Kamaki had a little trouble falling to sleep, and the urge to urinate wakes him just as the sun is dawning. He steps into one of the two bathrooms between the four bedrooms upstairs. He sits down to relieve himself. Being structured differently from a human male. His penis is only for mating. All Kotos sit to urinate and defecate. Koto females do not have seat-up issues with the males. He pats away any clinging droplets of urine with toilet paper, flushes and washes his hands. He steps out of the bathroom and spots Mary standing by the master bedroom door downstairs with a mug in her hands wearing some type of uniform. He walks down the stairs and steps up behind Mary. He can see that all four children have squeezed into bed with their parents.
Mary glances back at Kamaki, gives him a small smile and sips her herbal tea. She says softly, "They've really missed their mother. I could have done better, much better. But I got too wrapped up in my own emotions, feelings of inadequacy, anger, jealousy and self-loathing. I got caught up trying to numb myself. I forgot they were suffering too, missing her, angry about losing her, hurt by their own grandparents, then I start wigging out. But they're such good kids that I didn't notice. They're little overachievers like their mother."
"Try not to be too hard on yourself," Kamaki tells Mary softly.
"She would have noticed," states Mary.
"So are you angry with her for that," ask Kamaki, "or are you angry at yourself?"
"I thought I was angry at her," admits Mary, "but I'm really angry at myself, for more reasons than I can count. I'm not an overachiever like them. When I'm not balanced, I act out in negative ways."
Mary checks her watch, "I need to get going. I don't want to be late for work."
Kamaki follows her into the kitchen where she sits her mug on the counter next to the sink.
"Is this your work uniform," ask Kamaki.
"Yeah, these are my scrubs," confirms Mary.
Kamaki tips her chin up and kisses her, "Have a good day."
"Thank you, you too." Then she goes out to her vehicle, pulls out of the driveway and heads to work.
Kamaki stretches out on the sofa with his feet hanging off one end to wait for everyone else to wake up. He dozes off. The sounds of the children in the kitchen wake him up. He steps into the kitchen and says, "Good morning children."
"Good morning," they chime back.
"May I help with something," ask Kamaki.
"Jasmine and I got things under control," answers Gabe. "I gave Akanke' and Nasya some grapes to snack on while we're getting everything ready. Jasmine's making toast and I'm doing omelets. I beat the eggs in here with a little milk, garlic powder and pepper. I pour some into this small electric skillet, it's just the right size for making a serving, add some cheese, some diced onions, diced peppers, diced ham. Mary doesn't really like cooking. So she buys stuff that's already cut up. When the egg gets set and the cheese melts, you use this handle to fold it in half and slide it onto the serving platter and do the next one. I already have four done. I just need five more, now four."
"Very good," compliments Kamaki with a smile. "I better wash up and change out of my nightgown."
Jasmine ask, "Why do you wear a nightgown like a girl?"
"On my world, we all wear nightgowns to sleep in," answers Kamaki. "Surely, on this world, there are items of clothing both males and females wear."
"Yeah, there's lots of stuff," confirms Gabe.
Kamaki nods. As he's walking past the master bedroom, he hears Zeta panting and he's not sure whether it's Anlo or Septimus grunting. He sighs as he heads upstairs. He knows he can't borrow Zeta while he's pursuing Mary. That's a no, no on this world and Mary wouldn't understand yet. He has to be careful with her.
As Kamaki comes back downstairs fresh and dressed, Anlo is stepping out of the master bedroom also fresh and dressed. They bid each other good morning.
"What are you all up to in here," Anlo ask the children.
"Making breakfast," answers Jasmine setting a platter of buttered toast on the table.
"But your mother said she would make breakfast," reminds Anlo. "She just asked you to have some fruit while you waited for her."
"Are you mad, Daddy," ask Jasmine.
"No, I'm not mad," answers Anlo.
"We gave Akanke' and Nasya grapes," says Gabe. "They're little. They shouldn't have to wait. But we're big kids and… Is Mom going to be mad?"
"No," assures Anlo, "she will not be mad, just disappointed. She was looking forward to making you breakfast. She has not been able to mother you and Jasmine herself for so long, she is really looking forward to such things, like the cake she made last night.
This is fine. You have both done very well. Your mother will be very impressed. Just try to give your mother a chance to do some mothering."
