Port Illias and Tamamo

A few hours after getting found out by Alice in the Harpy Village and dealing with the villagers of happyness village he stayed for the banquet held by the people of the village that finally accepted their partnership.

So they left the village to go to Port Illias.

Of course Alice still had the honey from the Bee girl and decided to compare the 2 jars of honey,

one from the village and the other from the Bee girl, she scoops her finger in the honey jar tasting the Bee girl's honey first.

It booms with sweetness at first, but she finds it has a trace of semen giving it a mild salty flavor in it, Alice then dips her finger in the other jar tasting the village honey next.

A flood of suger rushes her tongue, hitting her with a wave of sweet pleasure.

Kayne looked over at Alice enjoying her jar of honey which was the last one in the village and was about to ask for a taste, but Alice notices Kaynes gaze she was still pissed about him having sex with another female and tilts the jar slowly pouring the honey into her mouth enjoying the envious gaze Kayne was giving her.

Kayne just looked down sad about not being able to taste the honey and saw the ants on the ground sharing food through their mouths and gained an idea, he called out to Alice.

"Hey Alice" She turns around and was about to say what before.

Kayne went up to Alice and gave her a deep kiss, surprising her with the sudden kiss and used his tongue to steal the remaining honey in her mouth and backed away from her, leaving her stunned.

"Heh thanks for the honey" Kayne then sped off along the path entering a rain forest.

"GET BACK HERE!" Alice shouts out at Kayne as she pushes against the ground with her tail and launches off it like a spring, speeding like a rocket she heads towards Kayne.

'Oh shit' Kayne looks at the speed Alice and prepares for impact by putting together his arms and lowers his center of gravity.


A cloud of dust appears and spreads out revealing two figures on top of each other

Alice is pinning Kayne down by his arms and steals his lips and exploring his mouth for any remaining honey but finds none and gets off him with a pout.

"Well that hurt, Argh my back" Kayne complains and Alice ignores it.

"Lets just continue heading to Port Illias then, I wanna hurry up so...." Kayne then uses some Qi and directs it in a spiral down to his feet and steps off as he turns into a blur heading in a straight line to the Port.

"*sigh* I don't get how he always does this without magic, first was running across the air and now this? I can't even sense the depletion of mana in his body, im not even gonna question it anymore" Alice vanishes from her spot and catches up to Kayne who arrived in Port Illias already.

Kayne: "Oh your finally here, thought you would be faster though?"

Alice ignores him and notices something is wrong with the place.

"For a Port town, it isn't very lively" She looks around seeing the empty houses.

"Meh probably another monster situation like Illiasburg" Says Kayne knowing the situation already.

"Huh smart aren't you? But at this rate, I won't be able to enjoy any of the foreign delicacies..." Alice complains about the situation.

"Wait for it...." Says Kayne remebering something.

"Wait for wha-" Alice was about say something but just interupted by.... The Unfortunate Lamia.

"I am Amira, an Unfortunate Lamia, sna-" She gets cut off as I say.

"yeah yeah so you got a solution for us?" I get straight to the point as I don't remember the directions for the Poseidon's Bell.

"Yes from what i gathered... If you go out of town and head east a ways, y-"

"Ok bye, but seriously I don't want to see you again theres another person you can harrass" Kayne speeds off with Alice following him to the direction of the cave.

The duo arrived at the cave that looked like a maze and... A Kitsune appeared.

It was a small monster girl with grey hair and 2 tails, she looked surprised and nervous at what to do.

Wh... What should I do... I got separated from Tamamo, and now a human shows up..."

Kayne just goes over to the kitsune and picks her up by the collar and walks with her through the maze.

"Hey! Let me go!" The Kitsune struggles around trying to get him to let go of her.

Kayne comes across a Meda and flashes around her leaving an afterimage that fazes through her like a ghost and freaks her out.

"Heh I always liked that technique after learning it from an oppenent, think it was called Trailing Ghost? Although I killed the dude after" Kayne chuckles darkly scaring the little kitsune.

"Y... You... Killed someone?" The kistune stutters her sentence.

"Hm? Oh no I never killed someone in this life" Kayne kindly smiles but the kitsune didn't see it as kind.

"This life?" Alice whispers to herself not letting Kayne notice but he did feel that she said something.

Kayne: "What you say Alice?"

Alice: "Oh no nothing I didn't say anything"

Kayne raises a brow, but shrugs it off and continues walking and comes across a spider web.

Kayne: "Well... Alice fireball?"

Alice: "Blaze..."

The web burns and sounds are made as a spider like creature leaves detecting a being with a higher level of power.

"Nice" Kayne heads to a corner but found a chest but noticed it was a mimic with the lifeforce surrounding it and walked the other way.

He turns around another corner and came across... A Kitsune but this one has 7 tails and her lower half is a fox body.

"Hello... Missing a fox child here?" Kayne holds up the little 2-tailed Kitsune.

"Yes, now please return her" The kitsune stares at Kayne observing him.

"Ok here, what are you called?" Says Kayne as he hands over the 2-tailed Kitsune.

"My name is Nanabi" Replied Nanabi.

Kayne: "Oh and do you mind if I meet Tamamo?"

Nanabi: "How do you know her name?!"

"The Kitsune you have said it accidentally" Kayne puts the blame on the small grey Kitsune.

"*sigh* what am I going to do about you?" Says Nanbi looking at the guilty 2-tailed kitsune putting her head down in shame.

"Hmm? What happened here?" A small figure opened a stone door and steps out, revealing a small kitsune with 9 tails on her.

Kayne: "So your Tamamo... I didn't think you would be this small"'Even if I saw it in the game'

But Tamamo wasn't listening and just walked around Kayne sniffing him.

"Hm? Taken already? no wait there are more scents" Tamamo frowned trying to figure out why Kayne has multiple female scents on him.

Kayne is sweating as Tamamo is figuring out the scents on him and says in his mind 'Crap I should've waited and held my lust cause this is going to give me trouble, hopefully not'

"So you had mated with multiple females already, thats pretty rare and that too whe they are monster type scents... I hope you don't mind one more?" Tamamo smiles and looks at Kayne who was stunned.

Kayne was prepared for something but not this and blanked a bit but came back and thought 'Shit fu.... fuck my luck? wait thats not right... GODDAMN MY LUCK IS BAD TODAY'