Monster In The Surgery Room

"I don't want to hurt you, Freya, but there must be a reason why you intrigue me, why I'm so infatuated with you. That is why I came to the conclusion that you must have the cure to my daughter's illness. The cure I've been searching for by going through so many people's insides." Dr. David said as he stared at Freya.

"What? You think I have the cure? No one has the cure inside them, it's not possible!" She protested as he shook his head.

"Well, we're going to find out now after I cut you open and look for it." He grabbed her shirt and the scalpel to cut it open revealing her abdomen.

"Stop, let me go!"

He tsked as he traced the scalpel from the upper part of her abdomen to the lower part trying to frighten her, but she knew that was what he was trying to do. She refused to let herself get scared of him, she was only scared of the torture she would have to endure before she got out of there.