Finally a Place to Call Home

Time passed as Kayne trained with more motivation, hoping to unlock a new page in his book for a technique while he continued to train doing push-ups as much as he can, he started thinking about what he can do about his home situation.

'Maybe a tree house i never lived in a tree house before so why not?' Kayne finished off his push-ups as he gets up with a mildly sore arms, until it faded away in a minute as Kayne praises the convenience of having active Lifeforce cycling around in his body.

"Well better start building that house now" As Kayne slices the air with a kick multiple times and a tree fell down and got sliced into wooden planks before falling onto the ground neatly stacked.

"Hehe those times watching anime didn't get wasted i have a bunch of moves to make as having an arsenal of skills will help in *sticky* situations" He repeatedly lauched air blades making wooden planks out of the cut up trees.

"Well that should be enough, time to get building" Spoke Kayne as he searchs for a tree before finding a perfect one next to a big rock, but then realizes one thing, he's missing nails to hold the planks in place.

"Well crap what do i do now, oh wait i got an idea!" As he throws the planks into the tree forming a house in the tree and then places his hand on the tree and sends Lifeforce to stimulate the tree to grow, the branches start twisting and turning as it growslatching onto the planks holding it in place.

"There problem solved now how does the inside look?" Jumping into the open door way he looks at the place to find some branches sticking in. He then cleans the branches off and walks out and back in carrying wooden pieces of a bed frame, setting it up in a corner he makes a wooden table and chair to fill the room a little.

Kayne then walks out and streches a little to relax from the time spent on building the tree house, he then starts walking the forest to search for animals to hunt as he needs some hide for his bed as he can't sleep on something solid.

He then walks out to explore the forest more and goes near the villiage to see how it's doing and see if the plague happened yet.

While walking he stumbles upon a kid with purple hair, light pale skin and blue eyes. Luka playing a game of tag with other kids running away from each other, Kayne then starts walking towards them saying.

"Hi guys you mind if i join?"

The kids stopped and look at Kayne observing him with a curious gaze before saying "Sure!"

Kayne then joins their game of tag and asks a question on how old they are, he looks at luka as he says.

"Im 5 years old"

'Well i got alot of time before the story starts' And replies back "im 5 too!"

Luka then says with excitement in his eyes.

"Really! lets be friends!!" As Kayne thinks 'Oh crap this is not good' and replies.

"Nah im good" And Luka starts getting teary and says.

"Do you really not want to be my friend??" As he starts getting sad and Kayne could've sworn he felt a glare behind he back as he panicked and said.

"Nonono wait i'll be your friend, i'll be your friend just stop crying please" As Kayne said this, Luka cheered up and said.

"Yay i have a new friend now!"

Kayne then sighed and continues playing tag until a reasonable excuse to leave comes, he then goes back into his tree house and sits on his bed,contemplating whether or not to stay with Luka as his friend and lays down on his bed to sleep.

'Damn i should really get a pillow tommorow this ain't that comfortable to sleep on'