A/N: Join my Discord Server to talk to me about the chapters!
We started setting up the tent where Dj, Blue, and Tyson killed the wolves. I had Arialle go ahead, and start skinning them that way we could have the meat. I wanted to make some wolf kabobs. It sounded tasty to me.
"Hey Dj, you want to gather some wood for us? I want to start the fire for our dinner tonight." I asked him.
"Sure thing." He commented while walking away from me.
{{Hey Orion, come back. Currently setting up the camp for today.}}
{{On my way.}} Orion said to me.
"Hey Arthrall, how many wolves do you want?" Arialle asked me right afterwards.
"Um. . . Just give me the big one. It should be enough for everyone, and then some. Do you want to make the kabobs tonight?" I asked her.
"Sure, you want to cut up the vegetables that will go with them?" She then asked me right back.