After a couple more weeks of no mating, Kamaki gives the okay for Zeta to mate with a caution to be careful. And the first thing Zeta does is put everyone out of the dwelling to be alone with Anlo. She continues to sleep between Anlo and Septimus every night. Waking up in the mornings to first make love with Anlo and then Septimus. And one-by-one over the next several weeks, Anlo's other brothers seek her out, starting with Bayden to ask her to spend time alone with each of them in their quarters. Zeta doesn't try to fight it anymore. But she does double check with Anlo before actually accepting each invitation. After that, Zeta finds herself being stopped for mating several times a day as her belly grows and swells.
At just over seven months pregnant, Zeta steps into the dwelling for the night exhausted. She flops back onto the bed.
"Are you feeling alright," ask Anlo sitting beside her and sliding his hand over her very expanded belly.
"We have got to come up with a schedule or something," says Zeta. "I feel like I barely get to take two steps, then someone is stopping me and bending me over for a quickie. I ran into the green house bathroom to pee. I peed. I washed my hands. I opened the door to step out and Zarek pushed me back in."
"Did he hurt you," ask Septimus laying on the other side of her.
"No of course not," answers Zeta. "But I'm coming back out of the bathroom with Zarek and Sextus pulls me back in with him. I'm seven month pregnant. I don't know why any of you even want me when I'm as big as a goto. Plus, I'm tired all the time as it is right now. We need a schedule. This someone grabbing me anytime the mood strikes him is not working for me. I'm tired. I'm going to give birth in a couple of months and then I'm really not going to have the time or the energy to be mounted repeatedly all day every day."
"You are correct," agrees Anlo. "We will address it with them tomorrow morning. You decide what you think may work best for you. But right now, are you too tired for me and Septimus?"
She looks over at Septimus. He waggles his eyebrows at her and she laughs. She tells them, "Okay, I think you're both crazy. But you both need to let me sleep through the night tonight. No waking me up to do it in the middle of the night."
"We will let you sleep," agrees Anlo kissing her as Septimus starts to remove her rasai.
Zeta's schedule takes her to a different brother's quarters each evening after dinner. And she also stipulates that no one bothers her before all chores for the day are completed and completed properly. She becomes quick to ask, "Are your chores done?" And checks to make sure they've been done properly. So no one can get extra attention from her outside of his evening with her unless all chores are done and done properly. There is some whining that she sleeps every night with Anlo and Septimus and she points out that Anlo and Septimus always complete their chores and always complete them properly. It's a decision Jonina approves of and quickly improves the care taking of the land they oversee. During her calls home to her children, they always ask her to stand and turn to see how big her belly is getting. She sits in on the calls from Rayee, but doesn't go visit him.
When Rayee returns home, Zeta is nine month pregnant and due to give birth any time by human standards. He is welcomed home warmly by his family. Only Zeta is aloof.
Except Rayee has never been shy, "Zeta, you look wonderful."
"If you say so," responds Zeta with a pleasant smile. "I feel like an overstuffed goto."
Rayee lays his large hand on her belly and feels the baby move. His face lights up with a genuine radiant smile. "Are you due very soon?"
"If this was just a human pregnancy, I would be due any day now. But we are not sure if I will give birth when a human female typically gives birth, go as long as a Koto female's pregnancy, or give birth somewhere in between. I just do not recall getting this big with my first two," shares Zeta.
Rayee ask, "Do we know if it is male or female yet?"
"Kamaki knows," answers Zeta, "but I have forbid him to tell. We will all find out together when I give birth."
"Come, Rayee," Rayou very happy to have his twin home. It's been weird sleeping in the dwelling they've shared for years without Rayee present. This was the first time the twins had ever slept under different roofs. "I will help you unpack and settle back in. All the chores are done so we can just relax and catch up."
"I have actually missed doing chores," admits Rayee as he walks with his twin. "I never thought I would miss such a thing, but I did."
During dinner Rayee is talkative. He's not cheerful in the way his twin, Rayou, is cheerful. But there is a noticeable improvement in his disposition.
Rayee shares, "I learned so much, like it is very important that I share my feelings. Especially, negative ones. I should not try to stuff them down and ignore them. When you do that, they leak out in ways that no one wants. And I learned to change my attitude by looking at things differently, so I will be less likely to experience negative emotions.
I was not very happy when I left. I was actually very angry. But I learned that it is okay to be angry sometimes and techniques to help me defuse my anger and deal with it appropriately. And even though, I missed everyone while I was gone, I am glad I went. Now, I will be a better son, a better brother and a better mate.
Zeta, I apologize to you from the bottoms of my hearts. I was never angry with you, but I did focus it on you. You did not deserve the unkind ways I mistreated you. I am truly sorry."
Zeta nods her acceptance of his apology, "Thank you very much, Rayee." Then she yawns.
"Zeta," Rayou concerned. "Are you going to be too tired to come to our quarters after dinner?"
Zeta smiles at Rayou, "I took a nap after lunch. I do not remember being this tired all the time with Gabe or Jasmine."
