Do me the Honor.

[Author's Note: I killed a centipede today. Don't know why I'm bragging about it, but I'm oddly proud about it.]




(Edythe POV)

(Forks Washington, Saturday, 7:59 Am]

Apparently my brother couldn't handle smelling what to him is probably the best drug he could probably ever get, and not get hungry.

So much so in fact that he decided to leave Forks and go to our 'cousins' in Alaska Denali.

Lucky girl if my brother didn't have his self-control, she would have been eaten(and not in a good way) the minute she walked through that door.

Just ask Emmett he had two blood singers, and neither of them survived.

Rosalie wanted to kill her and be done with it. Which I had nothing to say against, maybe If I wasn't focusing on my mate right now I would say something, but my mate right now is my top priority.

Besides my 'siblings' dissuaded her from killing the poor girl.

Rosalie though supported me with Alexandria one hundred percent. Not just because she was my mate, but also because, and I quote "Her car may be beaten up right now, but it's a beauty so she gets a pass".

Guess car people are easy to please.

Edward didn't specify when he was coming back, but Alice said it shouldn't be more than a week.

Not to mention Esme wouldn't let him leave more than a week without going up there and dragging him back.

Esme can be terrifying when she wants too.

Right now I'm sitting in my car, parked outside in front of Alexandria's house waiting for the clock to hit 8.

Creepy? Yeah, but I prefer to call it being in love.

Once the clock on my car's dashboard turned to 8, I was out of my car, and in front of the front door in seconds.

Standing in front of the front door of Alexandria's house, I psyched my self up before knocking on the door gently.

'Okay okay, Edythe deep breathes. You're just talking to a normal person, sure that person is your mate and a goddess, and sure she may literally have you in the palm of her hands, and sure things can go horribly wrong and she may find out that you're a vampire, and get scared and leave you. Basically breaking you emotionally, physically, and spiritually, and in any other way, but that won't happen! You got this!' Is what I said in my mind trying to desperately not think on how wrong this could go.

I was about to knock again thinking that my knock wasn't heard because of how gentle it is when suddenly the door burst open, and I was face to face with Alexandria.

Alexandria was wearing a crop top hoodie showing her midriff completely and letting me feast on her perfect tan six-pack, with black short shorts, and sandals.

She had a backpack in her hands that probably contained food, water, and other necessities, and her hair was in a bun letting me see her glowing blue eyes without obstruction.

'I do not have this!'


(Still Edythe POV)

After I was done with my mini freak out(read: full-on break down of epic proportions), on how sexy my mate is right now, and trying to not jump her immediately thereafter, I took her bag from her hands without saying anything and proceeded to walk towards the car.

Noticing the little smirk she had on her face while doing so.

'Shit! Did she notice that I was staring? Of course, she noticed that I was starting idiot! I literally stood there for a solid minute my eyes were firmly placed on her six-pack! Fuck is she thinking that I'm a creep now? No no no I have to say something to fix this, anything, think Edythe! think!"

Thankfully I was saved from further embarrassing my self, by my beautiful mate speaking.

"Good morning too you too Edythe! So where are we going today?" Alexandria said chirpily, still smirking.

Deciding to ignore her little smirk for the sake of my sanity I answered her noticing that I didn't even wish her a good morning while doing so.

"Sorry! Good Morning Alexandria. As for where we are going, that's for me to know and for you to figure out. " I said feeling a little mischievous.

"Feeling like a tease aren't you today Edythe? That's fine two can play that game" Alexandria purred seductively.

I'm pretty sure if I could have blushed I would have popped multiple blood vessels.

During our little talk, we were still walking towards my car, me still holding her backpack.

Once we made it towards my car, I unlocked the car. Opened the passenger seat for Alexandria, Which she accepted with a smile, before going towards the trunk, opening it and depositing Alexandria's bag into it.

Once that was done, I went towards the driver's seat side, opened the door, and got in.

I looked at Alexandria first noticing with satisfaction that she had her seatbelt on, before smiling towards her, receiving one back. Before turning the ignition key thus starting the car.