Then they hear Zeta and Septimus bid Elder Coo good morning.
As Zeta steps into the kitchen, Anlo watches concern shape her round tan face. She ask, "Did I take that long? Were you so hungry, you couldn't wait for me to make breakfast?"
"We just wanted to make breakfast for you," answers Gabe.
"That was very sweet," responds Zeta giving them a hug and a kiss, "Thank you very much." She grabs the basket of fruit from the counter and moves it to the table. Anlo grabs plates. Zeta gets the milk from the fridge. Then she and Anlo grab cups for everybody. They sit down together and Zeta blesses the meal.
"Gabe said this style of egg is called an omelet," shares Kamaki taking a bite.
"Very delicious," compliments Elder Coo.
"Thank you," responds Gabe as he packs some omelet into a slice of toast.
"So, Mary's at work for the day," states Zeta. "What is a typical day like for you and Jasmine," she asks concerned.
"During the school year," shares Gabe, "we get up, do chores, walk to school, eat breakfast and lunch at school. After school, finish any chores that didn't get done in the morning. Then go across the street to the Henderson's until Mary gets home from work, have dinner with them. During summer vacations and stuff. We get ourselves breakfast, do chores, then go over to the Henderson's for the rest of the day."
Zeta nods. The Hendersons are experienced parents. They've raised four children of their own plus two of their grandchildren after their daughter and her husband died in a car accident. They have great grandchildren and a few great-great grandchildren. Though they're both technically retired now, Mr. Henderson still works part-time and Mrs. Henderson will babysit for free for anyone in the neighborhood who needs it. Between Mrs. Henderson and Zeta before she found herself on Anlo's world, people in the neighborhood didn't worry about what to do with their children before or after school. And they had preferred Zeta for their preschoolers because Zeta did a better job at getting them ready for school. With Zeta, they were often able to skip kindergarten, sometimes first grade too.
"So what kind of things did you do with the Hendersons," ask Zeta.
"Swim," answers Gabe, "play with other kids, tag, baseball, kickball, board games, bake cookies with Mrs. Henderson, sometimes play chess with Mr. Henderson. He's only beat me once."
"He's beat me a few time," adds Jasmine.
Zeta smiles, "Well if he wants to win all the time, he should play me." Zeta is relieved that they have had time to just be children. "I do have work to do here with Elder Coo and Kamaki before we all go home to Nokoto. Today, we'll just be in Mommy's office. But some days, we'll need to go out. On those days Daddy will go with us, but No-nyo will stay here with all of you. But once we get home, we'll have plenty of time to just hang out. Okay?"
Both Jasmine and Gabe nod their understanding. Jasmine says, "Okay Mommy."
"And Daddy and No-nyo will help you with chores," adds Anlo. "Since we are taking the animals with us, it is important we learn how to take care of them."
"We'll show you everything," volunteers Gabe.
"I meant to ask Mary about going together to see Nana," remembers Zeta.
Gabe says sadly, "I'm sorry, Mom. You won't be able to go see Nana. She died."
"Nana's dead," says Zeta wide eyed.
"Yeah," confirms Jasmine.
"When," ask Zeta.
"About four years ago," answers Gabe, "from pneumonia."
Zeta sighs sadly, "Well, I'm sure she's not the only one… Okay let's clean up. It'll be cold pizza for lunch."
They clean up the breakfast dishes. Anlo and Septimus go outside with the children. Zeta, Kamaki and Elder Coo go into Zeta's office to begin going through the names of people that believe they want to relocate to Nokoto and set up appointments to meet them. Kamaki also works on strengthening his relationship with Mary.
"What are you up to," Zeta ask Mary spotting her digging a deck of cards out of a kitchen drawer one evening.
"I thought I'ld teach Kamaki to play cards," answers Mary.
"Cards, really," Zeta leaning back against Anlo with a crooked smile, "What kind of cards?"
"I was thinking maybe poker," answers Mary slowly.
"Poker," says Zeta amused. "You've been spending a lot of time with Kamaki. But I really don't think he's interested in learning how to gamble. No money on Nokoto. So, what kind of poker are you going to teach him?"
Mary sighs, "I was thinking... maybe... strip poker."
