The CEO's Endless Teasing

"I'm feeling so much better, Luke has been taking good care of me." Freya answered Debby's question with a small smile.

Jack chuckled, "That's our Luke. How are holding up?"

"I'm adjusting well, the wound is healed and I'm sure the bandage would be removed soon." Freya answered brightly because she felt so much better than the first day she woke up from surgery.

"That's great news." Jack said and Gwen said, "Hi, glad you all made it."

"Gwen, you're already here." Iris said in surprise as the three of them seemed to notice her in the room then. Gwen nodded with a sheepish smile.

"Hello Gwen." Debby said and Jack added, "I hope you are taking good care of her too."

"Yes, I am, but not as well as Luke." They all chuckled except Danny whose childish mind didn't get what they were laughing about.

After the laughter died down, Iris said, "I'm very sorry this happened to you. Luke told us everything about what's happening with Dr. David."