
After the test, the accepted cadets had been rounded up by their responsible alumni and been guided to a on-campus hotel. Usually, the hotel was used for esteemed guest, negotiations and receiving opposing academy teams. This would be their last night before their university life started.

Theodore had settled into one of the luxurious rooms and enjoyed his well-deserved break. He took a bath, showered himself down and put a good bottle of wine in the cooler before he sat himself down on the most comfortable couch his behind had ever had the pleasure acquainting.

He then activated his com' and rang his grandfather.

"Ah, Theodore, good to see you. We've been following your scores and you have certainly impressed us all." His grandfather warmly said after answering the call.

"Hello Grandfather, it was hard, but I'm glad I've met your expectations. Three and a half month of intense cramming sessions did pay off in the end."

"Considering who taught you, you were well prepared. Nonetheless, it is all due to your own efforts, Theodore."

Theo smiled proudly at that comment from his grandfather. The genuine praise by his grandfather was something the original Theo had yearned for aswell.

"We'll keep it short, as I have no doubt that things will only get harder from here on out Theo. I've come to an agreement with prof. Boulton on your behalf. I will spare you the details, but I've secured your place in the mech design course. You will also become a core disciple to Boulton. Boulton will personally make sure your pay as his assistant matches any expenses you will have in attending the classes. He even pulled a favour with Miss. Ingress so you could become a special pick."

"What is a special pick?"Theodore hadn't even heard of the term so far, and he was pretty well-read into KMU by now.

"After selecting the cadets, each house gets five special picks from the examinees. The special picks all have some special perks. In general, they're given extra attention by house-staff. For example, Horus SP's are given a position as captain in their first term and given a significant bonus in their starting credit balance. I'm not aware of all perks, but it's definitely an auspicious start to your KMU career."

"As a Special pick from house Mimir, you are given free entry to the library, access to the first restricted area of the library and a monthly amount of private tutoring with a staff of your choice. This will help you immensely in your studies. Next to that, you have a 25% discount on material purchases, use of the laboratory and engineering bay."

"Everything in KMU costs credits, loaning books for free is a great boon."

"Anything special besides that?" Theodore was not impressed.

"I don't think you understand quite well Theodore." His grandfather sighed as he continued to patiently explain.

"The biggest issue for those who follow the mech-design costs are time and credits. In your case, you're extremely short on both. Basically, all your assignments in MD will need you to invest in materials, books and time in the laboratory or engineering bay. Your browsing books for free and you have a discount on all your secondary expenses. It's a very enviable package, Theodore."

"Well, if you put it that way. It's certainly helpfull. But I'm not quite blown away by it. I thought it would be more special somehow."

"Well, you'll find out Theo. Go and rest up, tomorrow you will officially start at KMU so it will definitely be a busy day. I know communication to outside is rather restricted at KMU, but call in whenever you can Theo. "

"I will, grandpa"


Time : 08.00

Location: Horus common room

Headmaster Freyain personally greeted the selected Horus cadets.

"Welcome Cadets to house Horus."

"You have been selected after an arduous process wherein less fortunate or less talented examinees have been cut from a full roster of 52,000. I congratulate you all on this feat, as it literally makes you the 1% that makes the Academy roster from all applicants, galaxy-wide."

"However, the time to bask in glory has passed. You are now a Horus cadet. You may be proud off your achievements, but let me be very clear - this is the starting line for a whole new chapter of your life."

"KMU is a very competitive university. We deliver the very best of the best. Elimination of those deemed unfit is only a part of the challenge that lays in front of you. Every one of the cadets beside you is your direct competition."

"There were two-thousand-and-twenty spots to be allocated in the various departments. Five hundred per house and five special picks per house. Special picks are people who demonstrated capabilities beyond the expected and have garnered the attention from staff. They're selected for a house because of their specific skills."

"Horus special picks are Julian Brandt, Gaméz Rodrigues, Dwight Hightower, Quince Crosse and Miss. Avery Adair. They will naturally join the Elite class. Special picks form their own team. Each team consist of six pilots. Thirty-six elite class spots have been taken by 'legacies'. Among them, captains will be appointed as well. In total, we have ninety-six elite cadets registered this year. "

"Each captain has three weeks to form his team. This team will stay together for the entirety of the first semester. You will drink, eat, sleep and play with this team. During scrimmages, you will be graded for your performance. In term two the inter-academy competition starts. This is where staff will intervene and pick the most suitable teams to participate. In total, there will be three teams competing in the competition."

"It's an honour to be selected for the KMU U1 Team. Not to mention, you can earn some credits with your participation. Staff picks the team, there will be no discussion whatsoever. Whatever we as staff decide, you can only accept the results."

"This also means it's not a given that the top twelve on the pilot leaderboard will be chosen. Team composition will matter a lot in the allocation of team spots."

"Horus only cares for winning. We will select the best for each matchup. Unlike what some other houses might do, we care not for any relationships, apprenticeships, your rank, station, opinion or feelings. We care about the result. We select those that we feel will give us the best result."

"We are a military university. This is a military house. Rules are rules. Your rulebook has been delivered both digitally and in the paper. You're expected to abide by the rules, follow instructions, speak loud and respectfully to your seniors and superiors. You're expected to hand in your assignments on time. You are expected to report for duty on time. Breaking the rules will have consequences; extra physical activity, a drop in grades, a fine - staff decides punishment and you will unconditionally accept. Am I clear?!"


"Good. You have received a list of items that you are allowed to bring to your room. Each of you share a room with one roommate. We will inspect your room for illegal wares, for tidiness and cleanliness. Your roommates' trash is your thrash. Keep your personal space pristine, cadets. Any item you have with you, that's not on the list, can be deposited at the depository."