'Welp this could go horribly, or fantastically'


(Alexandria's POV)

The drive towards the 'unknown' location was uneventful, me and Edythe stayed silent throughout the ride, not for the lack of things to talk about but because Edythe seemed to be thinking about something throughout the whole ride.

I didn't want to interrupt her thought process, so I stayed silent throughout the ride, not really caring enough to ask where we were going since either way it wouldn't matter.

Besides I wasn't a whiny bitch.

The ride lasted about maybe 20 minutes before we were finally there.

Edythe parked her car next to the woods after the pavement ended, me knowing immediately where we were going since during the ride I noticed that Edythe take Highway 101 North and Highway 110.

Once we got out of the car. Edythe of course opening the door for me like always, I decided to be cheeky.

Turning towards Edythe I asked.

"You're not some serial killer luring me into the woods to kill me, are you? "

Edythe at first looked like she was about to have an aneurysm, before she noticed that I was smirking, before letting out an awkward laugh.

"So where are we going?" I asked again even though I knew where we were going.

I was following Edythe as we walked throughout a passageway specially made for hikers before Edythe suddenly went off course and into the woods.

Edythe looked at me as if to contemplate whether or not she should answer me for keeping me in the dark, before finally opening her mouth and speaking.

"It's a special place of mine. Only me and my twin brother really know about it." She finally said confirming my thoughts, and not elaborating further.

Deciding to not ask her to elaborate I stayed silent during the rest of the trip just enjoying the scenery.

It took us about 10 minutes of walking before we finally made it to our destination, neither I nor Edythe were sweating or tired since one both of us had infinite stamina.

Edythe, of course, didn't know that and asked me multiple times throughout the hike if I wanted to take a break, Which I always responded too by giving her a wink and saying that I had stamina in spades, leaving her a speechless, and a blushing mess if she could've blushed that is.

What a pervert.

Edythe 'secret' place was actually the meadow that Edward took Bella too in the books and the movies.

The meadow is an open space in the forest near Forks and is described as the most beautiful place located there.

Something I can easily see since the place was full of beautiful flowers.

Edythe who decided to be bold for once, took my hand with her left, her right holding my backpack that she insisted to carry throughout our journey, led me towards an open space located near the middle of the meadow, surrounded by flowers.

Still not letting go of my hands Edythe sat down, pulling me down with her to sit next to her.

Well, when I say 'pull' I mean I let myself be pulled since if I really wanted to she wouldn't be able to move, let alone pull me down.

Today the weather was partially cloudy so the sun rays didn't reach the meadow, which was something I bet Edythe was thankful about since her secret would have been out the minute she was exposed to the sun.

Sitting down on the grass, I turned towards Edythe.

I looked at her noticing that she was staring forward seemingly lost in thought before I coughed in my hands breaking her out of her thought process.

"Soooo, why did you bring me here? Not that I'm complaining, of course, this place is beautiful." I said finally deciding to speak the question I have been having the minute I noticed where we were going.

Was she going to reveal she was a vampire to me or something?

Edythe just looked at me stone-faced trying to hide any emotions from breaking out. Something that didn't really work because I could see the nervousness in her eyes from a mile away before she took a deep breath and began.

"Throughout my life, I never really met someone like you. I'm a very lonely person, sure I have my family, but I didn't really have any friends to speak off. It wasn't for the lack of trying or that I didn't want friends, it's just that there were multiple reasons preventing me from ever being able to have friends normally." Edythe said referring to her vampiric situation before taking another deep breath and continuing on.

"That was until I met you. Sure we only knew each other for a couple of days. With me being an awkward mess mostly, but those couple of days were the best days of my life. I know we don't know each other well or hell maybe at all, but I really meant it and I say that those couple of days were the best days of my life" Edythe breathed deeply, before exhaling out of her nose.

She took my hands with her own and after a solid minute of me and her just staring at each other eyes she finally spoke.

"So Alexandria Kent would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?"