"Strip poker," repeats Zeta with an excited grin.
"What is strip poker," ask Septimus.
"Poker," explains Zeta smiling, "is a gambling game played for money. Strip poker, though, is played for items of clothing each player is wearing. And supposedly, the first person naked loses."
"I do not understand," says Anlo.
"She's trying to get Kamaki naked," shares Zeta amused.
"Why do you just not ask him to take off his clothes," ask Septimus.
"I am sure he would remove his clothes for you if you ask," adds Anlo.
"I don't know," responds Mary. "He says I've been giving too much too soon and that he shouldn't give too much too soon either. I've never ached so badly for a man before in my life. I love it when he holds me. And we've been doing a little making out, yet he stops it before things start getting hot and heavy. I'm about ready to crawl out of my skin, and he isn't even getting a boner."
"What is a boner," ask Septimus.
"An erection," answers Zeta.
"I am sure," assures Anlo, "that he is wanting you as much as and most likely more than you are wanting him. But Koto males are different structurally than human males."
"Different how," ask Mary exasperated. "You have a penis don't you?
"Yes, of course," answers Anlo, "and testicles also. Yet for Koto males the genitalia do not hang outside the body and the penis is not used for urination."
"He has a boner for you, Mary," assures Zeta. "But he's not allowing it out so you're not aware of it. And a word of caution. Be sure this is what you want from him, because it sounds like he's playing for keeps. Plus, Koto males have a recovery time of zero, and he's not going to stop until he's sure he's pleased you. We're a little harder to please than Koto females."
"How so," ask Mary.
We're basically structurally the same as Koto women," explains Zeta. "Except, instead inner labia, they have a clitoral ridge that partially encircles the vaginal opening."
Mary's mouth drops open, "That's so not fair."
Zeta shrugs, "I know. I wouldn't mind that feature myself. Got to make do with what I've got."
"I like what you have got," Anlo tells Zeta.
"Me too," Septimus agrees with Anlo. "And Kamaki will like what you have Mary. Just tell him what you want. Take charge. You do not need the cards."
Mary gives a firm nod and heads upstairs. She pauses outside Kamaki's door. She usually knocks, but this time she doesn't. She grabs the nob, opens the door, steps inside and shuts the door behind her.
Kamaki looks up from a hand held computer, "Mary, are you feeling unwell." He trades the hand held computer with data he was reviewing for his medical scanner.
"I want you to take off your clothes and have sex with me," demands Mary.
Scanning her Kamaki replies amused, "Is that so?" She's not running a fever. There are no signs of illness. She's perfectly healthy and ovulating.
"I was going to try to get you naked by teaching you to play strip poker." She looks at the deck of cards in her hand and throws them to the floor. "But that's stupid. I don't want to play strip poker. I just want to get naked with you and bough our brains out."
Kamaki chuckles as he sits the scanner on the dresser. "I hope by 'bough our brains out' you mean mate." Kamaki hooks a long finger in the waist band of her jeans and pulls her toward him and the bed. He caresses his thumb across her cheek. "Are you sure you wish to mate with me? I do not wish a casual mating with you. I wish you to return to my world with me and be my mate. I will not accept anything less from you. I will not mate with you unless you agree to this. Do you understand?"
Mary is anxiously bouncing slightly where she stands, "Yes."
Kamaki ask, "Do you agree to be my mate and return to Nokoto with me?"
Mary's eyes begin to well over with tears as she starts to run her hands up his well-muscled chest and says, "Please…"
Kamaki gently takes her by the wrists and pushes her a step back away from himself, "Do you agree?"
With tears pouring down her face doing that cute little anxious bounce Kamaki is finding endearing, Mary begs, "Please… please…"
"Mary, will you be my mate and return with me to Nokoto? Yes or no?"
Mary sobs.
"Mary, yes or no?"
Mary's little anxious bounce becomes agitated for a moment. Then she finally says, "Yes, please, yes. Whatever you want. I'll do whatever you want, be whatever you want, just please, please, stop torturing me."
Kamaki pulls her into his arms and kisses her deeply and desperately. "Torture for you, much more torture for me." He yanks at her clothing as she yanks at his. He was already in his nightgown so it takes less than thirty seconds for him to be naked. Then the rush is to get Mary's clothes off, and articles of her clothing hit the floor one right after another until Mary is standing there naked too.
