Chapter 72: We Start on our Next Quest!

A/N: Join my Discord Server to talk to me about the chapters!



"Your welcome bud! Now, for the arrows. I decided to make the shafts myself, since wood can break easily. These have a five time use, after that they will break. So don't use them all so quickly alright?" He asked me.

"Sure thing! I won't use them that often!" I told him.

"Now, Arialle. Did you try the throwing knives and stars?" He asked.

"Yes I did, the problem is I like both of them. They have their ups and downs, but they can be used for so many things." She answered.

"Indeed they can, that is why I went ahead and crafted you 30 of each set. So now you will have both throwing knives and throwing stars." He commented.

"Thank you!" Arialle exclaimed.

We took our stuff, and put it all into our rings, except Dj. I ended up putting his into my ring too.

"Do we owe you anything?" I asked him.

"Nope!" He commented.