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[Congratulations! You have killed a level 3 Slime!]
+25 Experience Points!
[Congratulations! You have killed a level 3 Slime!]
+25 Experience Points!
"It would seem that we are heading into the higher levels of slimes." I said.
"Yeah, we have killed about 10 level 3 slimes since last night." Arialle told me.
[Kill Slimes in the Vermilion Plains
23/25 Slimes Killed
100 Experience Points earned once you turn in this quest.
20 Silver earned once you turn in this quest.]
[Kill Slimes in the Vermilion Plains
0/25 Slimes Killed
100 Experience Points earned once you turn in this quest.
20 Silver earned once you turn in this quest.]
"We are almost done with one of the quests. We only need to kill two more for it, but we still need to kill 25 for the other one." I told Arialle.
"Alright, then let's get to it then." She said.
"Will do." I told her.
"Hey Faylin, has Arialle and Arthrall come back yet?" Asked Phillip.
"No they haven't. They were in the process of doing two quests. Why is everything alright? Faylin asked Phillip.
"What quests are they doing?" He asked.
"They are working on two Killing 25 Slimes in Vermilion Plains." She mention to him.
"I hope they do alright, that is a lot to kill for him being such a low level. I just hope they don't run into the King of Slimes." He mentions with a sad face.
"They shouldn't as long as they don't go past the river." Faylin said with a solemn look.
"Hmm. . . Alright, let me know once they return, and hopefully they do!" Phillip said while turning around.
"Will do." Faylin told him.
"Well that is one quest done, and 4 slimes into the next quest." I mention to Arialle after I looked at our quest a second time.
"Alright, have you used your new skill yet?" She asked me.
"Sadly I haven't had the chance to yet. By the way, do you want to cross this river, or turn around and start heading back the way we came?" I asked her.
"Let's turn around. No point in going too deep into this territory. I haven't fully explored this territory myself yet." She mentioned to me.
"Alright, that makes sense." I told her while turning away from the river.
After I turned away from the river I noticed a group of slimes again.
"Hey, I'm gonna use my Multi-Barrage on them. Stand back and watch me!" I said to her while grabbing 3 arrows out of my quiver.
I took aim at the slimes, and I gathered mana in my arms. Until the point to where it would explode out of my arms, I called out the ability I was about to use.
"MULTI-BARRAGE!" I yelled.
The 3 arrows shot out at the exact same time, and what happened next surprised Arialle and I. The 3 arrows turned into 6 arrows, and hit all 3 targets at the same time. After I noticed them taking the damage, I motioned for Orion to attack. He charged forwards before the slimes had time to retaliate, he ended up killing them with 1 swipe each.
[Congratulations! You have killed a level 3 Slime!]
+25 Experience Points!
[Congratulations! You have killed a level 3 Slime!]
+25 Experience Points!
[Congratulations! You have killed a level 3 Slime!]
+25 Experience Points!
"Holy crap that was awesome! Also, it only used about 10 mana. Which isn't too bad. Sadly I don't have a lot to begin with. It is an ability that I can use about once or twice per battle as long as I have a way to get mana back." I explained to Arialle.
"That is a pretty useful skill. Do you know if it hits as many targets that are in the group, or does it max out at like 3 or 4 targets?" She asked me.
"Honestly, I'm not sure. We will have to find out once I level a few more times." I mentioned to her.
"Well that makes 7 right? If that is the case then we will have to stay outdoors for another night. We only have about 4 hours left until it gets dark out again." She said to me.
"True that, you want to hunt for food, or do you want to hunt more slimes?" I asked her.
"Let's hunt for more slimes for about 2 more hours, then the last 2 we can hunt for food for us." She answered.
