Is he crazy...

Anna's POV

After introducing me with the stuff, Mr. Kaison take me to meet Mr.Hill and Mr.Brook.

Omkar : "Cooper, They are...."

Anna : "Mr. Hill and Mr. Brook. One of Mr. Benson's friends, business partner and bord members. How you do Sir?"

Mr. Hill : "We are good Anna, How about you ?"

Anna : "I'm also good!"

Omkar : "You know know each other ?"

Anna : "Well, Me and Alexia were under Mr. Hill and Mr. Brook during our Internship."

Alexia : "Anna was selected to be Mr. Brook's Secretary; but she reject it."

Omkar : "You reject it, Why?"

Mr. Brook : "That because She want to finished her education. And at that time her final exam was nearby and she don't want to miss that. So I select Alexia at her place."

Mr. Hill : "Then later she was selected by Mr. John to be his secretary."

Omkar : "Interesting!"

Mr. Kaison said that and give me a playful smile.

Stuff member : "Ex-excuse me, Mr. Kaison!"

Omkar : "Coming! Excuse me, please continue; I'll be back."

After saying that Mr. Kaison went to the stuff member and we continu to chatting, but after sometime later Mr. Hill, Mr. Brook and Alexia went back to their work and I stay here to look how is everything going. As I stand here looking... someone taps my shoulder.

Anna : "Yes ?"

Anonymous : "Hi there!"

Anna : "Oh hello."

It was the cameraman I introduced myself earlier. 'I think his name probably was... Iv-Ivan, Mr. Ivan.'

Anna : "Is there something I can help you with ? Mr. Kaison just..."

Mr. Ivan : "I wanted to talk with you!"

Anna : "M-me?"

Mr. Ivan : "Yeah, you! I've been wanting to for a while actually."

Anna : "Oh, OK. Is there anything I can help you with ? Please feel free to ask anything!"

He look at me from head to toe. His gaze stop at my chest, then my waist.

'Why is he looking at me like that. I didn't ware some flirty dress, that may attract people to me. I just wear my black pants, red shirt and a black coat. It's a simple formal dress for work.which show my figure perfectly. But the way he look at me like, he is going to eat me.'

Mr. Ivan : "You have a nice figure."


Anna : "!"

He clicks his tongue with frustration. And it make me frustrated with his rudeness.

'This man is very lucky because we're in the working place, in working hour. If it's the outside of the working place and hour, than I definitely will send him to the hospital just for looking at me like that. But it doesn't mean that I'll do nothing when he'll sexually harasse me. If he do that to me, plus during working hour, plus front of everyone then He Is DEAD!'

Mr. Ivan : "Man, you're some hot stuff. Wanna do a bikini shoot for me sometime ? It's all on me."

Anna : "Sorry ?"

Mr. Ivan : "Yeah, lets do it! We can even have dinner together afterwards, what do you say?"

Anna : "I really very appreciated your offer, But... I'm just a secretary and I don't like doing modeling."

Mr. Ivan : "Yeah, I love that innocence about you. I can reach you at the number on the card you gave me, right ?"

'OK, that's it. Just because he's our business partner, that man who was shooting today and it's our first meeting, it doesn't mean that I've to be feel upset for plaisir them. There's no away I'm going to do that. I've to give this man a piece of my mind...'

Than I say with a very big smile...

Anna : "Mr. Ivan, please don't be fool by this innocence face. As you know just as a coin has two sides, So is mine. Behind this innocence face, there's an other face which you don't want to see. Because if I show you my that face, you'll be very regretful."

Mr. Ivan : "The attitude of your are awesome. So when can we start?"

If this man can't understand a single word then I haven't got any other option, I've to explain him by my action. Then when I tighten my hands into a fist for the action, when I notice someone grabbing my arm. I 'm then pulled behind until I find myself behind someone's back. I sneak a look over the back of the suit and hear a familiar voice over my head.

Anonymous : "You can't do that, Mr. Ivan."

