The Meeting

2025, France

"There's no time to hesitant anymore, we must issue an order to stop the increasing number of victims" the woman in a white suit and hat with lace covering half of her eyes said while facing the middle-aged man across the table.

"I also think so Mr. President," said the man who sat next to her.

"What Mrs. Abadie said is also what I want "he continued.

"Are you crazy? Mrs. Abadie, Mr. Harrington, this is not a bad thing. We just need to find a way to control it. "The man with green eyes and white hair said.

"Don't you realize? How many individuals increases their productivity and achievement have been caused by that. "

And the voices in support of that statement began to reverberate from almost all corners of the room.

"Yes, I agree with Mr. Davidof proposal. The level of productivity in my country is getting higher thanks to that "

"Right, in my country the same thing happened"

And similar statements continued to ring until the youngest member and also the leader of a small nation finally opened his voice.

"But, the level of side effects produced is also high." With a sad expression he said again

"what Mrs. Abadie and Mr. Harrington says I think it's better to consider."

"HAHAHAHAHA, you're still green, Mr. Quinn What do you know about this? "Said the man sitting next to him.

"HA HA HA HA. You're right Mr. Mullan, what a green leaf leaders like him and women understand about security and the State. " Davidof said while looking at Mrs. Abadie and then towards Mr. Quinn with a condescending look.

"ENOUGH. Let's do it as usual. For those who support Mrz. Abadie please stand up. " the President.

Besides Mrs. Abadie, Mr. Harrington and Mr. Quinn there was only 2 other people who stood up, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Martine.

"Enough, please sit down again. Furthermore, for those who support Mr. Davidof please stand up. "

In addition to the five people and the President as the decision maker all participants who attended the room simultaneously stood after Mr. Davidof.

With a smile on his face Davidof said

"Looks like the others also agree with what I propose" he paused to look at Mrs. Abedie

"I hope, Mrs. Abadie can accept this result gracefully, "he continued in an increasingly artificial tone.

"Enough, please sit down. I as president of this organization declare, to use the proposal of Mr. Davidof and hope that everyone present can accept this decision as an answer to today's problem. "The president said firmly and then he disappeared from view.

"Good day, Mrs. Abadie," said Mr. Davidof and he disappeared like Mr. President and were followed by other members until 5 were left.

"Mrs. Abadie, I'm sorry I didn't help. " Harrington said with a regret in his face.

"Mr. Harrington, thank you for supporting me. "Replied Mrs. Abadie with a sincere expression "we can only hope that this will not be something we will regret later" she continued.

"I hope so too," Mr. Harrington said with a smile that still left a unspoken worry about the future,

"I'll go first, hopefully we are all blessed," he said and then disappeared. And Mr. Zhang and Mr. Martine also said goodbye after talking for a moment with Mrs. Abadie and Mr. Quinn Until only the two of them are left.

"Mr. "Quinn, I know that the condition of your country right now is the worst because of this, I hope all of this will pass quickly." she said.

"I hope so too, Mrs. Abadie. Hopefully this is not the beginning of destruction as we thought. "He replied sadly

"I have to leave soon, maybe I can still do something for all my people. Good days Mrs. Abadie may God protect us, "he said and then disappeared.

After the departure of Mr. Quinn eternal silent falls in the room. She sat alone staring faraway and then she walked out of the room with a new resolution.