Chapter 80: Dj finally feels the mentality of over working himself. . .

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"Oy! How much longer?. . . You're taking forever to kill it. . ." I yelled over towards Dj.

"You wanna come over here and help then?" He yelled back at me.

"Nah! I would kill it too quickly. . ." I yelled while chuckling.

". . ."

". . ."

"Dick. . ." was all he commented.

Currently he was fighting a big bear that was giving them issues. Blue and Tyson couldn't kill it with how big it was. They could only do small amounts of damage due to them being so much smaller. The only one that could kill it is Dj, which he was trying, but with a mace it is a lot harder. The bear looked terrible too, it had a lot of scratches, and cuts all over its body from Blue. While on its legs it had a lot of bite marks. Its head looked like a bloody mess, but it was still rampaging on.