Chapter 13: Arialle's Point of View!!

A/N: Join my Discord Server to talk to me about the chapters!



"Are you going to be coming with me?" Arthrall asked me.

"No, I've got some stuff that I have to take care of here first." I said to Arthrall.

"Alright, I'll catch you later tonight then!" He said to me while walking out of the Adventurer's Guild.

After he left the guild hall, I walked back to Faylin, and I asked her where exactly the quest had taken him. She then showed me on my map, she pointed to Vermilion Plains. I then thanked her, when I had gotten done thanking her I walked out of the building, and then headed out towards that direction. I could see Arthrall about 50 meters in front of me, but I made sure to hide myself decently well. He was currently walking towards the spawning grounds of the slimes, which was quite a distance away from the town.

It had taken him about an hour to walk until he reached his first target. I had watched him talking to Orion for awhile now, but other then that he didn't really say a whole lot. He then stopped moving, and crouched down a little bit. I looked in the direction he was facing, and I could barely see a slime hopping up and down. I then looked right at him to figure out what his plans were to fight the slime. He then took his bow off his shoulder then notched an arrow into the bow string and pulled the arrow back. He then let go of the arrow when then hit the slime spot on, then he yelled something, then Orion hopped off his shoulder, and charged right towards the slime. It was the first time I actually got to see him kill something, besides the accident kill he had when he ran into me. After he killed that one slime, it had taken him a few moments to start moving again

'I wonder why it had taken him a few moments to move. . . I really wish I could have gone with him, but I told Faylin that I would keep an eye on him. This sucks. . .'

Well he started moving again finally, he started moving to find another slime. Sadly he had to walk for about 20 minutes before he found one. Once he found it, it didn't take him long to kill that one. He ended up doing the same thing and shooting one time, and then letting Orion finish it off. I originally thought that Orion was too young to kill anything, but I guess I was wrong. Then again, this is the first time I had heard of someone starting with a fresh dragon.

Orion was actually a sight to behold, it attack so ferociously. It was amazing, and the simple fact the Arthrall only had to fire one arrow to take its health down that much! It was definitely a sight to behold.

I was honestly starting to get bored watching him kill slimes. I wanted to take a nap, but I knew it wouldn't turn out great if he returned before I did. The only plus side to following him like this, is the simple fact that I am a rogue. Technically I'm an assassination rogue. So I don't have to worry about him passing me on our way back, but sadly I don't want to risk it. So I stayed awake, watching him kill slimes for hours.

Finally, he just killed his very last one, but what is weird is that he is standing there longer than he did when he killed his very first slime.

'I wonder what he is doing. . .'

So I sat there watching him from a distance, sadly he doesn't realize anyone is watching him. I've got to teach him that when I get the chance. Finally he started to move back the direction he had come from. It had taken him for about an hour and a half to head back that direction. Luckily he had actually came back around already while killing the slimes. Or else it would of taken him longer to head back. Once I knew he would reach the road, I sprinted very quickly to the point that I would look like a shadow moving, or else he would of saw me.

I ran for the entrance to the town. Once I reached the entrance I slowed down, there were 2 guards standing at the entrance to the gate.

"Hey Arialle, you just getting back to town?" Asked one of the guards.

"Yes I am! I actually just finished a quest that I was asked to do." I said to the guard.

"Nice! Well go ahead on in, we trust you!" The guard said while smiling at me.

So I walked into the town while the guards was busy opening the gate. I ran to the Adventurer Guild's building, then ran inside to find Faylin.

"Hey Faylin, I did what you asked of me. I followed him the entire time, and surprisingly he killed them very quickly. Most of the time he spent looking for the slimes." I told Faylin once I found her.

"Awesome! Thank you for keeping an eye on him! Is he currently on his way back?" She asked me.

"Yeah he is, he is about 20 minutes from the gate at the moment. Well actually probably a lot closer now, or either he is inside the town." I told her.

"Alright, you should probably go out looking for him just encase he hasn't made it back yet." She told me.

