"You have got to be kidding me..."
Vincent was taken aback by his current situation.
He was back to his original world. In front of him is a simple bed, two wooden chairs and a table with candy on it. Everything was the same as he left them to be.
"I'm back... but how...?"
Vincent eyed the bathroom door suspiciously as if something going to pop up from the door.
He lived in modern society, so it's impossible to avoid using a door.
Even though he is afraid of the unknown, he had no choice and decided to investigate the mystery, supernatural or whatever these weird events happening to him today.
Vincent opened the door to his bathroom slowly and carefully.
Taking a peek between the gap, he was relieved when the door doesn't connect him to weird places.
But it doesn't solve the mystery.
He had no idea why his bathroom was connected to the anime world, and how it even happened in the first place.
He washed his face with the water from the sink.
Somehow, his skin feels different than usual. He has yet to take a bath after working all day yesterday, but there's no dirt whatsoever on his skin. It's soft, tender and very clean.
He lifted his face, trying to see what's wrong with his face, but he become confused when his reflection didn't show up in the mirror.
As if remember something, Vincent turned around in search of his shadow.
And as expected he doesn't have any shadow either.
That loli vampire... It was not a dream after all.
He is no longer a human.
"I'm a vampire..." Vincent sighed heavily, somewhat conflicted.
Being a vampire is nice and all but it has a big drawback, he will get burned alive if he walked right under the sunlight and he had to drink some blood to quenched his thirst.
Vincent already had prepared when he choose to abandon his humanity and become a vampire to achieve his goal no matter what the cost, so he was quick to recover from his shock.
Vincent slowly opened the door leading to his bedroom slowly and take a peek inside the room from the gap.
But there's nothing unusual, it's still his old bedroom.
He started to recall everything that happened before the whole thing started, what he did before the door connected to a different place and the similarities between first and the second transitions.
"Is it because the neighbor watching Bakemonogatari anime?"
"No, that's not quite right. That doesn't explain how I can return to my bedroom again..."
"I was in the corridor and didn't do anything noteworthy..."
"So how..." Vincent muttered as he paced back and forth inside the bathroom.
"I was worried about mother and then suddenly I find myself returned to my bedroom..."
"Wait... I was worried about my mother?" He paused for a moment, a guess entered his mind.
"It could be my intention or what was on my mind at that moment... I was thinking about Anime Bakemonogatari, so the door connected to that world. I worried about mother and it connected the door to my bedroom."
"That's... highly possible."
Vincent stood in front of the bathroom and started to think about the anime Monogatari while slowly opened the door with his right hand.
"As I thought... it's not my bathroom, I was right!" Vincent smiled when he find himself in an empty classroom.
Now he can confirm that somehow he had a power or supernatural ability to travel between places using any door.
"But there are still many more possibilities and more experiments to be done before I know the full capability of this ability..."
"First of all, the door destination... can I choose it according to my will?"
He stood in front of the door and think about his mother sleeping in the hospital room. With a little push, the door opened and a bright light coming from inside the room.
Immediately the smell of hospital suddenly assaulted his nostril, he knows then that he can travel to various places even in the real world, not only between worlds.
The clock in the wall caught his eyes, it's 1:34 PM, the same time as the clock in his bedroom. There's no time delay between the traveling.
"So it's safe to call it a portal... connecting different places through a door."
Vincent turned his attention towards his mother.
Her face is pale and has a very sickly countenance.
It pained his heart to see her like this.
In the end, he continues to sit beside her for hours.
"Mother... I miss you." Vincent whispered softly as he held her hand against his face.
Vincent took a second look at the vampire's information displayed on the Bakemonogatari wiki, he was filled with disbelief as he read a bunch of interesting information on it.
He had been reading the wiki since he was back from the hospital. As a vampire, he has to know what abilities he possesses and how to utilize it to his advantage.
And what he got is a bunch of overpowered abilities the vampire possesses. It seems the vampire in the Bakemonogatari universe is op as hell.
It turned out that Shinobu was able to leap between continents, just like when she first arrived in Japan from Antarctica and able to destroy things by merely glaring at them, though he didn't remember ever watched that particular scenes.
Still, that is Shinobu's powers and he is just her minion right now, so it's safe to assume that his abilities will be weaker than her.
"But... hmm... As I thought, it's weird that the very op Shinobu to be in that pathetic state, it turned out she was trying to commit suicide by letting the hunters dismember her limbs and left her for dead." Vincent narrowed his eyes at the info from the wiki.
"I think they sealed her limbs somehow considering there's no sign of regeneration on Shinobu..."
"This is tricky... I have to be careful when dealing with them..."
It's been years since he watched the anime and it was very long, so it will takes days to watch them all.
"Yea, it's better if I stick close to wiki for the moment. There's so much research I need to do, but what about Shinobu... I can't leave her in the school alone for days, I need to deal with her somehow."
Vincent closed the browser and go to the abandoned school building through a portal, the people called it bathroom door.