"Oh, Just a sec," request Mary and she reaches down and pulls a blue square from her jeans' pocket, "There," she says holding it up.
"What is that," ask Kamaki.
"A condom," answers Mary.
"Ah," acknowledges Kamaki. He smiles amused as he takes it from her and looks at the square. "We will not be using it," tossing it away and lifts Mary onto the bed. "Besides, it was made for an Earth male. It will not fit me."
"But…" Mary starts. Except the hot searing suction of his mouth drives all thought out of her head as he worries at a spot on her neck. He moves down to her breasts. Not as large as he would like, but still more than adequate. He moves lower still and Mary's breathe catches in her chest. She's never had a man give her oral before. She's always been the one giving. And maybe it was too soon to be giving so much to each other, but Mary wanted him so badly. With Kamaki she didn't feel lonely or used. With Kamaki she felt wanted, needed and adored.
Kamaki holds up one long finger. Mary follows it with her eyes until Kamaki's hand disappears between her legs. Her back arches as her hands fist in his hair as he sucks strongly at her breasts. Her hips lift in time to the rhythm set by his hand. Then an orgasm washes over her, her first ever orgasm. Kamaki is the first man to take the time to bring her release.
"Wow," says Mary laying there catching her breath.
Kamaki smiles as he gets on his knees between her legs. "Oh, that was nothing. I am just getting started."
Mary's eyes grow large as his smooth lavender shaft emerges from the diamond of silky smooth soft purple hair that starts just a few centimeters below his navel. "You're right," sates Mary. "That condom would never fit you… Question is… Will I fit you?"
Kamaki laughs and assures, "You will fit me."
Kamaki puts his hands under her, lifts her hips and begins to work his cock inside her. He knew it would not fit all at once. Mary can feel herself stretching to accommodate him.
When Kamaki is finally all in her, he pushes the tip of his penis into her cervical opening and ejaculates directly into her uterus. The way the males of his world are made allows them to ejaculate directly into the uterus through the cervix, not just deposit sperm at the opening of the cervix. Plus, Koto males produce sperm as quickly as they need it and have a lot of control over when they ejaculate. Yet waiting and holding back until he can't wait anymore makes the experience all the more pleasurable for a Koto male. He plans to wait and hold back on the next one.
"You see," Kamaki tells Mary as he begins to rhythmically thrust into her, "it is an extremely tight fit, but you fit me perfectly."
Mary smiles at him unaware that he has ejaculated directly into her uterus. She tells him, "You'll need to pull out when you're ready to cum, okay?"
"I do not understand the question," Kamaki thrusting slow and deep as he enjoys the feel of her. "You want me to go somewhere with you?"
Mary laughs, "No not come as in go someplace. Cum as in ejaculate. Since we couldn't use the condom, when you're ready to ejaculate, pull out so you don't ejaculate inside me. Okay?"
Deep rich masculine laughter flows out of Kamaki, "My young mate, you said you would do whatever I wanted, be whatever I wanted, and I shall hold you to your word."
"What's that supposed to mean? You don't trust me to keep my word? And I may only be fourty-five, but I'm not some kid. You can't be that much older than me."
"I am one hundred four, my young mate. And I will be ejaculating inside you. Do you feel this," Kamaki presses firm and hard into her cervix and ejaculates again.
Mary feels it. A clear moan of pleasure escapes her lips as she writhes from an orgasm. She manages to nod her head yes.
Kamaki whispers in her ear, "That is the feel of me ejaculating inside you." Then he resumes his thrusting.
"You couldn't have cum," insist Mary raising her hips to meet his, "You're still hard."
"I am not like an Earth male," explains Kamaki. "Ejaculation does not cause the loss of erection. When I stop it will be most likely because you need a break, not I."
"But what if I get pregnant," ask Mary.
"You agreed to be my mate," reminds Kamaki. "Mates have children together do they not?"
"Not always," answers Mary. "Maybe I don't want children."
"Except you have already agreed to be my mate, do whatever I want, be whatever I want you to be, and what I want you to do is get pregnant by me and give birth to our child, my young mate. Now, just enjoy."
Kamaki increases the speed and strength of his thrust. Mary finds herself writhing uncontrollably beneath him.
