Heartbreaking decision

Yukito's shoulders started to tremble, and his eyes began to tear up.

Jing said, "You get mad when I try to shoo off those pesky girls confessing to you. But that's just because I don't like seeing them so close to you. You see that as my interference. I admit that I get jealous. It is natural for me to feel that because I love you. But do you even get jealous for me anymore?"

Jing felt even more like crying. He could hardly contain his tears. "It's not like I don't get confessions. So many women try to cling to me during my work or try to seduce me or flirt with me. But…" he clenched his fist, "I never see you get anxious. I would feel so happy if you angry too, but it feels like…it doesn't even bother you anymore…So, when do you feel jealous?"

Jealous…Of course I feel jealous, Yukito trembled. Why wouldn't I? I don't like those women clinging to you either.

I do feel uncomfortable, but…it's just…