Chapter 55: Devin Helps Get Everything Ready. . .

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There was just a knock on my door, I didn't know who it was. So I let my dad get the door. I was currently getting dinner ready for the night. I was about to put the chicken breast onto our five plates. My two sisters were in their room playing, my step-mom was currently watching tv.

"Devin! Come here, there is someone here for you." Devin's father yelled for him.

"Ok dad! I'm coming!" I yelled back.

"Hey Shawna, can you finish getting dinner ready?" I asked her.

"Yeah I can, just give me a sec." She said.

"Thanks." I said while walking out of the room.

"Prewarn you bud, she is a little bit weird." Devin's dad commented.

"Weird?" I said.

I reopened the door, and I was surprised, plus scared. Cause the lady in front of me was the exact same lady Jason and I saw at the Comic Con.