Chapter 35: We are close!

A/N: Join my Discord Server to talk to me about the chapters!



All you could hear right now in the forest was a lot of grumbling. Titus was literally grumbling near a tree. It was honestly quite comical. Sadly, he was also getting annoying.

"Why don't you come over here, and sit near the fire. Instead of grumbling over there. . ." I told him.

He looked up at me, then turned around quickly.

"Or not, figured I would be nice." I mentioned.

"Nice!!?? Are you kidding me?" He yelled at me.

"Hey, I don't care if you are mad at me, but I suggest you be quiet. Arialle is trying to sleep! Same with Orion and Onyx!" I told him sternly.

He instantly shut his mouth after I said that, and decided to walk over to me.

"I see you decided to join me." I told him.

"Only to get warm. That is it!" He said to me.

"Alright, alright. I get it." I commented to him.

So we sat there for about 30 minutes when he decided to ask me something.

"So, are you really a Ranger?" He asked me.

"Yes and no." I said.

"What do you mean, yes and no?" He asked.

"I mean what I said. I am a Ranger, but I'm also not a Ranger." I commented.

"That makes no sense. . ." He commented.

". . ." I just stared at him.

"What? It doesn't ok. . ." He mentioned to me.

"I guess you will find out either way tomorrow. I'm a Battle Ranger." I told him.

". . ." He stared at me blankly.

"I take it I just blew your mind?" I asked him.

"Huh. . . I would never have guessed that." He mentioned.

"Hahaha. . ." I laughed a little bit.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing, just that your comment was a little bit funny is all." I commented.

"Heh. . . Still, how are you able to control more than one companion?" He then asked me.

"Like I said before, I'm not sure how I'm able to. It just kind of happened." I told him.

"Hmm. . . It is weird, but then again. It isn't the first time I've heard of it. I heard about someone else having 2 companions, but that was all she could handle." He told me.

{Is what he says true?}

[Let me check.]

"Hmm. . ." I started thinking.

"What? You don't believe me?" He asked me.

[What he says is true. The System also doesn't understand how it was possible, but she did indeed have 2 companions. The System thinks it was due to her saving the second companions life when it was about to fall into a gorge.]

{Alright, thanks!}

[No problem.]

"No, I believe you. Do you know if she is still alive?" I then asked.

"I'm not too sure honestly, it has been a really long time since I heard about her." He told me.

"Alright, no point in figuring it out now." I commented.

"So. . . Would you have really killed me back there?" He asked me.

"Yes, I would have. You threatened my life, so I would have had no choice." I told him without beating an eyelash.

All I could hear at that moment was a giant gulping sound.

{I think I just scared him. Hahaha. . .}

[I think you did too. Hahaha. . .]

"So, have you guys figured out how you are going to kill so many wolves?" He asked.

"Not really. I mean I've got a couple of abilities that could take care of a lot of them, but other than that, no." I told him.

"What type of abilities?" He asked me.

"Sorry, not going to tell you. I still don't trust you." I told him.

"I can understand that." He commented.

"So, question for you. Are you really a Halfling? I knew you weren't a Dwarf, but I wasn't sure about your race exactly." I then asked him.

"My race has a lot of different names for it, but yes I'm a Halfling. Why do you ask?" He said.

"No reason, I just wanted to make sure I was correct when I called you a Halfling." I said to him.

"Oh alright." He commented.

All of a sudden, we heard 2 clicking noises. Then 2 seperate snapping noises.

"What was that?" He asked me.

"Must of been 2 of my traps I set up." I told him while standing up, and heading towards the sound.

"Wait. . . Traps? You had traps?" He commented to me.

"Yeah, you didn't noticed them yesterday?" I turned around, and asked him.

"Oh my. . . No! I didn't realize you had traps!" He exclaimed, then got up and followed me.

"Hahaha. . . Then you was really lucky yesterday." I commented.

It took me about a minute to get to the traps, and I noticed a rabbit thrashing in the brush. I pulled the rabbit out, and noticed it had its neck grabbed by the trap. I yanked upward on the rabbit while holding the trap down, and I snapped its neck. I then took the trap off of him, and then reset it. I then looked over to where the other noise was, and I noticed a bushy tail stuck inside of it. I went to pull the trap out, when I heard a noise coming from it. I noticed a head pop out, and try to attack me. The head was to a squirrel, so I took out my bow, and 1 arrow. Then I shot the squirrel square in the head. It died instantly. I pulled the squirrel out of the trap, and reset it. I motioned for Titus to follow me, and we went back to the campfire.

"That is what the traps are actually for. Just to trap some food for us on our trip." I told him.

"Oh. . . Ok. . . So it wasn't meant for someone like me to set it off?" Titus then asked me.

"Oh. No, you would have set it off." I told him while cleaning the 2 kills I had gotten from the traps.

"Oh. . ." He commented before he gulped.

"It just depends on what direction you would of came from. You could of ran into my deer or wolf trap." I told him.

"Oh my. . . Then I'm glad that I didn't run into one of them!" He exclaimed.

"Indeed. Well are you going to get some sleep, or you are going to stay up?" I then asked him.

"Eh, I'm not really tired. I'll just stay awake for now, and if I do end up getting too tired I could just go to sleep right here." He commented.

"That is true. Don't worry, I won't let anything get you." I said to him after I put the food in my inventory.

"Thanks. . ." He commented to me.

"By the way, I'll start making food here in about 4 hours. So if you are hungry, let me know." I told him.

"Will do." He said to me.


"Arialle, wake up! It is time to eat. Wake up you numskulls." I told them.

"Thank you Arthrall. I'm awake now." Arialle commented to me.

{{Numskulls. . . Really?}} Orion commented.

'What? It works doesn't it? You are awake now aren't you?'

{{You are so mean Arthrall. . .}} Onyx told me.

'. . .'

I had just shook my head, and walked out of the tent. I walked over to the campfire, and started cooking the meat we had gathered that night. There were 4 fresh meat that I had skewered onto some sticks. I put them above the fire, and got out Orion's and Onyx's food too. It took me another 5 minutes for those 3 to leave the tent. They came over, Orion and Onyx right next to me, Arialle on the left side of us three, and Titus right across from us. After the food is cooked for about another 20 minutes I fed one meat to each person, and saved the last one for later.

"So, how far are we from the wolves area?" I asked Titus.

"About 6 hours away, and about another 4 hours till you reach the town that is in their area." He told us.

"Hmm. . . Tell me about this town you keep speaking about." I told him.