Revealing Who Murdered Chen

Luke and Freya were sitting on the couch together when the doorbell rang again. They both stood up from the couch and made their way to the door. Luke opened the door, and Vince with the four body guards that went after Dr. David stood there.

"Where is he?" Luke asked and Vince answered, "We couldn't catch him. He started his car and tried running us over after noticing us approach. Then he took off."

"We have to find another way to get him and a confession out of him." Freya said with a sigh.

"Yes, and I have the perfect plan." Luke said wrapping his arm around her.

Freya was in her office the next day working on her computer trying to solve Lydia's case when her phone started ringing from the top of her desk. It was an unknown number, but she answered it and placed the phone against her ear.


"Hi, can I talk to Freya or Gwen?" A familiar voice came through the phone.

"This is Freya. Who is this?"

"It's Serena."