Make Every Moment Count

Luke stretched out one of his arms towards Freya and wrapped it around her waist. He then pulled her closer until the side of her hips met his on the seat. Freya smiled at him as she replied, "I didn't realize that I was sitting far away from you, and you did come in last."

He let out a chuckle, "True, I should have sat closer to you."

"Yes, and I should have moved closer. I can't stand being far from you too." She chuckled lightly.

He caressed her mid drift through her suit as he said, looking into her eyes, "Baby, I can't wait to have more children with you, to have your tummy swollen with my children again."

"I can't wait either, darling. I am sure that I should be able to carry another child by next month." She said with a sigh.