Chapter 92: Our first night underground!

A/N: Please read the Author's Thoughts at the end of this chapter! Thank you!



When Orion and the other's let go of Aderis, her arms were bleeding pretty bady. Not enough to warrant immediate help, but enough to make her extremely worried.

"Now, tell me how do you know Gondrax?" She asked with a slight feeling of being threatened.

"Like I said earlier, him and I had fought a little bit over a month ago." I told her once again.

"How though! How can he tell you to meet me if he is dead! It isn't poss-- wait. . . Wait! He cursed you didn't he!" She exclaimed.

"Yes. Yes he did." I told her bluntly.

"That fucker!" She said.

[. . .]


[I guess I kind of deserve that. . .]


[Uh. . . Cause I cursed her too. . . I cursed her to stay in this hideout until I came back.]

{You're just plain evil. . .}