leave a mark.

Eternal life is given through death.

— Ask for forgiveness here. I, the incarnation, will swear.

— Kyrie Eleison".

Black keys while not powerful weapon, it affects the souls of the target, so even though Black keys not good at Physical attack, it was handy to attack someone Spiritually, especially 'Evil' Being.

The Baptism Rite is the sole magical miracle that is permitted to be learned in the Church. The teachings of God are considered to be the greatest weapon against spirits within the systematic basis of their Magecraft, so the chant is a key of providence that eliminates wandering souls with the holy words of the Bible. It is the purification and elevating of a wayward soul through the teachings of the Lord by sending a ghost to its "throne."

Yu got this Rite from Gilgamesh collection of Magecraft he has inside the library. After finished with the Rite and seeing the Parasite get destroyed to its souls, Yu then said.

"And it's done, Now you free from the parasite Kaguya."

"Thank you very much, Yu-san."

"It's okay, and please call me Yu."

"Then call me Kaguya."

"Will do, and let me introduce you to your Grandchild, who was coming here to rescue you."

Yu then introduce Kaguya to Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Goku, Kokuo, Saiken, Chomei, Gyuki and Kurama.

Kaguya then looks at her grandchildren before taking Shukaku, who the nearest to her and hugs him and said.

"Hello, there, little one."

Shukaku who don't know what to say, especially to someone saying it with so much affection, so he was only able to answer it with a lame voice.

"H-Hello Grandma, how are you?" Shukaku said

Yu who are seeing the 'Great' Shukaku stutter amuse Yu and his sibling's

"Hey, Goku Kurama, did you hear that? the 'Great' Shukaku-sama stuttering because he is getting attention from his Grandma."



Kurama and Son Goku then laugh at Shukaku, who shouts that he doesn't stutter, but his shout gets ignored by both of his Sibling's.

"Anyway, Kaguya, I want to invite you and your Grandchildren to come with us to other Universe where you save from your other Clansmen that will be coming for you."


Kaguya looks like she remembers something. She recalled that her Clans Member would be coming for her and kill her for ignoring Order.

"Even though I coming with you to your Universe, they will track me and coming to your Universe and destroy it if just to make me coming out."

Kaguya said while shaking her head, Yu hearing it laughs a little before releasing full-blown laughter. After finished Laugh yu sigh and said

"I want then to try coming to my Universe," Yu said with a chuckle for last time.


"Well, you could say that my universe has the Biggest and Powerful Guardian that will kill anyone who tries to come to my universe."

"I see if you say so, then I accept your offer."

"So, how about you guys?" Yu said toward the Tailed-Beast

The tailed beast stays silent for a second before saying one by one.


"I'm okay with that."

"I'm want to go with Grandma."

"If Shukaku goes, I will go to."


"I will follow you."

"I will go, and it will be Lucky."

"If my sibling's go me too."

"Hmph, there is nothing to do here, so yes."

After the Tailed Beast saying their Agreement, Yu then said.

"Well then, but let's wait for one week as we are coming here to enjoy our Vacation and teach my Daughter Senjutsu."

Yu then carry Yasaka on his back with Kurama on his head. Medea flies while carrying Kokuo and Saiken with Shukaku on top of her head. Kaguya is taking Son Goku and Saiken with Gyuki on top of her head and Chomei, who are flying with them while taking Matatabi.

They fly to their Inn. After a few minutes they arrive at the beach, they come a little bit late because they fly slowly. Kaguya, who not used to her power, can't keep up with them after being sealed for Thousands of years.

They are then landing at the beach before casting a concealment Spell on Kaguya Horns and Tailed Beast.

After they are going inside the inn and rent a room for Kaguya, they then go to Yu's room first to introduce Kaguya to the rest of the group. As they open the door, they greeted by Ophis, who is standing in front of them with Hands-on her hip then said.

"You are late."