Anlo lifts Zeta onto the bed and begins kissing her. Septimus climbs in on the other side of her and slides a hand between her thighs.
Zeta stops kissing Anlo and asks, "
"" states Septimus.
The three of them lay there listening. Then Zeta starts to giggle when she realizes what she's hearing. She tells Anlo and Septimus, "Mary took that deck of cards upstairs with her to Kamaki's room. Either playing strip poker worked or she did what you two told her. But they're sure not playing cards now… Wow, I didn't know Mary was so vocal during sex."
"Kamaki is quite vocal himself," notes Anlo.
"I like it when Zeta is vocal," says Septimus resuming his manual stimulation of Zeta.
Zeta's breathe hitches. "Let's not get too vocal. We might wake the children."
The next day is Saturday, and they're having a lazy Saturday morning. Anlo and Septimus bring the children in from doing chores outside to wash up. Elder Coo is helping Zeta prepare brunch.
"" assures Zeta. "
Zeta shrugs, ""
"" says Elder Coo hopefully. " You know, he was in love once.>"
" " " " "" agrees Zeta.
" " " " Elder Coo gives Zeta a you should know better look, " "Crap," states Zeta with a huff.
"Is it food yet," ask Gabe wondering what his mother is frustrated about.
"Yes, yes," Zeta answers. "There's pancakes, strawberries and cherries, syrup, powered sugar and whip cream."
"I want strawberries and whip cream," announces Jasmine.
"Me too! Me too," shouts Akanke'. "I want that too." She has become Jasmine's shadow. "And I'm a big kid too. I need by own plate."
Gabe smiles at Akanke' as he makes his own plate.
"Jasmine, are you sure you can eat two pancakes," ask Zeta. "Those are good sized pancakes. Maybe you should start with one."
"Okay, Mom," Jasmine agrees.
"Jasmine, will you make Akanke's plate also," ask Anlo.
"Sure, Dad," answers Jasmine.
Kamaki comes jaunting happily down the stairs and into the kitchen. He rubs his hands together. "What are we having today?"
Gabe answers, "They're called pancakes, Kamaki. And these are strawberries, and these are cherries. This is syrup, powdered sugar and whipped cream. I like syrup on my pancakes."
"I shall try them that way," Kamaki tells Gabe.
"Kamaki, you had a good night," inquires Elder Coo.
"Yes, very good," confirms Kamaki with a broad smile. "Thank you for inquiring."
"Did you learn to play strip poker," ask Septimus feeding a small bite of pancake to Nasya, who glances at Kamaki with his own eyes.
"No," answers Kamaki, "but I did spend a good deal of the night playing Poke Her."
Masculine laughter fills the kitchen. Elder Coo and Zeta laugh at Kamaki's joke too.
"I don't get it," complains Gabe. Jasmine just shrugs because she doesn't get it either.
Zeta tells Kamaki, ""
" " " " "Zeta," Anlo says softly, ""
"" adds Septimus. " Zeta visibly relaxes as Mary comes plodding down the stairs. She looks like something the cat dragged in. As she makes a plate she asks, "What was so funny? I heard laughing."
"It was just something Kamaki said," answers Zeta.
"Are you alright," Gabe ask Mary.
"I'm fine," answers Mary taking a seat next to Kamaki.
"Are you sure you didn't pull a muscle or something," ask Gabe. "You're walking funny."
Zeta tries to hold her breath so she doesn't laugh, but it doesn't work.
"It is my fault," Kamaki tells Gabe. "I did not let Mary get much sleep last night." He leans over and kisses Mary. "I will let my young mate get more sleep tonight."
"Mary spent the night with you," realizes Gabe. "Oh, Mary spent the night with you and you were playing Poke Her." He giggles, "I get it, poke her."
Mary is mortified as she says, "Just kill me now."
"Tell me, Gabe, tell me," request Jasmine, "I still don't get it."
"Aunt Mary spent the night with Kamaki and they had sex," explains Gabe.
Jasmine shrugs, "So?"
"That's enough you two," says Zeta amused. "You're killing your Aunt Mary."
"This is very wonderful," says Elder Coo very pleased. "Mary, you have acquired yourself an excellent mate. There will be many new things for you to learn. Kamaki is an excellent teacher. But to make your adjustment easier; Kamaki, you will relocate to House Voltrand. You and Mary will occupy one of the spare homes there."
