I am naked for you, it is to ensure you are fully satisfied.

Zhang Xiu Ying slept for hours not knowing that she has been transported back to Beijing alongside her friend.

On the bed lying beside Zhang Xiu Ying was Jie Fu Chenguang who was feeling so relaxed and fulfilled.

He stared at Zhang Xiu Ying with a faint smile on.

Zhang Xiu Ying was having a very beautiful dream in that dream she saw a man walking towards her with a bundle of beautiful roses in his hand. He walked and stopped few inches away from her then extended the hand holding the bouquet of roses towards her with a very enchanting smile on his face.

Sensing that he was welcoming Zhang Xiu Ying extended her hand to receive the bouquet. As soon as she grabbed it the man increased his grip on the bouquet and refused to let go, she started struggling it with him. Her notion was that since he had previously extended it to her then she won't stand on ceremony she won't dare let it go she must collect it and as such she kept on struggling it with him.

Her anger rose at the man's action especially as the man kept on smiling without making a single sound. She decided to reprimand him, she was about doing so when he suddenly raised his other hand to pinch her nose and said: I never knew you would want it so much to this extent.

Isn't it just a flower Zhang Xiu Ying thought to herself then she heard the man repeat the same words again this time much louder than before.

Jie Fu Chenguang right now was Just looking at her smacking his lips and feeling extremely pleasant in anticipation to how frightened Zhang Xiu Ying would be when she wakes up to find out what she is doing to him.

Through out the night Jie Fu Chenguang could not sleep especially as Zhang Xiu Ying kept rubbing herself against him touching him all over making him want her more.

His body wanted her so much he also did so many things to her.Touch her, kissing her, liking her but he couldn't go through the final step because he wants her to be the one to give it to him herself at will. With the little sanity left in him he suppressed his emotions after a long while. Sometimes later he drifted into sleep but it did not last as he had a dream were he was making love to Zhang Xiu Ying and she was sucking his fancy stick, the feeling was so strong one that he hasn't felt in years.

Unable to get full satisfaction he woke, up only to realize Zhang Xiu Ying's firm grip on his crotch that was when he realized were his pleasure was emanating from. Exactly what he wanted. He wanted more of it hence he did not pry open her hand instead he adjusted himself to a position that enables her fell assess. There he was moaning and enjoying the feeling.

Due to the disturbances Zhang Xiu Ying could no longer sleep and sluggishly open her eyes to meet the bright ray of light coming in through the open glass window. Three minutes later she stir fully awake and then she heard a man voice that was similar to that man's in her dream say: if i was told you would be so interested i would really have doubted but now seeing is believing.

Then he looked downward in between them thus her gaze naturally follow his downwards only to discover she was holding firmly on a man crotch then... ah...ha... ah..... what... what am i... whaaaaa she screamed and jumped off the bed.

Right now Zhang Xiu Ying was confused and then instead of asking were she was or whom he was, she rather asked firstly while shuttering: yo... you... you why are you naked? why was i holding onto to that thing of yours and why is it so big?

With a smile shining like the blazing sun and his gaze as deep as the depth of the ocean so alluring and unfathomable Zhang Xiu Ying watched Jie Fu Chenguang as layed bare on the bed.

Jie Fu Chenguang cleared his throat and spoke: I am naked for you, it is to ensure you are fully satisfied.

Stupefied at his blunt and narcissistic remarks Zhang Xiu Ying Swallowed down her throat.

Jie Fu Chenguang watched and took her reaction to heart, he was glad...

Zhang Xiu Ying kept gazing in stupor then suddenly she felt chills as the wind blew in to the room. She then used her arm to rap her body, she came to realize she too was completely naked.

Ah... ah... ah... ah... you what have you done to me? Why... why am i naked?

You are naked because i took off your clothes as it is really comforting sleeping without clothes on.

Then he stood up from the bed intending to pull her back.

Zhang Xiu Ying snap and quickly pull a quilt off the bed an rapped herself up the frantically looking around the room for another door that should lead to Jie Fu Chenguang bath room and dashed towards it before his hands could get in contact with her.

Jie Fu Chenguang understood her confusion and embarrassment. He did not press. After all she is in his palms and he will never let her slip.

In the bath room Zhang Xiu Ying stood in front of the mirror trembling because of all the hickeys on her body. Even on her thighs everywhere. Although she was feeling no pains inbetween her legs she still had doubts that he did nothing to her especially after seeing the evidence on her body.

She thought of putting her hands inside to check for anything but then kicked against it because she new she has been penetrated before thus she might not get the righ conclusion. Sealing her heart she decided to bath first then she will go ask him about it later.

After a quick bath she came out to meet the man still lying down naked completely void of any covering... She dare not to look down that direction anymore.

Did we have sex? She asked.

What do you think? He asked in return.

His response was annoying. Where are my clothes?

Those have been sent to the laundry check the wardrobe and pick anything nice to wear.

Zhang Xiu Ying kept her face down the rushed to pick something to put on.