!Announcement! 2/22/2021

Hey there, author here.

This is the end of volume one of this story and I am terribly sorry for missing out on the previous deadline. I know that I do not have many people reading this story of mine but I am very grateful and appreciate those who have stuck through it.

The reason that I am publishing this piece is to make an announcement. I will be taking a short break from this novel. Not for long. At the latest, until later next month.

The reason being is that I do not believe that I am giving out the best chapters that I can give and getting this far has drained me both mentally and physically. But I will not give up on this story. Because I am proud to say that there are people who read what I write and that has given me more joy then anything else I can imagine.

Life has given me lemons with this novel. And I have proudly made lemon meringue pie and eaten it with my sorrows.

So, I would like to give my thanks to everyone who has decided to even give this story a glimpse.

Thank You All. Until next time. I hope that everyone one of you will be well and have a great rest of the month.

Good Bye.