The timetable from hell!

"Theo, these four gentlemen will be tutoring you for the upcoming three and a half month. They are here to give this old man some face, so their word is my word. There will be no buts or maybe, from this point on you will have to give your all in order to successfully enter KMU." Theo listened to his grandfather introducing the few gentlemen he had hired for his upcoming training.

The four gentlemen were a combination of highly skilled personnel that his grandfather recommended or even old buddies of his grandfather. Each of the four had been handpicked by his grandfather, who had used his vast network to come up with the best trainers and teachers.

His grandfather had assured him that each of them was top of the bill in their respective field.

"This is second-lieutenant Redford. He is here on request of colonel de Ruyter. He's an officer specialised in spaceborne combat. He is known as a great strategist and has contributed to several tours in the border and has in his early career contributed to few notable battles as a mech pilot. His talent as an officer was quickly noted and since he has been promoting quickly under colonel de Ruyter. He will be in charge of teaching you military history, mech piloting and commanding, fleet command, leadership and logistics."

During his introduction second-lieutenant Redford confidently stepped forward out the four men line up, even going as far as giving a statutory salute to his grandfather. Theodore quickly categorised this man as an ambitious man. His demeanour was calm and confident, his back straight as an arrow.

Being given the request to train a teenager for three and a half months must have been the oddest request for the second-lieutenant, however, even if he was disgruntled, nothing of it showed on his face. Theodore's mind was running wild with speculations; his grandfather was a bigshot but his salute wasn't warranted for any reason.

Did this man want to forge good relations? Does grandfather hold bigger esteem than he thought? Was he just saluting as a matter of respecting his function as a military man? Theodore decisively reined in his imagination as there was no base to any of his speculation.

"At ease soldier. You're currently not on military grounds nor am I your superior." His grandfather said smilingly.

"I'm saluting you as a token of my respect for your son, sir. I'm proud to have been ensigned to tutoring his son." Redford stated as he directed his gaze between his grandfather and Theodore.

"Tssk, look at you respecting this old man. Colonel de Ruyter must've overstated much. My son might have been a great soldier but he is gone no less. He served well but this old man does not wish to see a young man like you blindly admiring him. Learn well of what has come of him. " His grandfather answered, a tinge of sadness and seriousness leaking into his voice.

"Well, continue the introduction.." His grandfather brushed aside the incident and continued to address the other tutors."

"... Next to the second lieutenant is retired drill sergeant Marten Kruys. He served the army for over forty-five years. He has been ensigned to various prestigious detachments before becoming a drill sergeant that has trained some of the most brilliant officers and special operations squads that out star system has ever seen. He will be overseeing your physical training. He will teach you military conduct, train your condition and strength as well as teach you hand-to-hand combat and marksmanship. "

This time a slightly older man stepped out of line. Unlike Redford, this man wasn't wearing a standard military outfit. He wore a tidy clean black specialist suit with a seemingly high tech belt. His military boots were cleaned so thoroughly they shined and even reflected the floor stones. Unlike Redford, Kruys only gave a curt nod and stood back in line.

"Third we have professor Wilkinson. He will be schooling you in physics, mathematics and chemistry. These are the most demanding courses for your entrance exams.."

'NO MORE LANGUAGES, GREAT!' Theodore was already celebrating this relief when he heard his grandfather continue.

"..However, you will also keep attending your lessons with our in-house-teacher Mr Jones to improve your languages and fine arts. " His grandfather states bluntly as if he had read Theodore's mind

"Professor Wilkinson is a genius of my time. He has been part and has headed various research institutes and later became an advisor to the state when it comes to high tech research subjects. He is an old friend of mine and has agreed to, for this period of time, tutor you without holding back any of his knowledge. You should treasure this opportunity."

Theodore nodded as his grandfather ended the introduction of professor Wilkinson on a serious note. Knowledge was power! This was also a personal belief of Theodore!

"Last but not least, we have Mr Matthew Boulton. Our business partner Watts and Boulton has graciously lent us Mr Boulton for your training period. Mister Boulton the grandson to the famous Mr Boulton that built an empire in designing and manufacturing both space ship as mechs. Watts and Boulton are a long-time supplier of our household mechs, space carriers and our other space-borne assets. Our inter-galactic transporting business also almost exclusively fields their products."

"He will be teaching you material science, engineering physics, engineering mathematics and system engineering. Most of this will be related to mechanical engineering. He will also teach you a thing or two on AI and ICT."

His grandfather concluded his introduction and pressed a button on his wrist-com. A blue screen materialized from his grandfathers' comm that clearly indicated a time-table.

Theodore froze as he took in the timetable: the timetable had three-hour slots with different instructors and his lessons started as early as 07.00 and ended as late as 20.00. His grandfather had not joked when he said it wasn't going to be easy!

"Gentleman, I fully trust your capabilities as instructors as you are all highly capable in your respective fields. Tomorrow will Theo start his lessons and I give all of you free reign on how to train him or which subjects you will rehearse with him. The only condition I have is that Theo is ready for his entrance exam in three and half months! If it's Theo whose slacking you're allowed to correct his behaviour any way you deem fit." His grandfather spoke solemnly as he glanced at the four respective instructors before his gaze locked upon Theo.

