You've failed succesfully

Assignment 1: Describe in your own words

01. Define dark matter and dark energy and their shared relation.

02. Describe the theoretical limit of energy storage.

03. What are the conditions to establish a stable neural connection?



49. Define consciousness. *Just out of curiosity*

Assignment 2: Personal questions

1. What is your current opinion on high-tech inventions?

2. What invention would you like to create?

3. What invention can you not live without?

4. What about science fascinates you most?



20. If you have to choose between science and carefree life, what would you choose?

Theodore couldn't' believe it. How on Regus can he finish sixty-nine questions in forty-five minutes?

'You have approximately thirty-nine seconds per question.' Summit diligently reported, satisfied with his own initiative to showcase Theodore how pressed for time he was.

'Where do I even start!' Theodore used all his cognitive capabilities to quickly take in the questionnaire while having Summit note down which questions were 'relatively easy'.

'I suggest the user connects to the neural interface of the system in order to be as sufficient as possible.' Summit saw the chance to receive some more kudos with another brilliant idea.

'Brilliant! Summit, if I connect to the interface, can you also interact with the interface?'

'Possibly.' Summit didn't know the answer.

However, he continued to explain; 'The galactic net does not have any accessible information on biological AI interfacing with machines through a neural link. Possibly this information is classified.'

'A stable connection requires a 'human' with a neural aptitude score of over seventy and a stable two-way regulated flow of information between the neural interface of the machine and the human. The user is fully capable of interfacing with machines. However, usually, AI is a software that runs on an implanted 'hardware' chip.'

'This chip makes interfacing with a machine impossible as the hardware cannot exchange neural signs. In the case of a biological AI implant, there is a chance that interfacing is possible.' Summit described his findings to Theodore in a professional way. He was really on a roll today.

'Thanks, Summit! You just answered the third and fifteenth question!' Theodore had absentmindedly started filling in the personal questions as he listened to Summits answer. He recognised the answer and immediately filled it in.

Filling questions in through neural link was an incredible feeling. The exchange was so quick, when he finished thinking - his entire thought process was recorded in the blank!

He then edited it by reformulating his thoughts quickly. After finishing a question the next question already popped up in his mind. The speed and the way he was spoonfed was really enjoyable!

'What are the risks of you trying to interface with the interface?' Theodore prodded, trying to speed up his progress even more with Summit helping.

'I would potentially die or at the least lose crucial data stored in my biological makeup.' Summit reported, his voice slower and lower than usual. It was as if summit dreaded the idea of 'death'! Just that it could think in 'i' was already an incredible thing! Summit was developing sentience!?

Theodore's mind spun for a second as his mind wandered off due to the implications.

'User has not attempted to fill in a question in the last fifteen seconds.' Summit reminded Theodore to focus as he noticed the drop in Theo's activity. Its core was scripted to make him completely loyal to Theodore, his only mission to serve his user. It was his greatest 'wish' to help fulfil the tasks of Theodore and help him be successful!

Theodorereminded himself of the core of Summits programming, as Dr Morgan had sufficiently comforted and enlightened him on the subject as he told Theodore of the implications of having a living 'AI' merge with him.

Theodore was no stranger to risks. He would take risks if it increased his chances of success at a reasonable risk!

However, losing Summit was not a risk he could afford! Summit would be the greatest aid in his envisioned future rise in the galaxy! He rose from the ashes twice before in his former life, this time he would never be satisfied with anything less than being a complete overlord! He contemplated his plans constantly in the back of his mind. KMU was only a step in the grand plan. He had to join the forefront if he wanted to be successful! He couldn't afford to lag behind others!

'Summit, you go and focus on the science questions. Find suitable answers on the galactic net and report them to me. I'll fill the questions in with my own understanding of your answer. Make sure you condense the answer in two- to three sentences.' Theodore then asked Summit to research the subjects and try to fill in as much as possible on the questionnaire.

'Also summit, log all the relevant sources you find. I'll be studying them afterwards' Theodore added to his earlier commands. Since Mr Boulton was going to teach at KMU, impressing him would make life easier later on.

And so the unusual pair of AI and man started filling in the blanks on the sheet in an inhumane speed in order to impress 'their' teacher.

Forty-five minutes passed by in a blink. Even with the duo giving it their all, they had not filled in the entire questionnaire. Even with summit condensing the information of the galactic net, Theodore had been stumped more than once. Some concepts were just so far beyond him that he couldn't even start to describe them in his own words.

Though he could cheat and use the answers of Summit directly, he faintly knew that Mr Boulton wouldn't fall for it. With the second part consisting of personal questions, Mr Boulton would accurately be able to guess Theodores thought process. If his thought process somehow became much more sophisticated during the harder questions.. He'd simply be announcing to Mr Boulton that he was a cheat.

Mr Boulton punctually entered the office again. Basically emerging from nothingness as Theodore was engrossed in answering the question through the neural connection.

