Planetary Deconstruction.

So CM can We start to get a supply chain?

I had asked CM due to the fact of exponential growth where if we can satisfy the resource Demands We can build more meaning that We can Build even, even more.

("Yes Yes #d%t$b )

Oh, Excellent That means that we can do more!

I had exclaimed after all the surface is a wasteland incapable of supporting most life after Humanity, tried their Final Gambit before evacuation Exposing The Planetary Gun platform a project to Destroy any Descent of chaos with one fine Underground Nuclear explosion destroying an entire city or just a town the government and More importantly the Corporations decided to stop any Plans against them, of course, some rebelled Before the Corporations Spy cams could find them and target the city. So Underground Rebels Formed Leaching off the corporate Guns they wanted to destroy. Luckily the planet was Powered Via underground Cables and due to Serval hub platforms for Taurus they could hide until they had struck against the board of course corporate wasn't satisfied with this so they had embarked a great undertaking Genesis, They had started to send colony ships out Over 3,999yrs before the terras What happened to them is unknown but considering the fact that the ships are in Sleep mode for just about 4 thousand years so that was a Tiny situation constraining the Andromeda Galaxy and the Milky way also Due to those 2 being on a collision course. Corporate decided to send some out to a "Un-Specified location" to a location I think is Galaxy Alpha-1 or Helios.

An Excellent choice due to the fact of no Intelligent life and the fact of Untold riches that the Board was even excited about after disassembling Venus and Mercury Via Multiple Comet class ships that Were as the class Agreed with a comet while the biggest Ship ever Designed was created by Engineer Shen church a High ranking Engineer some even said that the board had to Listen to him.

Although these rumours were never confirmed or they were but those who did never escaped.

The ship was about 3km or about 2 times the size of the moon However the Board decided that it was too big and too "Scary" for their Resources to handle anyhow.

So I asked CM

Can we salvage the World and start the disassembly of the world?