Kamaki nods his agreement, "Very good."
The doorbell sounds.
"I'll get it," Gabe quickly hopping up out of his chair and running for the front door. He opens the front door and says. "Hi, Fred. We haven't seen you for a while."
Fred steps in and gives Gabe's head a gently noogie. He says, "Sorry, I haven't been around much. I've just been busy with work. So is your Aunt Mary around?"
Kamaki heard Gabe call the man Fred and has assumed correctly that this is the Fred Zeta has mentioned and Mary told him about the other night. He pulls Mary closer to him and puts his arm around her as he carefully looks the man over. He is taller than Mary, but not especially tall for a human male just making average height for a human male. His skin is a dark honey color, eyes very dark brown, and his hair a very low fro of dark brown. He has a square masculine jaw and it's obvious he works out religiously.
"Yeah," Gabe informs Fred, "She's in the kitchen with everyone else."
Zeta's thinking Mary is about to break Fred's heart and hopes things aren't about to get ugly.
Fred turns and feigns surprise, "Wow, people."
Fred strolls through to the kitchen and says with a smile, "Hello, everyone. I'm Mary's boyfriend, Fred… Zeta, is that you?"
Zeta stands and accepts a hug, "Long time no see, Fred."
"You look great," Fred tells Zeta, "and it looks like you're a wee bit pregnant too."
"Yep," Zeta confirms, "we're having twins this time." She pats her swelling belly affectionately. "I have acquired myself quite a family, but everyone couldn't come. These are two of my mates, Anlo and Septimus, and our daughters, Akanke' and Nasya. This is Elder Coo and Kamaki."
"So, you have like two husbands," ask Fred.
"Actually, I have seven," shares Zeta. "Anlo and Septimus have five other brothers back on Nokoto and they are all my mates."
"So, you're not home to stay are you," ask Fred disappointedly.
"No," confirms Zeta. "We have work to do here then it's back to Nokoto, for all of us this time."
"I followed your in-laws' trial," shares Fred. "It's still hard to believe they pulled a stunt like that. It must have been quite a shock to suddenly wake up on another world."
"She actually coped quite well," says Anlo.
"So I hear you're looking for relocates," says Fred. "Maybe I should sign up."
"I am sorry to inform you," Kamaki not sorry at all, "but we are not in need of males."
"Not in need of males," repeats Fred finding that odd.
"No," confirms Kamaki.
Zeta explains, "Nokoto is suffering from a shortage of females."
"Really," says Fred intrigued.
"Yep," confirms Zeta, "For generations brothers have had to share a wife because there aren't enough women for the men to each have their own wife."
"So how does that work," ask Fred. "My brother and I couldn't even share toys. I'll be damned if I would ever share my woman with him."
" "What did he say," ask Fred curious.
"Oh, nothing important," Zeta lies with a pleasant smile.
"Well come on, Mary," calls Fred, "We'll go out for lunch."
"No," responds Mary, "we're not."
"Just come on, Mary," insist Fred. "We'll just hang out and bump uglies."
Zeta makes a face, "Fred, that's not very romantic."
"Mary doesn't need romance," responds Fred amused.
"What I don't need, Fred, is you," states Mary. "You came by to see Zeta, not me. And now that you've seen her and even got a hug from her, you're horny. Well, you're not climbing on me anymore and saying her name."
Zeta didn't like the sound of that. She asks, "What's going on? Fred, why would you say my name while you're with my sister?"
"He has been using Mary to stay close to you," answers Kamaki not trusting Fred to tell the truth. "He does not care for Mary."
"Look, whatever your name is, mind your own business," Fred tells Kamaki. "Mary and I have an understanding."
"An understanding that doesn't sound right to me," says Zeta. "How long have you had this understanding?"
"Always," answers Mary. "He's never been interested in me. It's always been all about you. He pretended to care for me in the beginning. But then he slipped and called me Zeta while we were making love. He said, 'Come on, you don't really think any man would truly be interested in you.' Said I should be glad he was willing to put up with me for anything. And he kept calling me by your name over and over again."
"Mary, why would you put up with that," ask Zeta.