"Your roster has been uploaded in your 'university' account. You have been given instructions on how to access your account and I expect every cadet to check for changes regularly. You are to report to the Mech Hangar at 15.00 to chose your personal training mech."

For the first time, a buzz of excitement went through the crowd, who up until now had been silently standing at ease.

"That's it. Get settled in today, ready yourself for the rest of the day. Mindset is half the battle. Cadet Thompson. Stay behind. The rest of you are dismissed."

"Thompson, follow." Freyain commanded as he briskly walked off to the elevator. Theodore meekly followed as he was contemplating how he got into trouble this early on.

Freyain walked into his office and sat down behind his desk. He didn't beckon for Theodore to sit, so Theodore simply stood next to the opposing chair - awkwardly awaiting instructions.

"This year we have a special situation. House Horus has the 'luck' to have 'six' special picks. Or rather, you, Cadet Thompson, are the special situation. You will follow a joint project by the other three houses on the invitation of headmistress Ingress. Cadet Thompson, I will remind you now, before your brothers in arms, you cannot slack off in Horus or I'll personally see you out. I don't do favours. I don't care how you got into this mess, but It better not affect your motivation, your results or your fellow recruits. Clear?"

He looked straight into Theodore's eyes, his face straight as steel, his voice leaving no room for arguments.

"Yes, SIR." Theodore said quickly, impressed by the sheer pressure the man emanated by just speaking.

"Good. Pack your bags, get settled in. Report at the hangar bay as the do the rest. Dismissed."

After the dismissal, Theodore could feel the pressure disseminate. Headmaster Freyain focused himself on his own tasks, and Theodore might as well have been air at this point.

Theodore did a standard salute, turned and fled from the office as some signs of sweat were already starting to become visible around his nape.

Theodore then went back to his hotel and commanded some bots to carry his bags to the depository. Because of his family experience with KMU, he had already strategically packed up. He deposited the bags that held valuables and 'other unnecessary luggage and then asked Summit to help him navigate to his dorm.

Theodore also shot a message to Evanna, congratulating her with being accepted as an elite student at Mimir. She would also be attending some of MD's classes so he was happily entertaining the idea of sharing a class with her.

He then found Dorm E-32 and entered and quickly found his bunk bed. The bed was as hard as a rock and the thought of sleeping on it for the foreseeable future somewhat stressed Theodore. Even in his former life, he had been living in luxury. The bed didn't look very inviting.

Summit informed him:

"All cadets are allocated to a standard dorm in one of the KMU dormitories. In the first year, cadets are taught humility, posture and bearing. Part of the experience is are the complimentary bunk beds. The cadets are taught that luxury should be earned. That they should be able to sleep everywhere and never take a soft bed for granted. After the first year, cadets that advance in KMU are given a private room with better facilities. Strangely enough, after the first year, many prefer the bunk bed."

"I can hardly believe anyone can prefer these beds."Theodore said audibly.

A bespectacled young man answered him.

"Cadets are supposedly grilled pretty hard in the first year. The story goes they drop down on these beds, completely physically and mentally drained every night. In the end, cadets can sleep pretty much anywhere, anytime, on command. After experiencing the first years, cadets become accustomed to a strict and harsh lifestyle. They prefer bunk beds because they believe it helps them stay sharp and humble. Which is part of the creed of house Horus."

Flustered with the response, Theodore looks back over his shoulder, just in time to see the bespectacled youth extend his hand in a formal greeting.

"My name is Quince Cross, and it seems that we will be roommates."

Theodore acknowledged him and introduces himself "Thompson, Theo, nice to make your acquaintance. Which bed do you prefer?"

"Top." Quince replied smilingly.

They both exchanged some words and quickly became familiar.

"So what's with the choice of training mech?" Theo asked, Quince seemed to know just about anything about KMU, so he was definitely going to use this to his advantage.

"Well, every year, cadets choose their own mech. You're supposed to service it yourself, bring it to every pilot field class. You can have it optimized as you see fit, well, if you have the creds. Its part of the pride Horus cadets have. You and your mech are partners, or so they believe. And cheating on your partner is bad faith." Quince answered with a chuckle.

"So, its a big deal huh. Didn't know that."

"They'll explain it down at the hangar anyways. They're standard models. Just figure out what kind you want to pilot."

"I'll be piloting a light-class ranged mech. I feel most comfortable in those." Theo instantly answered, in his mind, clips of his simulation fights were played as he smiled in thoughts.

"Ah, cool. Guess were a tandem then? I prefer piloting knights, both offensive as defensive knights. I will likely choose an easily modifiable medium knight."

Both of them joked and laughed as they arranged their things in their shared room.

Both of them had their own desk with a terminal. A safe. A closet for clothing and some spare space under their beds for storage.

They were allowed two sets of civilian clothes, three sets of KMU basic attire and two custom KMU pilot suits. Quince wasn't allowed to keep his glasses on. Strangely he didn't deposit them a the depository but put them in his safe.

They were allowed 'one religious book', a hygiene kit, birth control (condoms) and prescripted drugs. Everything else would have to be deposited or it would be confiscated during a room check.

"The reason that they allow condoms is pretty funny by the way. Apparently during the first year, if recruits aren't completely exhausted, they were 'active' with each other. In the end, various females became pregnant and since the KMU added birth control to their list of allowed items."

"Why weren't the females on birth control?"

"It weren't cadets that became pregnant.. but several maids. They weren't on control.. for their own private reasons, I suppose."

Quince didn't openly say it, but bearing the kids of a notable figure would become a 'big' financial boon to these ladies. These cases were few, but some were proven pre-mediated.