
After a slight wait, the lights dimmed and a single spot followed a grey elderly man on stage. His blue robes accentuating his confident walk on stage.

"Please welcome headmaster Lifelong." The female voice introduced him to the figure on stage. The introduction was followed by enthusiastic clapping. Theodore noticed how the alumni played a key part in activating the

As he spoke, Theodore heard his voice come through the speakers in his chair.

"Good, good, thank you."

"Today I welcome all of you to Keppler Military University. Today's assembly is about starting a journey. Regardless of passing or failing the entrance exam, you will never be the same you again. Because regardless of the result, today will mark the start of your academical journey. It might be on these famous grounds or elsewhere, but you must remember - all of you are exceptional. None of you is ordinary. You are one out of billions and this fact will never change."

"For some of you, this will be your home for the next four years. For some, it might even be longer. But for most of you, this day will be your welcome and goodbye. KMU is an institute of higher learning that focuses on developing the most brilliant students across the galaxy. Our standards have never been higher than today. But I would like everyone to remember this day as a great moment in your lifetime. Remember, you are here, you are exceptional."

"The KMU is a place best known for its competitive nature. To rise above all odds is our motto. Every day you spend next this campus is dedicated to being a better you than yesterday. We challenge you to overcome the odds every year. There are fifty-two-thousand people attending today's examination. There are two-thousand-and-twenty spots. Only one in twenty-five will become a cadet in this institution after today."

"Only five-hundred or even less will graduate in four years time. That's óne student in every one-hundred-and-four that is gathered here today. I'm not telling you to be scared. When you're young, you should be fearless You should aspire to do great things. But the reality is that only a very few are gifted enough, studious enough and lucky enough to graduate here."

"It is not always the brightest that graduate here. It's not always the richest that graduate here. But it is those that work the hardest, are most the talented and most motivated."

"Be proud that you're one in billions, be proud that you're here. But stay humble, we are one on billions. Among these billions, there is always someone that can outperform you."

"I hope all of you can perform to your absolute best. I wish that all of you perform better than you ever have. I hope that tomorrow, you're - regardless of the results - a better person. "

"Don't fear the inevitable. Overcome all odds. Improve every day and don't ever give up on your dreams. I wish you the best of luck."

Headmaster Longlife then smiled and left the stage under loud applause. This time, there seemed to be no instigation of alumni. Theodore too could feel his heart pump. It was a blatant challenge. You are a number - these are your odds. Don't fear the statistics, just leap for it.

As the headmaster walked off, his place was taken by a rather intimidating middle-aged looking male with a domineering air. His black sleek hair loosely draped by the side of his hair, neatly complimenting his pitch-black robes. His stern face and scar on his cheek enforced the impression that he was a very intimidating man.

"Welcome. My name is Yuri Freyain. I am the housemaster of house Odin. We of house Odin pride our cadets' bravery, ability to fight and to strategize. House Horus offers all military classes. If you wish to excel as an officer, as a mech pilot or combat specialist you will be under my jurisdiction. "

"The other three houses are House Mimir, House Regin and house Vanir. House Mimir is responsible for offering all science classes. It is the house for those who seek knowledge above all. Whether it is inventing or improving on research or state of the art equipment and technology, Mimir is involved with it all. This house is where you can thrive if you have the right set of brains."

"House Regin is for those who seek craftsmanship. For those who like to sculpt the future by creating products or for those who like to work with their hands, this is the house that you will feel at home. House Regin offers all courses related to crafting, metalworking, assembly, building and so on. They produce both artisans and engineers of great ability."

"House Vanir is the house that deals with all that is business. They offer all courses related to management, operating businesses, creating value. This house values a keen eye for value and good judgement of character. For those that are passionate, reliable, well-spoken and business savvy, this will be your house."

"You're all on KMU ground to participate in the annual entrance exams. This is a military institution and you are to behave according to military law. You are now aspirant-cadets. You will behave on campus. You will follow orders. You will answer with two words. YES, SIR. NO, SIR. YES M'AM. NO M'AM. "

"You will be subjected to physical and psychological tests spread out throughout the day. You will also attend and complete several written test of various subjects. You will be observed at all times by our all-encompassing monitoring system. Cheating means forfeiting your rights to enter KMU. You cannot cheat the system. I repeat, cheating means forfeiting your chance to enter the KMU."

"All tests are fair and indiscriminate. We care not for your skin colour, your nationality, your gender or sex. We care not for your background, your money or your connections. We only care about your performance as an aspirant-cadet. We look for determination, motivation and brains. You accept all of your given scores and do not debate over the assessment. I personally vouch for the correctness and fairness of all the tests."

"There are two ways of passing the exam. One, get picked by one of the housemasters to join a specific track due to excellent performance in one or more of the related subjects. Two, your general score is high enough to be awarded a spot. All the Elite spots are handpicked by the housemasters based on their preferences and your performance."

"The first exam is a written exam on your interests. We will compile your profile from this and match this to your exam results. Your results will be shown per House. Those who excel in physical subjects will have a high compatibility score to house Mimir for example. Those who excel in science will have a high score with house Mimir."

"You will find that each written test is made unique to yourself. As you answer more and more questions, the level of difficulty will rise. The AI will determine your level of ability and give you a compatible score."

