Chapter 62: Dj Wahlle!

A/N: Join my Discord Server to talk to me about the chapters!



"Wait. . . Devin, why are you here anyways? How did you die?" I asked him suddenly after I stopped crying.

"Well. . . I was in a gas station, and it was getting robbed. . ." He started to say.

"Wait. . . That actually happened. . . I'm so sorry. . . I saw everything. . ." I commented while trying to stop myself from crying again.

"How did you know?" Devin asked me.

"First let's go back to the fire for now. Arialle and I are about to make some food." I told him.

"Good, because I'm freaking starving. . ." He commented.

"Haha. . . Alright, follow me. You were about to step on a trap that I set up earlier." I told him.

"Wait. . . I was? Where?" He asked while looking down around him.

"Right here, you were very close to walking right into it." I told him while pointing at a spot just a few feet directly in front of him.