"Will do!" I said to her while waving goodbye to her.

I started walking towards the entrance to walk outside, when all of a sudden someone almost ran right into me.

"Oh I'm sorry Arialle!" Arthrall told me..

"Oh it is alright, I should of been paying attention to where I was walking! So what are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I'm here to turn in my quest actually!" He exclaimed to me.

"Oh nice, well. . . Wait! You already finished your quest??" I asked him with a surprised look on my face.

"Uh. . . Yeah I did over an hour ago actually. I only had to kill 15 slimes." Arthrall told me while walking towards Faylin since she was still here.

I stood there while Arthrall walked towards Faylin to turn in his quest. While waiting there, I happened to see Phillip watching Arthrall. I waved at him to get his attention, once I had it I walked over towards him, and whispered into his ear that I will be back after I eat some dinner. He shook his head then turned around, and walked away. I walked back over to where Arthrall was.

"Alright, thank you Faylin! Arialle you wanna come eat with us?" He asked me when he turned around.

"Sure, I'm pretty hungry after the stuff I had to do today." I said towards him while walking towards the exit.

"Alright, by any chance, can you show me where the fishermen are so I can buy some fish for Orion?" He asked me.

"Sure, they are this way." I told him, and turned towards the direction of where the fishermen were.

It had only taken us a few minutes at the fisherman, then we walked towards The Drunken Clam. Once there we ordered our food, then we talked for a bit while we were waiting for our food. It honestly didn't take long for our food to show up. He didn't seem to care about what was placed in front of him. He started to devour the food, like he hadn't eaten at all today. When all of a sudden, a loud belch came from Orion. I looked down at him and just smiled. It was really cute seeing him belch like that.

"Hahaha. . . It is alright Orion, It is better to let it out then to keep it in." He said to Orion while laughing.

"He sure can eat a lot." I said while chuckling.

"Yes he can. Well since we are all done, I believe Orion and I should go upstairs to sleep. We are exhausted." He told me.

"Alright, by the way, I will be joining you guys for tomorrow's quest if that is alright." I said to him.

"Yeah that is fine." He told me while waving the waitress over to us.

"Yessum? Are you guys done with your meals?" She asked us with a smile on her face.

"Yes we are! How much is it for my meal, and for a room for the night?" He asked her.

"Your total will be 8 silver, and for the miss it will be 3 silver." She told us.

I saw his eye twitch when she told him the price, I just smiled a little bit while handing over the 3 silver to her..

"Alright, give me a moment, and I'll get your key for the night!" She said towards Arthrall after taking our money.

"Well, I am going to head out. I'll be here in the morning once you wake up!" I said to him while walking out of the place.

After I walked out of the place, I started to head towards the guild hall. It only took me about 2 minutes to get there. Once inside I went straight to the back to where Phillip would be at.

"Hey Phillip, you back here?" I asked behind the door.

"Yeah I am, go ahead and come on in." He said to me.

"So I saw you staring at Arthrall earlier, is there a reason for it?" I asked him.

"No, I was honestly surprised he finished his quest so quickly." He told me.

"Well gotta remember, he has Orion with him also. So technically it was 2 verse one slime at a time." I told him.

"Wait, he actually had Orion fight with him?" He asked me with a shocked face.

"Yeah he did. He would shoot the slime with one arrow, then have Orion finish them off. It was like he was trying to train Orion. I was actually quite surprised myself when I saw it." I said to Phillip.

"Hmm. . . This boy is definitely different. . . Well thank you for coming in here to let me know what had happened. What are you going to do now?" He asked me.

"I am actually going to join him for tomorrow's quest. To see him fighting up close instead of so far away this time." I told him.

"Alright, just make sure he doesn't over do it tomorrow, and thanks again." He told me.

"Anytime Phillip, and I will make sure nothing happens to him tomorrow also." I told him while walking out the door.

After I talked to Phillip, I wave to Faylin while walking outside. I decided to go ahead, and go home to get some sleep.