"You will be tested on general knowledge during a quick scan. You can expect questions regarding history, biology, chemistry, geography, physics and the like during this test."

"You will also be tested on very specific tests, regardless of your interest in those fields. During the advanced science tests, you will be quizzed on your knowledge of Material science, engineering physics, engineering mathematics, system engineering, AI and computer science will be tested."

"You will also be tested on your physical prowess. As a military university, we have a standard to uphold. You must at the least pass these tests to be even considered for admittance to the university. You will be tested on your condition, strength, agility, hand-to-hand combat, mech piloting and marksmanship."

"You can also earn extra points during tests regarding languages and the fine arts. Don't forget that the exam starts the second you leave this theatre. You will continually be monitored and tested. "

"I wish all of the present fifty-two-thousand aspiring-cadets the best of luck."

He then, like headmaster Longlife departed from the stands. The crowd, still intimidated by his sheer presence did not clap this time.

The stage was then taken by a young man.

"My name is Thurren Ward. I am the University Captain and therefore represent the entire schools' student body as I welcome you to our schools' ground. These grounds are sacred to all students attending KMU. We are honoured to be part of this prestigious school. Proud to part of its history and proud to be contributing to its future."

"A big part of schools standing in the galaxy is the performance of their students. The bar is set very high for all entrants. And that bar is raised with each successive generation. As captain, I strive to help lift this university to a higher standard, to become a first-rank university. Representing the University in tournaments is a great honour that is bestowed on the best cadets in the university."

"As every year, I hope you can contribute to the school and add to its history and prestige. Some of you will make it to one of our university top competing teams. For those that make it, it is a glorious moment when you first represent the university. "

"Strive to improve every day. To learn something new. The motto of our school is "Overcome all Odds". In recent years we've had trouble competing with the top teams of the most prestigious schools. I hope your arrival will help change that."

"I wish you luck and wisdom. Never give up, never give in, chase your dreams and you'll find that you're more capable than you ever thought. Those were the words the headmaster spoke to me the day I became captain. I now forward his words to you. Best of luck."

The captain then left the stage under loud applause and whistles. Many females seemed to like him. His blond hair, chiselled face and defined muscled, his heartfelt words and wishes might have fried a part of their brains, so Theodore thought.

Then a familiar face walked up on stage. Theodore could only smile as he saw Matthew Boulton take the stage. He looked confident and at ease even with everyone eyes glued to him. Theodore had come to like the eccentric scientist-entrepreneur.

"My name is Matthew Boulton. From here on out you will get to know me as professor Boulton. As a new teacher, I've been asked to welcome you on behalf of all staff. Many teachers have at KMU have an illustrious background, especially in the field of military and science, there are several leading experts in their respective fields."

"For those able to enter KMU, you will find the most capable staff-line up that you can imagine. Each of them dedicated to improving you and enriching your experience and knowledge. As a starting teacher, I have little practical advice to pass along to you now, so I will tell you a story that might inspire you."

"During the past year, I've been private-tutoring a kid. Bright as hell, but not as nearly as educated as he should have been. For various reasons, he did not feel motivated or compelled to study. His name is Theodore Thompson. He's on seat KN486. He decided to attend KMU and only study up in three-and-a-half-month. We're talking about someone who only barely passed his classes even though he attended private tutoring by a great teacher his entire life."

"This good for nothing studied like crazy and has surprised me as no one has ever done before. He studied so hard that he even rehearsed during his sleep. He was so motivated he had his AI repeat lessons even during his breaks. We're talking about someone who was so committed to entering KMU that he had himself drilled every morning by a mad man."

"In three and a half month he has surpassed all the ordinary. He's the living proof that talent does matter. But who is resigned to accept being overtaken by someone who couldn't be bothered to open his book four months ago? Who is resigned to have his spot taken by someone who was born with a golden spoon and still failed his family's expectations? I surely do hope none of you accept this."

"A the frontier of science it is always a battlefield! There is always someone researching the next big thing. There are always new thesis' and research-publishments. Someone else might solve the puzzle that you've worked on for years. It is a race to stay at the front, to not be left behind."

"Your academic career is much the same. If you don't go all out, some Theodore will sneak up from behind and overtake you. I am certain that Theodore will take a spot today. The question is who will join him? And who will be left behind?"

"I hope all of you can say you've done everything possible to prepare for this moment. This moment will determine your future road. If you don't make it; fight harder. You can still return to the fore-front of your generation. But let this be a reminder: there's always someone working harder!"

"I wish you the best of luck today, though I personally feel that preparedness sets you up for success."

He then left the crowd speechless as he comfortably walked off stage, like he couldn't be bothered that he just scared the whole audience of the ruthlessness that would take place in the exam and later in their academic life. Theodore himself cursed in his mind as the name-dropping surely would do him no favours during the exams - or in his university life. For a split-second he thought of Evanna - how would she think of him now?

It didn't matter. What mattered first was to get in. He'll settle the rest later. It would probably blow over after the exams - everyone that passed had earned their spot by their results anyway. Being set up as a target also motivated him. He felt like a target was on his back, and all he could do was move forward with all he got. Determined he left his seat as his comm beeped with his roster for todays' exams.