"If you have not realized yet," Anlo says to his brothers, "you all need to realize, that our child will be born soon. Zeta will be unable to mate for several weeks afterward. And even after she has recovered physically from the birth, she will be busy with our baby. It will be a while before she can pay attention to any of us like we desire. So no disappointment if she is too tired or too busy to mate."
Zeta pats Anlo's hand affectionately. "Rayou, we will see how I feel after I have finished eating dinner, yes?"
Rayou smiles back at Zeta, "Yes."
Rayou doesn't pester Zeta. As usual everyone pitches in to clean up at the end of the meal. When Rayou and Rayee have cleared away their dishes and put them in the dishwasher, they automatically head to their dwelling. Zeta pauses to talk with Jonina. They go over what was accomplished earlier that day, is there anything in need of repair, what they have a surplus of, and what they need to trade for. Zeta doesn't realize it, but she is basically running the farm.
"If you are too tired," Anlo calls on his way to their dwelling, "just come straight to our dwelling."
Zeta calls back to him, "I am fine. I will visit Rayou first."
Anlo gives her a nod of acknowledgment and heads for their dwelling that they unofficially share with Septimus. He basically only goes to his rooms to work on his paintings. Evenings after the last meal of the day are usually spent relaxing, and working on hobbies you didn't have time for earlier. Except for Zeta, she may get an hour or two to herself before she visits the dwelling of whoever's night it is for her to spend time with. An hour or two visiting, then she heads back to the dwelling she shares with Anlo and Septimus.
Zeta steps into Rayou and Rayee's dwelling. But Rayee wasn't home when the schedule was established and Zeta isn't really thinking about the fact that Rayee is now home too. Their dwelling isn't as large as Anlo's. The common area is about half the size of Anlo's common area. And instead of part of the common area being a sleeping area, there are two alcoves that are set up as sleeping areas with their own study areas. There are also two private rooms and two bathrooms.
Rayou puts down his book as he says, "Zeta." He rushes to her and begins kissing her.
Zeta giggles, "
Zeta feels eyes upon them, turns her head as Rayou is kissing her neck and sees Rayee at his desk. Rayee quickly drops his eyes back to what he was doing. Zeta gently pushes Rayou from her neck. And holding his hand, tows him toward Rayee.
Rayee shares, "
Rayee tells her, "" He pushes the poem he's working on toward Zeta.
Zeta leans over and reads: She is like springtime, blooming in my hearts.>
Zeta smiles, " Rayee nods, ""
" Rayee replies, ""
" It was true. Anlo and Septimus rarely get her alone anymore. But she makes a point to get time that's just hers and Anlo's when Septimus is painting. And the current schedule works, she doesn't want to change it. Plus, she doesn't want to make Rayee feel like he's not welcome home.
Rayou says softly into Zeta's ear as he stands behind her, " Zeta nods her agreement with Rayou, " " Zeta responds with a smile, " " Curtains... curtains of long luxurious silky fire red hair slide over Zeta's body. It's an intoxicating sensation. Rayou, as usual, is in a hurry. Zeta's enormous belly has limited her positions for mating. She quickly finds herself on her side with a leg draped over one of Rayou's strong shoulders as he works his way inside her. Rayee is surprised by the strength in the small hand that clutches his forearm as Rayou mates with Zeta. Rayee kisses her, and swallows the sounds his twin pushes out of her mouth. When Rayou finishes, Rayee takes his place. Except Rayee isn't in a hurry like his twin. He takes his time, enjoying the feel of Zeta wrapped tightly around him. He shows her more affection than Rayou did and brings her to climax slowly instead of quickly.
Rayee asks as he kisses her hand, " " Rayee says sincerely, ""
Zeta smiles, " " Then Zeta request, " " Zeta smiles, " Zeta snuggles up to Rayee and he wraps his arms around her. Her belly over laps his. He can feel the baby moving and can almost imagine what it must be like to have such a miracle taking place inside oneself.
Rayee says appreciatively, " But Zeta doesn't answer. So Rayee questions, "Zeta..."
Rayou states surprised, " "" says Rayee kissing her forehead. " " Rayee answers, " Rayou nods his agreement and snuggles up behind Zeta, spooning her as Rayee holds her. He pats Rayee's arm, " " Septimus steps into the dwelling and looks around, but all he sees is Anlo reading. He had been painting and lost track of time a little. But Zeta should have returned by now.
Septimus asks Anlo, " Anlo looks up from his reading and checks the time, ""
" Anlo puts down his reading, " Septimus walks with Anlo to Rayee and Rayou's dwelling. They step inside and the lights are off except for a bathroom light. It's just enough light for Anlo and Septimus to see them all lumped together on Rayee's bed. Anlo gently taps Rayee's shoulder.
Rayee opens his eyes and focuses on his older brother, " " Rayee explains, ""
Anlo nods his understanding with a pleasant smile, " Zeta wakes in the middle of the night sitting up as quickly as her enormously pregnant belly will allow her, saying " " Zeta answers almost panicked, ""
" Zeta nods her agreement and settles back down between Rayee and Rayou. She feels a little guilty, but she goes back to sleep.