Mary shrugs and shakes her head, "Men don't line up for me like they do for you, Zeta. And after you were gone, he suddenly didn't have time for me anymore. He was too busy with his other female friends. Then Nana died and I got so lonely. I had no one to talk to. I'm so sorry, Zeta. I couldn't think straight. But that's not an excuse. I never should have brought a stranger here."
"So all this time," says Zeta growing angry, "the problem in your relationship hasn't been Mary at all. You were lying to me. You've been using my sister for what, over two decades now, chipping away at her self-esteem and self-worth."
"Zeta, come on," says Fred with a smooth smile. "It's not like she's really your sister."
"Not really my sister," repeats Zeta in disbelief.
"Yeah," continues Fred, "she's just some foster kid with a junky mom, and she's a skanky whore to-boot."
Zeta's small fist connects squarely with Fred's jaw sending him stumbling back a couple of steps. "Get out and don't come back you son of a bitch."
"Zeta, you're over reacting," insist Fred managing a smile.
"Over reacting," Zeta outraged.
"You heard my mom," Gabe swinging a baseball bat and getting Fred's arm.
"Ow!" Fred dodges Gabe's next swing.
"It is fine," Anlo stopping the next swing of Gabe's bat. "I will show Fred out."
"Listen," says Fred, "there's no need to get violent.'
Anlo gets Fred by the back of the neck and guides him out the front door. Then he lifts him by the seat of his pants and tosses him away into the grass and adds, "Stay away. You are not welcome."
Septimus pokes his head out, and with a smile and a wave tells Fred, "Have a nice day."
Septimus shuts the door behind Anlo. Zeta is holding Mary as she cries.
"I love you so much," Zeta tells Mary. "You have Kamaki now. You'll never have to see him again… Hey, let's go to my office and write your letter of resignation to take to work with you on Tuesday."
"There's something else I won't miss," sniffs Mary. "I hate that job. I only took it to get to see and be near Nana more. With her gone, I hate it there."
"Well Tuesday you get to give them two weeks' notice," says Zeta walking Mary into her office.
"Let's clear away these dishes and things," says Septimus.
"Gabe, will you show us how to put these leftovers away properly," ask Anlo.
Gabe leans the bat against a wall, "Okay."
"You swing that very well," Septimus compliments Gabe.
"It's just practice," responds Gabe. "Jasmine's pretty good too."
"Jasmine, did you get enough to eat," ask Anlo.
"Yeah, I'm full," Jasmine gathering her dirty dishes.
"Akanke', are you finished yet," ask Anlo.
"No," Akanke' shaking her head. She's consumed about half a pancake with strawberries and whip cream, but Anlo doesn't think she'll eat much more.
"Nasya, did you get enough to eat," ask Anlo.
Nasya nods her black haired head yes. Anlo picks her up from Septimus' chair where she's standing playing with the fork. He steps over to the sink and washes her face and hands then sets her down on the floor."
"Mommy hit that man," says Akanke with a mouth full of pancake.
"Do you know what that means," Septimus asks Akanke'.
Akanke' shakes her head no.
"It means you should never make you mother angry," Septimus teases.
"Mommy would never hit us," says Jasmine with a giggle.
Kamaki peeks into the office. Zeta is explaining to Elder Coo, "It's considered proper to notify a company when you're leaving them. And they expect the notice at least two weeks in advance."
Nasya climbs onto Mary's lap. Then for a moment Kamaki sees something different. For a second or two, he sees Mary wearing a rasai like the women of his world with their child on her lap and her belly swelling with another.
"Kamaki," says Mary concerned, "are you all right?"
"Yes, I am fine," answers Kamaki. "Why do you ask?"
Mary hands Nasya to Zeta, steps over to Kamaki, reaches up and brushes tears from his face.
Kamaki smiles down at her. "I just saw something beautiful," he tells her as he kisses her hands.
"Zeta, our appointment is at four. We will need to leave by 3:30, correct," ask Kamaki.
"Yep," confirms Zeta.
"Then I still have time to spend time alone with my young mate," says Kamaki. Then he picks Mary up and carries her upstairs.
"See that," Gabe tells Jasmine, "Kamaki is going to play 'Poke Her' some more with Aunt Mary."
"Gabe," scolds Zeta.