Theo felt shivers run through his spine as he locked eyes with his grandfather. The old man had given his all in setting this up and he wasn't expecting less of his grandson!

Succeeding was not an option! Failing was not an option! F*ck options, there is only success! He mentally prepped himself for the upcoming three-and-a-half-moths of torture. Even with his previous life knowledge and his passively gained knowledge of the former Theodore he knew this was never going to be easy! The stakes were high and his grandpa had gone all-in without as much as blinking!!

The current standards of technology were way out of his knowledge scope. His previous life made him a shrewd businessman and his suffering had made him mentally stronger than the average man.

However, the fact that mankind had leapt into space, carved out a piece of the universe for themselves whilst fighting hostiles and successfully terraformed even the most inhospitable environments made Theodore very sure of the fact that his 'knowledge' was at least horribly outdated.

Even the former Theodore could school Bryan in any subjects without breaking a sweat. With mankind advancing this much, the demands for studying also became increasingly high. The help of gene optimizations and AI had lightened the burden for the younger generation. Theodore was nevertheless in for a hell of a challenge!

There were many positives, however! His Bio-AI and gene optimizations were on a level that only very few would be able to enjoy these high-level benefits! His upbringing also put him on a higher starting point compared to the majority of the universe. However, he was not even close to being among the elite! The former Theodore had been average at best among his peers!

The Bio-AI had been successfully 'installed' in Theo and he had been exploring its uses ever since. From recording his surroundings, solving more complex math problems and 'conversing 'with his 'other brain'. He had found this technology incredibly useful! He couldn't imagine the number of different functions he could have his AI perform.

His AI was capable of conversing! This in itself would've alerted his former world if word got out! This kind of black technology was far, far ahead of anything that was possible in his former life!

This also gave Theodore confidence! With this as a starting point, if he didn't succeed, would he not be a dumbass!?

After discussing his timetable Theodore was dismissed as his grandfather was personally seeing to the arrangements for the guests.

--- BREAK ---

At the Walters residence.

"Who will be the leading figures of this years KMU recruits?" A big-bellied man asked in his dimly lit Walters families forum.


The forum was a place where big families would gather and discuss their families stance on matters as well as their course for the next years. It was a room that would only be filled with their leading figures. The forum was a trend among powerful families.

During the space-age companies had a hard time settling in positions of power as many families would try and gain influence for their family rather than their respective companies. They would rather try for a hegemony of sorts than a company run state! In the end, the power of most planets fell in the hands of a few families or in some cases in a single family's hands! Their family name was much stronger than the brand of their respective companies!

Because of this, a system of nobility was frequently reinstated during the conquests of planets.

The Keppler system had 5 terraformed planets. Keppler 1, Keppler 2, Keppler 3, Regus 1 and Regus 2. The Keppler 'planets' were run by several families. Whereas Regus 1 and 2 were run by the Regus family!

Within the Keppler planets, democracy had been instated by the ruling families.

On Regus planets, the Regus family ruled for almost two hundred years. They instated a system of nobility. For instance, Theodore's grandfather was a Marquess. He had quite an influence.

On Keppler the families would fight over important minister positions and on Regus, the important families schemed for the throne or against each other. The Regus family demanded of every noble a contribution to the defence of the planets. On Keppler, the military was recruiting among their ranks and file. With the families usually having their own people in important places.

Keppler 1 to 3 were separately run however were in an alliance to protect them from their neighbours. Regus military was usually stronger but they lacked unity. Keppler's military might was lesser but their unity was a lot higher!


The Walters family was headed by Archibald Walter, the big-bellied man that was sitting in his throne in the Walters Forum. Around him were his trusted aides and confidants.

A man sitting to the side started his report;

"Firstly his highness the crown prince Zeus Regus will enter the university this year. Also, many of the affluent families have a representative among the younger generation that will enter the KMU this year. Of the fourteen dukes, seven have an offspring that will enter KMU this year. Of the thirty-one marquees,' there are a total of seventeen offsprings that will directly enter the university this year. Many families have in the past tried to have offspring in his highness birth year, so it's unsurprising this many will enter in the same year. "

"Most notable entrants are the direct descendants of the Regus family, crown prince Zeus, as well as three direct descendants of dukes; Dwight Hightower, Rose McKellen and Arthur Levi. Behind them are several notable figures; Anthony Hollow, James Potter and Lilly Davenport. They are respectively direct descendants of their Marquees families. There is also a rumour surrounding Theodore Thompson. He is said to have recovered of his illness, the family has also announced that unlike before he is actually a potentate that has passed the threshold for interfacing via neural aptitude." The man sat down again as he concluded his report.

"Interesting.. Very interesting... Send me a status rapport on all these individuals. Also, check if Theodore Thompson has actually recovered. He is, after all, the heir to the good ol' Thompsons. With Charley Thompson missing, they're like lions without teeth. If his son is any like his old' man he should be formidable. However, his recovery is very .... surprising. " Archibald's deep monotonous voice filled the room as he was contemplating his commands for the families actions.

"My Davey shall have some serious competition if this is the list of competitors. Nothing is set in stone. Even if he is a genius, he must be tempered. His actions are too wild. For the next three and a half month prepare him to enter the KMU on his own prowess. We will send Irene as his replacement via the unofficial route. I have faith he can do it." He ordered.

-- BREAK --