'It's... The voice... I must say this man is quit lucky, BECAUSE he saved by Mr. Kaison or I'll say His Knight in Shining Armor!'

Omkar : "You'll have yo seek my approval if you want to speak to my subordinates."

Mr. Ivan : "Mr. Kaison ?"

Omkar : "Besides, she's not for show. If you'll excuse me."

Then, Mr. Kaison puts his arm over my shoulder... spins me around, and leads me out of the venue.

And when we reach the corridor, Mr. Kaisons quickly lets go of me.

Anna : "U-um, Thank you..... for saving him from me back there....."

Omkar : "Save him from you? I thought I save you from him!"

Anna : "Well, I'm karate Black belt. And if you were... a second late then... he got beaten on my hand."

Omkar : "Oh, Really?"

He ask while narrowing his eyebrow and I answer in serious expression...

Anna : "Really!"

Omkar : "Were you beat me if I do the same thing as him?"

Anna : "Why Not!"

Mr. Kaison got shock after hearing my answer and before he could say something, I say...

Anna : "Listen Mr. Kaison, I can't tolerate that someone disrespect me, scold me and insult me for no reason... You can scold me if I did something wrong but it doesn't mean that you can insult me and disrespect me. I'm the kind of person that, if you treat me with respect, I'll treat you ten times better than how you treat me."

After hearing me Mr. Kaison looking at me without any expression. There must be something in his mind that I can't figure out... But a moment later he walk back to me and I choke, his face so close to mine.

With him pressing against my face, I can't move away. Being this close, I can even feel the sturdiness of his body. This isn't my first time to being this close to some men... But this is the first time that, under this situation, I become fully aware of his manly physique... that I feel myself getting hot and start panicking.

'Wh-what's going on? Wh-what is he doing'

Omkar : "I can understand you. But... You should be more aware... of what men think of you."

This is the first time someone saying something like that to me. So after hearing this I want to say something.... but he's so overbearing right now that I can't say a word. So I looked away out of embarrassment.

Omkar : "..."

I can feel his face closing in on me,That make me feel panic and squeeze my eyes shut. His hot breath on my neck... followed by a soft touch of his lips.

'What is he doing?! Treating me like this! Just now I told him that I hate someone treat me like this but he... What is he thinking !? What does he want from me!? No,no,no... I've to stop this. He is my boss, I don't want create any kind of misunderstanding.'

Anna : "S-sto..."

Before I can finish the word stop... I hear a soft smack and feel a sharp pain on my neck.

'What the...!? Did he just... ? Give me a hickey!?'

I got shocked and push him of me and shout in low voice...

Anna : "Mr. Kaison!? Wh-what the hell do you think you're doing ?! Giving me a hickey?! right here, in the office?!"

I'm stunned and he mutters sullenly

Omkar : "It's a lucky charm... to keep the scum away, so don't you dare hide it."

He said that and walk away like nothing happens.

'Oh God. Is he crazy! A hickey so that other guys won't approach me? I'm his secretary for got's sake!'

I rushed to check my reflection in the corridor glass... and there it is, at my nape... A BIG RED HICKEY.

Anna : "That &*$@#&*! How dare he!? He gave me a hickey on my first day of work. OK,OK, Calm down Anna! calm down! Look at the good side, it's almost end of the working hour; so you can went to your home without any problem.""

And then when I turn around...

Anna : "Aah! Alexia, don't scare me like that."

Alexia : "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I just came to ask you to go home together."

Anna : "We can leave now?"

Alexia : "Yes! We can. It's almost the end of the working hour, So we can leave."

Anna : "Oh, OK! Let's go!"

Alexia : "By the way, what's happen to your neck?"

Anna : "Ah! That's..."

'You can went to your home without any problem, my ass. Now how can I avoid this question... Think Anna! Think....'

Anna : "That's from allergic. I think, I eat something wrong from cafeteria."

Alexia : "OK! Be careful next time."

Anna : "OK! Now let's go!"

'Thank god, She believed this or else I don't know what will she think about me...'