Chapter 77: We decided to take a tour of the town.

A/N: Join my Discord Server to talk to me about the chapters!



Back at Arialle's house, I was currently sitting down in the kitchen. Arialle was at the stove, and Dj was petting Tyson.

"So, what do we need for these quests? I've got the sleeping bags, and you have the tent. What else do we need?" I asked.

"Hmm. . . Well, we need food. You have the meat, but we need vegetables. Like potatoes, carrots, and celery. It's just I don't want to eat just stew all month. . ." Arialle commented.

"Same here. . ." Dj answered.

"Yeah. . . I don't want to eat anything but stew all month. . . I could always do something with eggs." I commented.

"Oh! Do your infamous omelettes!" Dj exclaimed.

"My infamous omelettes? I could. . . Just that is normally for breakfast. . ." I mentioned.

"So, make them for us for dinner one night." said Arialle.