Memories In The Garden

Luke glanced at aunt Gretta as he explained, "Sorry, she's not used to new people. She may throw a tantrum that you cannot handle, so it's better this way."

Aunt Gretta placed her hands back down as she nodded as she looked frustrated which made Freya feel even more suspicious of her. Did she plan to do something to their Alice? Aunt Gretta started replying, "I see, but-"

Iris's voice cut her off as she walked towards them, smiling, "Luke, Freya, you have made it with sweet Alice."

They all turned to her and smiled as she reached them. "Hey, how have you been?"

Iris nodded at Freya's question as she held out her arms to take Alice from Luke's arms. "I've been good, though this setting makes me miss Gwen."

Alice went to Iris and she held her in her arms as Luke drew in a breath then let it go, "Yes, it does. She was here when I brought Freya to meet everyone for the first time."