
In my mind scape I see that the Sex God book is glowing signifying that another page has been unlocked, going up to it I flip the second page and see words saying.

(Adapting Elemental Body)

I look at it confused for a second as to why this is in here and see the description and understood why, this so called Sex God was quite the adventurous person and would bed anything he found sexy i guess as it describes that this refinement techinque will allow the body to resist extreme enviroments such as Deep sea pressure, Lava, Vaccum etc.

I stare blankly as to why I would need this and thought of the combat advantages instead, I can pretty much fight 'anywhere' is and understatement I can fight EVERYWHERE, thinking about this I decide to train in it later and start trying to wake my self up.

Waking up I look at the tree Alice slept and see her still sleeping coiled around the tree, I fiddle around with my sleeping bag for a minute before getting out, I grab a pan and threw some wood into the ash and charcoal pile and lit it, grabbing some bacon and bread with eggs, I start with the bacon to melt off some grease for some minutes before cracking and adding some eggs to the pan and start cooking them for a minute and put them on the plates.

I then grab a loaf of bread and slice off 2 pieces and toast them on the leftover grease, I look at Alice who's sniffing the air in her sleep, quite the funny scene as I flip the bread on the other side to toast as well and set it on a the plates with the bacon and eggs, I start to eat as Alice wakes up and stares at the food with drool coming out of her mouth, looks like she is hungry who am I kidding I know she can eat more than 10 people's worth of food.

She uncoils her tail from the tree and slithers to her plate and inhales it again... "Really i only got so much food and you keep inhaling them" I said to her as she looks at me with a blaming look, what did I do?

"Well lets get to Illiasburg, I have no idea why so many places are named after Illias" I say and she nods at me agreeing with what I said, I get up and start packing up and walk knowing I can't out run her... yet.

Walking the road I find a big 2 leaf plant in the middle of the damn road... I look for Alice and see she's gone, I stare at this Mandragora and set up a slap trap for this monster girl and put a warning sign saying 'Beware Mandragora' with a big red arrow pointing at her and walk away and continue to head to Illiasburg.

Alice comes up to me and said " Wow you actually figured out it was a Mandragora, but why did you set up a trap and a warning sign next to her?" I look at her and nonchalantly said " Because she was in the middle of the road, I set up a slap trap to make her not sleep in the middle of the road next time, because she can sleep somewhere else instead" Alice looked at me with a shocked expression and asked "Why though?"

"Because it was annoying to walk around something just to not disturb it and besides I could troll someone in the process too" I said with a cheeky grin and continued to walk and arrived at our destination, I look at Alice and 'curiously' asked "If you monsters are able to use magic and survive for so long are you able to turn into a human with your magic?" She groaned as if she doesn't want to do it and said " Why do I have to do that?"

" I don't know avoid the hate of the humans and blend in to eat the delicacies humans have to offer" She looked like she realized something and said " Oh yeah thats right" she then transforms into a human and looks like an extraordinary beauty in human standards with her silver hair and pretty face.

"Alright then lets go!" I said as I walk to the town, but stop as the town is really silent. I look around and see the houses are barracaded I walk around a bit and see soldiers lying on the ground groaning in pain and bruised, I look up further and see 3 buff soldiers facing a dragon type monster girl with armor and purple cape on I observe her looks and see Light green scales with Yellow skin, Amber slitted eyes, Brown hair and she is holding a heavy steel giantsword it's Granberia the famous swordswoman.

I stare at the 3 guys who are facing her right now 2 are standing and ready to fight while 1 is cowering behind them not moving, Ganberia then shouts " Thats the spirit. But even if you have the spirit, it's meaningless!" Flames cover her sword, scorching heat raditates off it and I can even feel it from here it's really hot and I regret not practicing the Adapting Elemental Body earlier, as I hate feeling heat this intense on my skin.

Although the soldiers have it worse as a soldiers already dropped to the ground with their swords on the ground.

I surround myself with lifeforce and compress it into my skin and improve it in a combat oriented way, making it more resistant and tough while staying soft, the heat I feel is less but it's still intense,

I smile widely as this is the first good battle I will get in this life not counting my past life.

I enter the battle field with a wide smile giving off an aura of a battle maniac, as I can't help but know the thrill of fighting, I often visit underground tornaments to keep it down and private but now I can fight out in the open without the modern laws to hold me down.

Granberia looks at me while I smile and she is confused as to why I am smiling but then gets serious and grips her sword at me and asks " Are you here to fight?" I didn't answer and got in a karate stance I preparation to fight and said still smiling " Yeah I am going to fight you" and got ready to attack...

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Cliffhanger♥♥♥ :P