"Times up mister Thompson. Let me check your answers." Mr Boulton placed his left hand on Theodore's right side shoulder to let him know of his arrival.

Theodore jerked up from the touch on his shoulder. He recognised the voice of Mr Boulton, however, his body went in high alert modus nonetheless as he was visibly shaken by the sudden interruption.

"Neural connections are wonderful, aren't they? However keep in mind, its a tool. Don't lose yourself in the connection. There have been many minds that were 'sucked' down the connection. Though the feeling is marvellous, it is also dangerous. Always keep your mind alert, Mr Thompson." Mr Boulton explained sternly.

At the mention of 'minds that were sucked down the connection' his face flashed with sadness for a second. However, he quickly composed himself. It seemed something personal must've happened to Mr Boulton to warrant such a reaction.

Theodore therefore, feeling the intense stare of Mr Boulton and hearing the tinge of sadness in his voice diligently noted down this advice, never to be forgotten.

"For those, like you, with high neural aptitude, the danger is even greater than for those with lesser aptitude. The connection literally demands you to share your processing capabilities. The more fluid the connection, the easier you're lost in the exchange." He further explained.

"Well, regardless. Commit my advice to memory. Let's discuss our business, shall we." He then pushed back his glasses as he started to comment on Theodore's test.

"Interestingly enough, your test is above mu expectation. Your foundation is pretty shaky, but you're rather good with theoretical concepts. You also have quite the imagination, this is also a good quality for a researcher. Sometimes a problem can only be solved by creatively finding solutions. Not all problems can be solved with a box of old tricks." He gently commented, seemingly satisfied.

"We'll brush up your foundations in science in no time. Those old geezers your grandfather managed to convince will not let you go before you're adequate. You're rather lucky as they're not only very knowledgeable, but they're also used to teach. I, on the other hand, will be winging it with our study sessions."

"My bare minimum goal is, that by the end of this three and a half month is that you understand mechanical engineering to a degree that you can hold yourself in a conversation with me. We'll study up to all relevant theories up to sophomore level. If you don't make it, forget being drafted in the elite class for the engineering track." Mr Boulton said seriously.

"Sir, euhm, teacher, isn't that a bit too harsh?" Theodore lightly commented as he heard the harsh requirement.

"Hmm, I won't tutor the inadequate. I don't think I've misjudged your talent and capabilities. Though you are very rough, if we polish you correctly you will definitely become a bright diamond."

"You see Theodore, the theories you just commented on are ridiculously hard to understand. The average layman wouldn't even scratch the surface of these theories if I tried to explain them for hours. You, however, managed to at the very least barely managed to scratch the surface of some of these theories in a very short time."

"This tells me you are suited for the path of science." Mr Boulton smiled brightly as he answered Theodore's uncertain question.

"Though, I'm aware the test somewhat stress-test me on what I'm capable of. I'm still very new to the science front. I'm not confident I can meet your expectations, sir." Theodore answered honestly. He knew his limits, the questionnaire had sufficiently scared him. Though he considered himself to be rather bright, to study up for two years of high standards university-level class. To challenging!

"Your uncertainty is only confirmation that you are a reasonable self-critical human. My expectations might be high for you. However, you only need to do your all in learning as much as you can. Even if you fall short of my expectations, all might not be lost. Lose the distracting thoughts and focus your mind on the wonders of science! Humans all over the galaxy are constantly researching, improving existing theories, expanding their knowledge and contributing to the immense wealth that is science!"

"We stand on the shoulder of our ancestors, all human glory stands on the shoulders of science! Hundreds of years back no one believed we would leave the tiny planet earth, now we're conquerors of the universe! Humans are incredibly ingenious, resourceful by nature! You are but one of the billions, but your limits are only there to be broken!"

"Don't belittle what humans are capable of, and most importantly don't belittle yourself. Many things might look impossible. Traversing the sky was once an impossible hurdle for mankind. It is only because of one Wilbur and Orville Wright dared to venture on this impossible dream that it became a reality!"

"Even if you're not the genius they are, you are at least as ambitious and have been given a life with endless possibilities. Don't hide your ambition and talent. In this world, you must claim whatever you are due." Mr Boulton ended his inspiring speech, as he tried to lift the mood of his student.

"Well, don't think too much of it. Just work hard. I've been notified that at twelve-thirty you are expected for lunch with your grandfather today. Make sure you have can stay late during our lessons at least thrice a week. Witnessing the experiments and expertise in the workshop will help you progress better." Mr Boulton demanded of his student.

"Then! Let's dig into our subject this week: Electronics! Nothing ever moves without power! Therefore efficiently distributing and using energy is an absolute must!"

The lesson than filled the remaining time of the lesson and Mr Boulton ended class punctually at 12.30, even as Theodore complained he would, therefore, be late to his grandfather's lunch appointment. Mr Boulton would have none of it. Science was the highest goal, lunch can be postponed. Actually, lunch was really optional! But Mr Boulton didn't mention this, as he knew the value of interpersonal relationships.