The Beginning of the End 2

Zhang Xiu Ying settled herself at a table farther from the center of everyone's attention. She had decided to treat herself well ensuring she eats her fill.

I also contributed my moms hard end money to this occasion it means my money helped them serve this dishes too so I must eat well since my money is also involved she thought an with that she justified her actions.

Choosing several dishes she munched on happily with a pleased expression on her. After a while she patted her abdomen ''am full'' she said. Ah i should go back now i don't want to miss my flight.

Attempting to stand up but met with a force which threw her back on the chair. She raised up her head to check what restricted her only to meet with an unknown face smacking his lips and looking at her as though he just found his prey.

You did that on purpose she said to him due to the look on his face she suspected he pushed her intentionally.

And so what? replied the man, i just feel like so i did.

What? Are you a narcissist? she asked him. Yes you absolutely are. You mean to say u push ladies when you feel like even when you have not been wronged. That's not how to treat a lady you know, if i were your girlfriend i will definitely abandon you.

JIE Fu Chenguang raised his eyebrows with interest and smiling devilishly looking directly into her eyes as if to see her soul.

So can you teach me how to treat a lady so that you as my girlfriend won't abandon me?

Listening to what he asked Xiu Ying concluded in her heart that this man had left his brains somewhere and she was absolutely sure. If only Fu Chenguang knew what she was thinking he would spank her butt.

Seeing her anger he got more interested to tease her. Still smiling he squinted his eyes and suddenly bent towards her with his face so close to hers such that they could feel each other's breath.

Xiu Ying's heart palpitates in her chest as though it would Jump out anytime. He is so close, what does he want to do? Is he planning on kissing me? she thought: dare he!!!

Fu Chenguang watched her and saw her face change to red with anger then to green and then black. He then decided to minimize his tease... Hey your going to explode and spoil your beauty if you keep up with your anger. He stood straight just looking at her.

You should learn to ack like a lady so men don't mistake you for a man and go on pushing you here and there.

Hearing this man continue to speak Zhang Xiu Ying was so angry that it seems her eyes could spit fire but seeing his laugh so carefree Xiu Ying dropped her guard a little.

She took in a deep breath and thought: I better find a way to leave before this moron angers me to death and cause me not to see my family anymore.

My name is Fu Chenguang nice to meet you he said with a genuine smile!

Uh! Xiu Ying was shocked especially because of the sudden change in attitude... She blinked her eyes twice while staring at him, it was then she noticed how handsome he was.

That face so devilishly handsome like it was calved, his eyes charming and almost like a slit, his nose straight and pointed, his lips a little plump and pink in colour, his chin so sharp...

Wow i have never met such a beautiful man. What a fresh skin like that of a baby. " ... " she thought in my mind.

She swallowed her throat again again again! Suddenly she heard a voice say!

How long do you intend to keep swallowing?

Fu Chenguang was so amused at her reaction thus he teased: could it be that you have never met a man as handsome as myself? Tell me.

Without thinking she replied : You are indeed the most beautiful man I have ever met.

Fu Chenguang clearly heard what she said but still went on to say! ah I did not hear can you repeat what you just said?

Xiu Ying Unconsciously replied again! Your indeed the most beautiful ma... she stopped without completing as she jolted out from being mesmerizied" , " ...

She clads her mouth with her hands and thought what was i saying? shameful ah! so shameful where do i hide my face, she hunged down her head feeling deeply embarrassed at her shamelessness.

When Fu Chenguang saw her expression his smile deepened and so did his interest to get her and make her his. He then bent and brought he face close to hers again.

Xiu Ying widened her eyes in surprise, seeing her reaction he was pleased. Then he moved his mouth to her ears and whispered word for word saying:

Now i am tainted, you have tainted me, your eyes on my has stared to much and has now tainted my chastity thus from hence forth you are now responsibility for me as my girlfriend, the beginning of the end for us starts here and now.

Listening to what he said Xiu Ying felt like giving herself a slap on her face. What a bad luck, what wrong did i commit this morning which has led to meeting this maniac she thought, being frantic won't help me now i need to calm down.

Xiu Ying closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening her eyes again, regaining herself smiling coyishly while blinking her eyes severally like a new born puppy she said to Fu Chenguang:

Although yes you are indeed very handsome which i acknowledge but i am also so much very beautiful myself that's why i'm saying this to you now, you go your way and i go my way we forget about all these and pretend as though we've never once met and everybody will be happy... Isn't that a great idea? she asked him still blinking her eyes innocently.

Fu Chenguang was astonished at the way she reasons and how quick she was at passing judgement... Thus he didn't have anything else to say but somehow he felt sour inside because of how adamant she was at sending him off from her.

Looking at her with a painful smile on his lips he said with determination: see you at home later.... Not waiting for her to fully grasps the meaning behind his words he walked away in quick strides as though he was being chased.

His body gaurds turned and followed him immediately.

It was at this same moment Xiu Ying understood that all those other men were all body guards. So whom is he actually Xiu muttered?