So we hunted for more slimes for 2 hours. We ended up killing another 7 slimes before the time was up. After we finished hunting for slimes, we went and hunted for small game. We ended up killing about 6 Red-Tailed Rabbits, and about 8 Black-Tailed Squirrels. We found a spot not too far from where we last killed a slime, and we set up camp for the night. We made our food, and started devouring it. We sadly didn't have enough for the next morning, but we figured we could hunt in the morning before going for more slimes. Orion ate most of the food, I had 1 of both animals, and same with Arialle. Orion is getting bigger, so he has to eat more than us to get back his energy. After we finished eating, I offered to stay awake for the first sift. Arialle greatly accepted, and went to sleep first. I told Orion he can go to sleep if he wants to, but he said he wanted to stay awake with me this time. I told him that is fine as long as he does get some sleep.
"So I wonder what level I've got to reach in order to communicate with you through my head."
{{I have no idea.}}
[Me neither.]
{I'm glad you are still here, this would be boring if you weren't.}
{{So we going to be finishing your quest tomorrow then?}}
"Yeah, we should hopefully get done with it by tomorrow afternoon. Then it will probably take us about 2 hours to walk back home."
{{Alright, I think I might go to sleep now instead especially if we will be out for awhile longer tomorrow. Goodnight Arthrall.}}
"Goodnight Orion."
After he went to lay down inside the tent, I decided to set some traps to catch a few rabbits, or squirrels for in the morning. It had taken me about 2 hours to finish making the traps out of stuff on the ground. Sadly I didn't really make too many of them. I was only able to make 4 traps total, and I was lucky I could even do that. I had trapped a few animals back on Earth with materials like what I just used. Stalks of grass, trigs, some acorns I found on the ground, and a few holes in the ground, which I covered with leaves. After I had gotten done with that, it was time to wake Arialle up.
"Arialle, wake up please. It is your watch, and just to let you know I made some traps so please be careful. They will hopefully help catch our food for in the morning." I told her.
"Ugh. . . Alright sorry if it had taken me a little bit to wake up, and alright I'll make sure I watch where I step." She told me when she stepped out of the tent.
"Goodnight Arialle." I told her while yawning.
"Goodnight Arthrall." She told me.
"Arthrall, wake up! Your traps worked!" She yelled at me from outside the tent.
"Ugh. . . They did? Awesome!" I mentioned to her while yawning.
I woke Orion up, and then I walked outside the tent to take a look at 4 squirrels and 4 rabbits laying there. With 4 of them with my traps wrapped around their feet.
"You killed the other 4?" I asked her.
"Yeah you traps caught 3 rabbits, and 1 squirrel. So I figured that wouldn't be enough with Orion still growing." She mentioned to me while picking up the animals that way she can start cleaning them.
"True true. Do you need any help?" I asked her.
"Yeah, can you grab some sticks so we can cook them?" She asked me.
"Sure can, be back in a few." I told her while walking away from the campsite.
It didn't take me long to grab 8 sticks that we could use to cook the animals on. After I had gotten back, we stabbed the animals, and started cooking them all at once. Once they were done, we put 4 of them in front of Orion, and then we devoured the other 4 between ourselves.
"Alright, let's get the campsite torn down, and then go fight slimes. We are going to finish the quest today." I told both of them.
"Alright, let's do this!" Arialle agreed with me.
{{We got this!}}
[Congratulations! You have killed a level 3 Slime!]
+25 Experience Points!
[Congratulations! You have killed a level 2 Slime!]
+20 Experience Points!
"Finally! We are done! Let's us head back to town now!" I exclaimed.
"Woot!" She exclaimed.
"Oops. . . I forgot, I will grab my arrows, and then let's go turn in these quests." I said with a little red blush on my face from the embarrassment for forgetting my arrows.
"Hahaha. . . Alright!" She said after she busted up laughing at me.
"So mean. . . Hahaha. . ." I said then started laughing myself.
It took us about 2 and a half hours to get back to town. Which we ran into the guards at the front gate.
"Hey there Arthrall and Arialle. You two just now get back?" Asked one of the guards.
"Yeah we did, we are actually going to turn in our quests we have from two days ago." I mentioned to the guard.
"Nice job! Alright go ahead and walk in." The guard motioned us in while talking.
"Thanks!" I told him while waving at him.
We walked inside the gate, and headed straight for the Adventurer's Guild.